Request succeeded Invalid request or request parameters Network error Temporary server error HTTP error Failed to decode response Management not supported Missing device record Invalid device management token Activation is pending on the server Device serial number is invalid Conflicting device identifier Licenses exhausted Deprovisioned Policy not found Unknown error Domain mismatch Request could not be signed Validation successful Bad initial signature Bad signature Error code present in the policy response Error parsing policy Wrong policy type Wrong entity identifier Bad policy timestamp Returned policy token is empty or doesn't match current token Returned policy device id is empty or doesn't match current device id Wrong policy subject Error parsing policy settings Bad verification signature Unknown error Policy cache OK Failed to load policy settings Failed to store policy settings Policy parse error Serialization error Validation error: $1Bad signature Backing store in bad state Unknown error Active Unmanaged Deprovisioned Expected $1boolean value. Value is out of range $110. Value doesn't match format. Ignored because default search is not enabled by policy. Must be specified. Key "$1ProxyMode": $2Must be specified. List entry "$13": $2Value is out of range. Schema validation error at "$1AC.Delays.ScreenOff": $2Value is out of range. Invalid search URL. Invalid proxy mode. Invalid update URL for extension with ID "$1abcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnop". This computer is not detected as enterprise managed so policy can only automatically install extensions hosted on the Chrome Webstore. The Chrome Webstore update URL is "$1". Use of a proxy is disabled but an explicit proxy configuration is specified. Proxy is set to auto configured. Proxy configuration is set to use a .pac script URL, not fixed proxy servers. Proxy is set to use fixed proxy servers, not a .pac script URL. System proxy settings are set to be used but an explicit proxy configuration is also specified. Both fixed proxy servers and a .pac script URL are specified. Neither fixed proxy servers nor a .pac script URL are specified. Ignored because it was overridden by $1ProxyMode. This policy has been deprecated. This value is deprecated for this policy. Network configuration failed to be parsed. The network configuration doesn't comply to the ONC standard. Parts of the configuration may not be imported. The network configuration is invalid and couldn't be imported. Policy scope is not supported. Policy level is not supported. OK Not set. Unknown policy. Cancel Confirm Policy management Export Linux Edit Save Load session Remove Rename Session name There was a problem accessing the session files. Saving to disk is currently disabled. Please reload the page to try again. Please enter a valid session name. Reset The file seems to be corrupted. Click the 'Reset' button to reset the session. The session with this name is not valid for deletion. The selected session does not exist. This session name already exists. Failed to rename the session. Policies Filter policies by name Reload policies Export to JSON Status Device policies User policies Enrollment domain: Display domain: User: Client ID: Asset ID: Assigned Location: Directory API ID: Last fetched: Not Specified Never Fetch interval: Status: Show policies with no value set No policies set Applies to Level Policy name Policy value Status Source Show value Hide value Learn more about $1AllowDinosaurEasterEgg policy Current user Machine Device Recommended Mandatory Enterprise default Cloud Local Server Platform Public session override Full Admin Access System Security Sharing with Websites Sharing with Administrator Filtering Local Data Access Sharing with Google