# Search TBB library (4.1 - 4.4, 2017) # # Own TBB (3rdparty/tbb): # - set cmake option BUILD_TBB to ON # # External TBB (from system): # - Fedora: install 'tbb-devel' package # - Ubuntu: install 'libtbb-dev' package # # External TBB (from official site): # - Linux/OSX: # - in tbbvars.sh replace 'SUBSTITUTE_INSTALL_DIR_HERE' with absolute path to TBB dir # - in terminal run 'source tbbvars.sh intel64 linux' ('source tbbvars.sh' in OSX) # - Windows: # - in terminal run 'tbbvars.bat intel64 vs2015' # # Return: # - HAVE_TBB set to TRUE # - "tbb" target exists and added to OPENCV_LINKER_LIBS function(ocv_tbb_cmake_guess _found) find_package(TBB QUIET COMPONENTS tbb PATHS "$ENV{TBBROOT}/cmake") if(TBB_FOUND) if(NOT TARGET TBB::tbb) message(WARNING "No TBB::tbb target found!") return() endif() get_target_property(_lib TBB::tbb IMPORTED_LOCATION_RELEASE) message(STATUS "Found TBB (cmake): ${_lib}") get_target_property(_inc TBB::tbb INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) ocv_tbb_read_version("${_inc}") add_library(tbb INTERFACE IMPORTED) set_target_properties(tbb PROPERTIES INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES TBB::tbb ) set(${_found} TRUE PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() function(ocv_tbb_env_verify) if (NOT "$ENV{TBBROOT}" STREQUAL "") # check that library and include dir are inside TBBROOT location get_filename_component(_root "$ENV{TBBROOT}" ABSOLUTE) get_filename_component(_lib "${TBB_ENV_LIB}" ABSOLUTE) get_filename_component(_inc "${TBB_ENV_INCLUDE}" ABSOLUTE) string(FIND "${_lib}" "${_root}" _lib_pos) string(FIND "${_inc}" "${_root}" _inc_pos) if (NOT (_lib_pos EQUAL 0 AND _inc_pos EQUAL 0)) message(SEND_ERROR "Possible issue with TBB detection - TBBROOT is set, " "but library/include path is not inside it:\n " "TBBROOT: $ENV{TBBROOT}\n " "(absolute): ${_root}\n " "INCLUDE: ${_inc}\n " "LIBRARY: ${_lib}\n") endif() endif() endfunction() function(ocv_tbb_env_guess _found) find_path(TBB_ENV_INCLUDE NAMES "tbb/tbb.h" PATHS ENV CPATH NO_DEFAULT_PATH) find_path(TBB_ENV_INCLUDE NAMES "tbb/tbb.h") find_library(TBB_ENV_LIB NAMES "tbb" PATHS ENV LIBRARY_PATH NO_DEFAULT_PATH) find_library(TBB_ENV_LIB NAMES "tbb") find_library(TBB_ENV_LIB_DEBUG NAMES "tbb_debug" PATHS ENV LIBRARY_PATH NO_DEFAULT_PATH) find_library(TBB_ENV_LIB_DEBUG NAMES "tbb_debug") if (TBB_ENV_INCLUDE AND (TBB_ENV_LIB OR TBB_ENV_LIB_DEBUG)) ocv_tbb_env_verify() ocv_tbb_read_version("${TBB_ENV_INCLUDE}") add_library(tbb UNKNOWN IMPORTED) set_target_properties(tbb PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION "${TBB_ENV_LIB}" INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${TBB_ENV_INCLUDE}" ) if (TBB_ENV_LIB_DEBUG) set_target_properties(tbb PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION_DEBUG "${TBB_ENV_LIB_DEBUG}" ) endif() # workaround: system TBB library is used for linking instead of provided if(CV_GCC) get_filename_component(_dir "${TBB_ENV_LIB}" DIRECTORY) set_target_properties(tbb PROPERTIES INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES "-L${_dir}") endif() message(STATUS "Found TBB (env): ${TBB_ENV_LIB}") set(${_found} TRUE PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() function(ocv_tbb_read_version _path) find_file(TBB_VER_FILE tbb/tbb_stddef.h "${_path}" NO_DEFAULT_PATH CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_BOTH) ocv_parse_header("${TBB_VER_FILE}" TBB_VERSION_LINES TBB_VERSION_MAJOR TBB_VERSION_MINOR TBB_INTERFACE_VERSION CACHE) endfunction() #===================================================================== if(BUILD_TBB) add_subdirectory("${OpenCV_SOURCE_DIR}/3rdparty/tbb") if(NOT TARGET tbb) return() endif() set(HAVE_TBB TRUE) endif() if(NOT HAVE_TBB) ocv_tbb_cmake_guess(HAVE_TBB) endif() if(NOT HAVE_TBB) ocv_tbb_env_guess(HAVE_TBB) endif() if(TBB_INTERFACE_VERSION LESS 6000) # drop support of versions < 4.0 set(HAVE_TBB FALSE) endif()