Clear browsing data Clear your browsing history, cookies, cache, and more in Chrome settings $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, press Tab then Enter to Clear your browsing history, cookies, cache, and more in Chrome settings Clear browsing data button, activate to clear your browsing history, cookies, cache, and more in Chrome settings Manage passwords View and manage your passwords in Chrome settings $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, press Tab then Enter to view and manage your passwords in Chrome settings Manage passwords button, activate to view and manage your passwords in Chrome settings Manage payment methods Manage your payments and credit card info in Chrome settings $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, press Tab then Enter to manage your payments and credit card info in Chrome settings Manage payment methods button, activate to manage your payments and credit card info in Chrome settings Open Incognito window Open a new Incognito window to browse privately $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, press Tab then Enter to open a new Incognito window to browse privately Open Incognito Window button, activate to open a new Incognito window to browse privately Translate page Translate this page with Google Translate $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, press Tab then Enter to translate this page with Google Translate Translate page button, activate to translate this page with Google Translate Update Chrome Update Chrome from your Chrome settings $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, press Tab then Enter to update Chrome from your Chrome settings Update Chrome button, activate to update Chrome from your Chrome settings Run Chrome safety check Run a safety check in Chrome settings $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, press Tab then Enter to run a safety check in Chrome settings Run Chrome safety check button, activate to run a safety check in Chrome settings Go to Chrome safety check Go to Chrome safety check page in settings $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, press Tab then Enter to go to Chrome safety check page in settings Go to Chrome safety check button, activate to visit Chrome safety check page in settings Manage security settings Manage your Safe Browsing and more in Chrome settings $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, press Tab then Enter to manage your Safe Browsing and more in Chrome settings Manage security settings button, activate to manage your Safe Browsing and more in Chrome settings Manage cookies Manage your cookie preferences in Chrome settings $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, press Tab then Enter to manage your cookie preferences in Chrome settings Manage cookies button, activate to manage your cookie preferences in Chrome settings Manage addresses Add and manage addresses in Chrome settings $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, press Tab then Enter to add and manage addresses in Chrome settings Manage addresses button, activate to add and manage addresses in Chrome settings Manage sync Manage what info you sync in Chrome settings $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, press Tab then Enter to manage what info you sync in Chrome settings Manage sync button, activate to manage what info you sync in Chrome settings Manage site settings Manage permissions and data stored across sites in Chrome settings $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, press Tab then Enter to manage permissions and data stored across sites in Chrome settings Manage site settings button, activate to manage permissions and data stored across sites in Chrome settings Create doc Create a new Google Doc quickly $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, press Tab then Enter to create a new Google Doc quickly Create doc button, activate to create a new Google Doc quickly Create sheet Create a new Google Sheet quickly $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, press Tab then Enter to create a new Google Sheet quickly Create sheet button, activate to create a new Google Sheet quickly Create presentation Create a new Google presentation in Slides quickly $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, press Tab then Enter to create a new Google presentation in Slides quickly Create presentation button, activate to create a new Google presentation in Slides quickly Create event Create a new event in Google Calendar quickly $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, press Tab then Enter to create a new event in Google Calendar quickly Create event button, activate to create a new event in Google Calendar quickly Create site Create a new site in Google Sites quickly $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, press Tab then Enter to create a new site in Google Sites quickly Create site button, activate to create a new site in Google Sites quickly Create note Create a new note in Google Keep quickly $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, press Tab then Enter to create a new note in Google Keep quickly Create note button, activate to create a new note in Google Keep quickly Create form Create a new form in Google Forms quickly $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, press Tab then Enter to create a new form in Google Forms quickly Create form button, activate to create a new form in Google Forms quickly See Chrome tips Learn about Chrome features $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, press Tab then Enter to learn about Chrome features See Chrome tips button, activate to learn about Chrome features Manage Google Account Manage your info, privacy, and security in your Google Account $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, press Tab then Enter to manage your info, privacy, and security in your Google Account Manage Google Account, activate to manage your info, privacy, and security in your Google Account Change Google password Change your Google Account password $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, press Tab then Enter to change your Google Account password Change Google password button, activate to change your Google Account password Close all Incognito windows Close all Incognito windows that are currently open $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, Press tab then Enter to close all Incognito windows that are currently open Close Incognito windows button, activate to close all Incognito windows that are currently open Play Chrome Dino game Play the Dino Run game in Chrome $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, Press tab then Enter to play the Dino Run game in Chrome Play Chrome Dino game button, activate to play the Dino Run game in Chrome Find your phone Find, secure, or erase your device $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, Press Tab then Enter to Find your device in the Google Account Find my device button, activate to visit find your device in the Google Account Manage Google Account privacy settings Manage Google privacy settings in your Google Account $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, Press Tab then Enter to manage your Google Account privacy settings Manage Google Privacy settings button, activate to visit your Google Account privacy settings Manage settings Manage your Chrome settings $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, Press Tab then Enter to manage your Chrome settings Manage Chrome settings button, activate to visit your Chrome settings Manage downloads Manage files you have downloaded in Chrome $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, Press Tab then Enter to manage files you have downloaded in Chrome Manage downloads in Chrome button, activate to manage files you have downloaded in Chrome View your Chrome history View and manage your browsing history in Chrome settings $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, Press tab then Enter to view your browsing history in Chrome View your Chrome history button, activate to view and manage your browsing history in Chrome settings Share this tab Share this tab by sharing the link, creating a QR code, casting, and more $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, Press tab then Enter to share this tab by sharing the link, creating a QR code, casting, and more Share this tab button, activate to share this tab by sharing the link, creating a QR code, casting, and more Manage accessibility settings Personalize your accessibility tools in Chrome settings $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, Press tab then Enter to personalize your accessibility tools in Chrome settings Manage accessibility settings button, activate to personalize your accessibility tools in Chrome settings Customize fonts Customize font sizes and typefaces in Chrome $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, Press tab then Enter to customize font sizes and typefaces in Chrome Customize fonts in Chrome button, activate to customize font sizes and typefaces in Chrome Customize Chrome Customize the look of your browser $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, Press tab then Enter to customize the look of your browser Customize Chrome button, activate to customize the look of your browser Manage search engines Manage your default search engine and site search $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, Press tab then Enter to manage site search and your default search engine Manage search engines button, activate to manage your default search engine and site search Manage accessibility settings Personalize your accessibility tools in ChromeOS settings $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, Press tab then Enter to personalize your accessibility tools in ChromeOS settings Manage accessibility settings button, Enter to personalize your accessibility tools in ChromeOS settings Set Chrome as default browser Set Chrome as the system's default browser $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, Press tab then Enter to set Chrome as the system's default browser Set Chrome as default browser button, activate to set Chrome as the system's default browser Run Chrome Safety Check Open Incognito tab Open a new Incognito tab to browse privately $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, press Tab then Enter to open a new Incognito tab to browse privately Open Incognito tab button, activate to open a new Incognito tab to browse privately Clear Browsing Data Set Chrome as Default Browser Set Chrome as the system's default browser in iOS settings $1The Chromium Projects bookmark, Press tab then Enter to set Chrome as the system's default browser in iOS settings Set Chrome as default browser button, press Enter to set Chrome as the system's default browser in iOS settings Manage Payment Methods Open Incognito Tab Run Chrome Safety Check Manage Settings View Your Chrome History Play Chrome Dino Game Open a new Incognito tab to browse privately Manage Passwords