# # cmake package for autotools support # # @Author Ralf Habacker # # # load autotools configure file into an internal list named _configure_ac # macro(autoinit config) set(_configure_ac_name ${config}) file(READ ${config} _configure_ac_raw) # Convert file contents into a CMake list (where each element in the list # is one line of the file) STRING(REGEX REPLACE ";" "\\\\;" _configure_ac "${_configure_ac_raw}") STRING(REGEX REPLACE "\n" ";" _configure_ac "${_configure_ac}") endmacro() # extracts version information from autoconf config file # and set related cmake variables # # returns # ${prefix}_VERSION # ${prefix}_VERSION_STRING # ${prefix}_MAJOR_VERSION # ${prefix}_MINOR_VERSION # ${prefix}_MICRO_VERSION # ${prefix}_LIBRARY_AGE # ${prefix}_LIBRARY_REVISION # ${prefix}_LIBRARY_CURRENT # macro(autoversion prefix) string(TOUPPER ${prefix} prefix_upper) string (REGEX REPLACE ".*${prefix}_major_version], .([0-9]+).*" "\\1" ${prefix_upper}_MAJOR_VERSION ${_configure_ac_raw}) string (REGEX REPLACE ".*${prefix}_minor_version], .([0-9]+).*" "\\1" ${prefix_upper}_MINOR_VERSION ${_configure_ac_raw}) string (REGEX REPLACE ".*${prefix}_micro_version], .([0-9]+).*" "\\1" ${prefix_upper}_MICRO_VERSION ${_configure_ac_raw}) set (${prefix_upper}_VERSION ${${prefix_upper}_MAJOR_VERSION}.${${prefix_upper}_MINOR_VERSION}.${${prefix_upper}_MICRO_VERSION}) set (${prefix_upper}_VERSION_STRING "${${prefix_upper}_VERSION}") string (REGEX REPLACE ".*LT_AGE=([0-9]+).*" "\\1" ${prefix_upper}_LIBRARY_AGE ${_configure_ac_raw}) string (REGEX REPLACE ".*LT_CURRENT=([0-9]+).*" "\\1" ${prefix_upper}_LIBRARY_CURRENT ${_configure_ac_raw}) string (REGEX REPLACE ".*LT_REVISION=([0-9]+).*" "\\1" ${prefix_upper}_LIBRARY_REVISION ${_configure_ac_raw}) endmacro() # # Defines package related variables (PACKAGE_..., PACKAGE and VERSION) # as done by autotools. # # Additional it defines a cmake variable named PACKAGE_CONFIG_H_TEMPLATE # which could be placed in config.h templates to have those variables # defined at code level like shown below: # # config.h.template # ... # @AUTOPACKAGE_CONFIG_H_TEMPLATE@ # ... # macro(autopackage name version url support_url) # Define to the full name of this package. set(PACKAGE_NAME ${name}) # Define to the version of this package. set(PACKAGE_VERSION ${version}) # Define to the home page for this package. set(PACKAGE_URL ${url}) # Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. set(PACKAGE_BUGREPORT ${support_url}) # Define to the full name and version of this package. set(PACKAGE_STRING "${PACKAGE_NAME} ${PACKAGE_VERSION}") # Define to the one symbol short name of this package. set(PACKAGE_TARNAME ${PACKAGE_NAME}) set(PACKAGE ${name}) set(VERSION ${DBUS_VERSION_STRING}) string(CONFIGURE "/* generated by cmake macro autopackage */\n /* Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. */ #define PACKAGE_BUGREPORT \"@PACKAGE_BUGREPORT@\" /* Define to the full name of this package. */ #define PACKAGE_NAME \"@PACKAGE_NAME@\" /* Define to the full name and version of this package. */ #define PACKAGE_STRING \"@PACKAGE_STRING@\" /* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */ #define PACKAGE_TARNAME \"@PACKAGE_TARNAME@\" /* Define to the home page for this package. */ #define PACKAGE_URL \"@PACKAGE_URL@\" /* Define to the version of this package. */ #define PACKAGE_VERSION \"@PACKAGE_VERSION@\" /* defined by autotools package */ #define PACKAGE \"@PACKAGE@\" #define VERSION \"@VERSION@\" " AUTOPACKAGE_CONFIG_H_TEMPLATE) endmacro(autopackage) # # define a cmake variable from autotools AC_DEFINE statement # macro(autodefine name) foreach(line ${_configure_ac}) if(line MATCHES ".*AC_DEFINE(.*${name}.*).*") string (REGEX REPLACE ".*AC_DEFINE(.*).*" "\\1" value ${line}) string (REGEX REPLACE ".*,(.*),.*" "\\1" value2 ${value}) string (REPLACE "[" "" value3 ${value2}) string (REPLACE "]" "" value4 ${value3}) set(${name} ${value4}) endif() endforeach() endmacro() macro(autoheaderchecks config_h_in configure_checks_file config_h_cmake) file(READ ${configure_checks_file} configure_checks_file_raw) file(READ ${config_h_in} _config_h_in_raw) file(READ ${config_h_cmake} _config_h_cmake_raw) STRING(REGEX REPLACE ";" "\\\\;" _config_h_in "${_config_h_in_raw}") STRING(REGEX REPLACE "\n" ";" _config_h_in "${_config_h_in}") foreach(line ${_config_h_in}) #message(STATUS ${line}) if(line MATCHES ".*HAVE_.*_H.*") string (REGEX REPLACE ".*HAVE_(.*)_H.*" "\\1" key ${line}) set(full_key "HAVE_${key}_H") if(key MATCHES ".*_.*") string(REGEX MATCH "^[A-Z0-9]+" dir ${key}) string(REGEX MATCH "[A-Z0-9]+$" file ${key}) string(TOLOWER ${dir} dirname) string(TOLOWER ${file} filename) set(check "check_include_file(${dirname}/${filename}.h ${full_key})") set(config_define "#cmakedefine ${full_key}") else() set(file ${key}) string(TOLOWER ${file} filename) set(check "check_include_file(${filename}.h ${full_key})") set(config_define "#cmakedefine ${full_key}") endif() if(NOT configure_checks_file_raw MATCHES ".*${full_key}.*") message("${check}") endif() if(NOT _config_h_cmake_raw MATCHES "${full_key}") message("${config_define}") endif() endif() endforeach() endmacro(autoheaderchecks) # # parses config.h template and create cmake equivalent # not implemented yet # macro(autoconfig template output) file(READ ${template} contents) # Convert file contents into a CMake list (where each element in the list # is one line of the file) STRING(REGEX REPLACE ";" "\\\\;" contents "${contents}") STRING(REGEX REPLACE "\n" ";" contents "${contents}") foreach(line contents) message(STATUS ${line}) # find #undef lines # append to config.h #define endforeach() endmacro()