# where to look first for cmake modules, before ${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/ is checked list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/modules") # we do not need to have WIN32 defined set(CMAKE_LEGACY_CYGWIN_WIN32 0) project(dbus) # we need to be up to date CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 2.4.4 FATAL_ERROR) if(COMMAND cmake_policy) cmake_policy(SET CMP0003 NEW) endif(COMMAND cmake_policy) # detect version include(MacrosAutotools) autoversion(../configure.ac dbus) # used by file version info set (DBUS_PATCH_VERSION "0") include(Macros) TIMESTAMP(DBUS_BUILD_TIMESTAMP) ########### basic vars ############### if (DBUSDIR) set(DBUS_INSTALL_DIR "${DBUSDIR}") endif (DBUSDIR) if ($ENV{DBUSDIR}) set(DBUS_INSTALL_DIR "$ENV{DBUSDIR}") endif ($ENV{DBUSDIR}) if (DBUS_INSTALL_DIR) set(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "${DBUS_INSTALL_DIR}" CACHE PATH "install prefix" FORCE) else (DBUS_INSTALL_DIR) set(DBUS_INSTALL_DIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}") endif (DBUS_INSTALL_DIR) # autotools style if (NOT DATAROOTDIR) set (DATAROOTDIR share) endif() if (NOT DATADIR) set (DATADIR ${DATAROOTDIR}) endif() if (NOT DOCDIR) SET(DOCDIR ${DATAROOTDIR}/doc/dbus) endif() if (NOT DBUS_DATADIR) SET(DBUS_DATADIR ${DATADIR}) endif() set(prefix ${DBUS_INSTALL_DIR}) set(exec_prefix ${prefix}) set(EXPANDED_LIBDIR ${DBUS_INSTALL_DIR}/lib) set(EXPANDED_INCLUDEDIR ${DBUS_INSTALL_DIR}/include) set(EXPANDED_BINDIR ${DBUS_INSTALL_DIR}/bin) set(EXPANDED_SYSCONFDIR ${DBUS_INSTALL_DIR}/etc) set(EXPANDED_DATADIR ${DBUS_INSTALL_DIR}/${DBUS_DATADIR}) set(DBUS_MACHINE_UUID_FILE ${DBUS_INSTALL_DIR}/lib/dbus/machine-id) set(DBUS_BINDIR ${EXPANDED_BINDIR}) set(DBUS_DAEMONDIR ${EXPANDED_BINDIR}) #enable building of shared library SET(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS ON) if (CYGWIN) set (WIN32) endif (CYGWIN) # search for required packages if (WIN32) # include local header first to avoid using old installed header set (CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH ${CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/..) find_package(LibIconv) include(Win32Macros) addExplorerWrapper(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}) endif (WIN32) option (DBUS_USE_EXPAT "Use expat (== ON) or libxml2 (==OFF)" ON) if(NOT WIN32) option (DBUS_ENABLE_ABSTRACT_SOCKETS "enable support for abstract sockets" ON) set (CMAKE_THREAD_PREFER_PTHREAD ON) include (FindThreads) endif(NOT WIN32) #AC_ARG_ENABLE(asserts, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-asserts],[include assertion checks]),enable_asserts=$enableval,enable_asserts=$USE_MAINTAINER_MODE) option (DBUS_DISABLE_ASSERTS "Disable assertion checking" OFF) option (DBUS_ENABLE_STATS "enable bus daemon usage statistics" OFF) option (DBUS_ENABLE_STATS "enable bus daemon usage statistics" OFF) if (DBUS_USE_EXPAT) find_package(EXPAT) else () find_package(LibXml2) endif () find_package(X11) # analogous to AC_USE_SYSTEM_EXTENSIONS in configure.ac add_definitions(-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=199309L -D_GNU_SOURCE) # do config checks INCLUDE(ConfigureChecks.cmake) # @TODO: how to remove last dir from ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} ? SET(DBUS_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/..) # make some more macros available include (MacroLibrary) if(VCS) set(DBUS_VERBOSE_C_S 1 CACHE STRING "verbose mode" FORCE) endif(VCS) if(WIN32) set(CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX "d") if(MSVC) # controll folders in msvc projects include(ProjectSourceGroup) if(NOT GROUP_CODE) #set(GROUP_CODE split) #cmake default set(GROUP_CODE flat) endif(NOT GROUP_CODE) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE) # Use the highest warning level if (WALL) set(WALL 1 CACHE STRING "all warnings" FORCE) set(CMAKE_CXX_WARNING_LEVEL 4 CACHE STRING "warning level" FORCE) if(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS MATCHES "/W[0-4]") STRING(REGEX REPLACE "/W[0-4]" "/W4" CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}") else(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS MATCHES "/W[0-4]") SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} /W4") endif(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS MATCHES "/W[0-4]") if(CMAKE_C_FLAGS MATCHES "/W[0-4]") STRING(REGEX REPLACE "/W[0-4]" "/W4" CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}") else(CMAKE_C_FLAGS MATCHES "/W[0-4]") SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} /W4") endif(CMAKE_C_FLAGS MATCHES "/W[0-4]") else (WALL) set(CMAKE_CXX_WARNING_LEVEL 3 CACHE STRING "warning level" FORCE) endif (WALL) SET(MSVC_W_ERROR " /we4028 /we4013 /we4133 /we4047 /we4031 /we4002 /we4003 /we4114") SET(MSVC_W_DISABLE " /wd4127 /wd4090 /wd4101 /wd4244") SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG} /FIconfig.h ${MSVC_W_ERROR} ${MSVC_W_DISABLE}") SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE} /FIconfig.h ${MSVC_W_ERROR} ${MSVC_W_DISABLE}") endif(MSVC) endif(WIN32) if (UNIX AND NOT DBUS_DISABLE_ASSERTS) # required for backtrace SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG} -Wl,--export-dynamic") SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE} -Wl,--export-dynamic") add_definitions(-DDBUS_BUILT_R_DYNAMIC) endif (UNIX AND NOT DBUS_DISABLE_ASSERTS) SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG} -D_DEBUG") ######################################################################### # Windows CE (>= 5.0.0) # # WinCE support now relies on the presence of platform files, found in cmake/modules/platform # Cmake 2.8.0 doesn't include WinCE platform files by default, but working ones can be found # on CMake's bugtracker : # http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=7919 # # for cmake 2.8.0 get the following patch only : # http://public.kitware.com/Bug/file_download.php?file_id=2944&type=bug # # after applying the patch, you can enable the WinCE build by specifying : # cmake [...] -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=WinCE -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION=X.XX # (where X.XX is your actual WinCE version, e.g. 5.02 for Windows Mobile 6) # # Note that you should have a proper cross-compilation environment set up prior to running # cmake, ie. the PATH, INCLUDE and LIB env vars pointing to your CE SDK/toolchain. # if(WINCE) MESSAGE("Building for WinCE (${CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION})") endif(WINCE) ######################################################################### ENABLE_TESTING() ######################################################################### # Disallow in-source build #macro_ensure_out_of_source_build("dbus requires an out of source build. Please create a separate build directory and run 'cmake path_to_dbus [options]' there.") # ... and warn in case of an earlier in-source build #set(generatedFileInSourceDir EXISTS ${dbus_SOURCE_DIR}/config.h) #if(${generatedFileInSourceDir}) # message(STATUS "config.h exists in your source directory.") #endif(${generatedFileInSourceDir}) ######################################################################### if (WIN32 OR CYGWIN) set (LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin) else (WIN32 OR CYGWIN) set (LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib) endif (WIN32 OR CYGWIN) set (EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin) # for including config.h and for includes like include_directories( ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/.. ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH} ) # linker search directories link_directories(${DBUS_LIB_DIR} ${LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH} ) include_directories( ${CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH} ) set(DBUS_INCLUDES) ENABLE_TESTING() ########### command line options ############### # TODO: take check from configure.in #AC_ARG_ENABLE(tests, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-tests],[enable unit test code]),enable_tests=$enableval,enable_tests=$USE_MAINTAINER_MODE) option (DBUS_BUILD_TESTS "enable unit test code" ON) if(DBUS_BUILD_TESTS) add_definitions(-DDBUS_BUILD_TESTS -DDBUS_ENABLE_EMBEDDED_TESTS) endif(DBUS_BUILD_TESTS) option (DBUS_USE_OUTPUT_DEBUG_STRING "enable win32 debug port for message output" OFF) if(DBUS_USE_OUTPUT_DEBUG_STRING) add_definitions(-DDBUS_USE_OUTPUT_DEBUG_STRING) endif(DBUS_USE_OUTPUT_DEBUG_STRING) if(WIN32) # win32 dbus service support - this support is not complete option (DBUS_SERVICE "enable dbus service installer" OFF) endif(WIN32) #AC_ARG_ENABLE(ansi, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-ansi],[enable -ansi -pedantic gcc flags]),enable_ansi=$enableval,enable_ansi=no) option (DBUS_ENABLE_ANSI "enable -ansi -pedantic gcc flags" OFF) if(DBUS_ENABLE_ANSI) if(NOT MSVC) add_definitions(-ansi -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=199309L -D_BSD_SOURCE -pedantic) else(NOT MSVC) add_definitions(-Za -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=199309L -D_BSD_SOURCE -W4) endif(NOT MSVC) endif(DBUS_ENABLE_ANSI) #AC_ARG_ENABLE(verbose-mode, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-verbose-mode],[support verbose debug mode]),enable_verbose_mode=$enableval,enable_verbose_mode=$USE_MAINTAINER_MODE) option (DBUS_ENABLE_VERBOSE_MODE "support verbose debug mode" ON) #AC_ARG_ENABLE(checks, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-checks],[include sanity checks on public API]),enable_checks=$enableval,enable_checks=yes) option (DBUS_DISABLE_CHECKS "Disable public API sanity checking" OFF) if(NOT MSVC) #AC_ARG_ENABLE(gcov, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-gcov],[compile with coverage profiling instrumentation (gcc only)]),enable_gcov=$enableval,enable_gcov=no) option (DBUS_GCOV_ENABLED "compile with coverage profiling instrumentation (gcc only)" OFF) if(DBUS_GCOV_ENABLED) add_definitions(-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage) # FIXME!!!! ## remove optimization # CFLAGS=`echo "$CFLAGS" | sed -e 's/-O[0-9]*//g'` endif(DBUS_GCOV_ENABLED) endif(NOT MSVC) #AC_ARG_ENABLE(abstract-sockets, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-abstract-sockets],[use abstract socket namespace (linux only)]),enable_abstract_sockets=$enableval,enable_abstract_sockets=auto) # -> moved before include(ConfigureChecks.cmake) #AC_ARG_ENABLE(selinux, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-selinux],[build with SELinux support]),enable_selinux=$enableval,enable_selinux=auto) #selinux missing #AC_ARG_ENABLE(dnotify, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-dnotify],[build with dnotify support (linux only)]),enable_dnotify=$enableval,enable_dnotify=auto) if("${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}" STREQUAL "Linux") option (DBUS_BUS_ENABLE_DNOTIFY_ON_LINUX "build with dnotify support (linux only)" ON) # add a check ! endif("${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}" STREQUAL "Linux") #AC_ARG_ENABLE(kqueue, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-kqueue],[build with kqueue support (FreeBSD only)]),enable_kqueue=$enableval,enable_kqueue=auto) #missing #AC_ARG_ENABLE(console-owner-file, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-console-owner-file],[enable console owner file]),enable_console_owner_file=$enableval,enable_console_owner_file=auto) STRING(TOUPPER ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} sysname) if("${sysname}" MATCHES ".*SOLARIS.*") option (HAVE_CONSOLE_OWNER_FILE "enable console owner file (solaris only)" ON) if(HAVE_CONSOLE_OWNER_FILE) set (DBUS_CONSOLE_OWNER_FILE "/dev/console" CACHE STRING "Directory to check for console ownerhip") endif(HAVE_CONSOLE_OWNER_FILE) endif("${sysname}" MATCHES ".*SOLARIS.*") #AC_ARG_WITH(xml, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-xml=[libxml/expat]],[XML library to use])) if(NOT LIBXML2_FOUND AND NOT EXPAT_FOUND) message(FATAL "Neither expat nor libxml2 found!") endif(NOT LIBXML2_FOUND AND NOT EXPAT_FOUND) if(DBUS_USE_EXPAT) SET(XML_LIB "Expat") SET(XML_LIBRARY ${EXPAT_LIBRARIES}) SET(XML_INCLUDE_DIR ${EXPAT_INCLUDE_DIR}) else(DBUS_USE_EXPAT) SET(XML_LIB "LibXML2") SET(XML_LIBRARY ${LIBXML2_LIBRARIES}) SET(XML_INCLUDE_DIR ${LIBXML2_INCLUDE_DIR}) endif(DBUS_USE_EXPAT) #AC_ARG_WITH(init-scripts, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-init-scripts=[redhat]],[Style of init scripts to install])) #AC_ARG_WITH(session-socket-dir, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-session-socket-dir=[dirname]],[Where to put sockets for the per-login-session message bus])) #AC_ARG_WITH(test-socket-dir, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-test-socket-dir=[dirname]],[Where to put sockets for make check])) #AC_ARG_WITH(system-pid-file, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-system-pid-file=[pidfile]],[PID file for systemwide daemon])) #AC_ARG_WITH(system-socket, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-system-socket=[filename]],[UNIX domain socket for systemwide daemon])) #AC_ARG_WITH(console-auth-dir, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-console-auth-dir=[dirname]],[directory to check for console ownerhip])) #AC_ARG_WITH(console-owner-file, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-console-owner-file=[filename]],[file whose owner determines current console owner])) #AC_ARG_WITH(dbus_user, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-dbus-user=],[User for running the DBUS daemon (messagebus)])) #AC_ARG_WITH(dbus_daemondir, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-dbus-daemondir=[dirname]],[Directory for installing the DBUS daemon])) # all missing or hardcoded for now # 'hidden' ones set(atomic_int OFF) set(atomic_int486 OFF) if(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCC AND NOT DBUS_ENABLE_ANSI) FIND_PROGRAM(UNAME_EXECUTABLE NAMES uname PATHS /bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin c:/Programme/MSys/bin d:/Programme/MSys/bin) if(UNAME_EXECUTABLE) EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${UNAME_EXECUTABLE} "-m" OUTPUT_VARIABLE UNAME_OUTPUT) if("UNAME_OUTPUT" MATCHES "^.*i[0123]86.*$") set(atomic_int ON) else("UNAME_OUTPUT" MATCHES "^.*i[0123]86.*$") if("UNAME_OUTPUT" MATCHES "^.*i?86.*$") set(atomic_int ON) set(atomic_int_486 ON) endif("UNAME_OUTPUT" MATCHES "^.*i?86.*$") endif("UNAME_OUTPUT" MATCHES "^.*i[0123]86.*$") endif(UNAME_EXECUTABLE) endif(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCC AND NOT DBUS_ENABLE_ANSI) set (DBUS_HAVE_ATOMIC_INT ${atomic_int} CACHE STRING "Some atomic integer implementation present") set (DBUS_USE_ATOMIC_INT_486 ${atomic_int_486} CACHE STRING "Use atomic integer implementation for 486") if(X11_FOUND) option (DBUS_BUILD_X11 "Build with X11 autolaunch support " ON) endif(X11_FOUND) # test binary names if (WIN32) # Automake calls this EXEEXT, and CMake doesn't have a standard name # for it; follow Automake's naming convention so we can share .in files set (EXEEXT ".exe") endif(WIN32) if (MSVC_IDE) if(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES Debug) set(IDE_BIN /Debug ) message(STATUS) message(STATUS "Visual Studio: test programs will only work with 'Debug' configuration!") message(STATUS "To run tests with 'Release' configuration use -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release") message(STATUS "Add '..\\..\\test\\data' to the command line option of the test programs") message(STATUS) else(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES Debug) set(IDE_BIN /Release) message(STATUS) message(STATUS "Visual Studio: test programs will only work with 'Release' configuration!") message(STATUS "To run tests with 'Debug' configuration use -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug") message(STATUS "Add '..\\..\\test\\data' to the command line option of the test programs") message(STATUS) endif(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES Debug) set (TEST_PATH_FORCE FORCE) FILE(REMOVE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/data/dbus-1/services) endif (MSVC_IDE) #### Find socket directories if (NOT $ENV{TMPDIR} STREQUAL "") set (DBUS_SESSION_SOCKET_DIR $ENV{TMPDIR}) else (NOT $ENV{TMPDIR} STREQUAL "") if (NOT $ENV{TEMP} STREQUAL "") set (DBUS_SESSION_SOCKET_DIR $ENV{TEMP}) else (NOT $ENV{TEMP} STREQUAL "") if (NOT $ENV{TMP} STREQUAL "") set (DBUS_SESSION_SOCKET_DIR $ENV{TMP}) else (NOT $ENV{TMP} STREQUAL "") if (WIN32) #Should never happen, both TMP and TEMP seem always set on Windows message(FATAL "Could not determine a usable temporary directory") else(WIN32) set (DBUS_SESSION_SOCKET_DIR /tmp) endif(WIN32) endif (NOT $ENV{TMP} STREQUAL "") endif (NOT $ENV{TEMP} STREQUAL "") endif (NOT $ENV{TMPDIR} STREQUAL "") #AC_ARG_WITH(test-socket-dir, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-test-socket-dir=[dirname]],[Where to put sockets for make check])) #AC_ARG_WITH(system-pid-file, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-system-pid-file=[pidfile]],[PID file for systemwide daemon])) #if ! test -z "$with_system_pid_file"; then # DBUS_SYSTEM_PID_FILE=$with_system_pid_file #elif test x$operating_system = xredhat ; then # DBUS_SYSTEM_PID_FILE=${EXPANDED_LOCALSTATEDIR}/run/messagebus.pid #else # DBUS_SYSTEM_PID_FILE=${EXPANDED_LOCALSTATEDIR}/run/dbus/pid #fi # TODO: fix redhet if (WIN32) # bus-test expects a non empty string set (DBUS_SYSTEM_PID_FILE "/dbus-pid") else (WIN32) set (DBUS_SYSTEM_PID_FILE ${EXPANDED_LOCALSTATEDIR}/run/dbus/pid) endif (WIN32) #AC_ARG_WITH(system-socket, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-system-socket=[filename]],[UNIX domain socket for systemwide daemon])) #AC_ARG_WITH(console-auth-dir, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-console-auth-dir=[dirname]],[directory to check for console ownerhip])) if (WIN32) set (DBUS_CONSOLE_AUTH_DIR "") else (WIN32) set (DBUS_CONSOLE_AUTH_DIR "/var/run/console/") endif (WIN32) #AC_ARG_WITH(dbus_user, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-dbus-user=],[User for running the DBUS daemon (messagebus)])) set (DBUS_USER ) # In Autotools this has a different default on QNX, but there seems little # point in replicating that here; if you're on an unusual Unix, use Autotools. set (DEFAULT_MESSAGE_UNIX_FDS 1024) # This won't work on Windows. It's not meant to - the system bus is # meaningless on Windows anyway. # # This has to be suitable for hard-coding in client libraries as well as # in the dbus-daemon's configuration, so it has to be valid to listen on # and also to connect to. If this ever changes, it'll need to be split into # two variables, one for the listening address and one for the connecting # address. set (DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_DEFAULT_ADDRESS "unix:path=${EXPANDED_LOCALSTATEDIR}/run/dbus/system_bus_socket" CACHE STRING "system bus default address") if (WIN32) set (DBUS_SESSION_BUS_LISTEN_ADDRESS "autolaunch:" CACHE STRING "session bus default listening address") set (DBUS_SESSION_BUS_CONNECT_ADDRESS "autolaunch:" CACHE STRING "session bus fallback address for clients") set (DBUS_SYSTEM_CONFIG_FILE "etc/dbus-1/system.conf") set (DBUS_SESSION_CONFIG_FILE "etc/dbus-1/session.conf") # bus-test expects a non empty string set (DBUS_USER "Administrator") else (WIN32) set (DBUS_SESSION_BUS_LISTEN_ADDRESS "unix:tmpdir=${DBUS_SESSION_SOCKET_DIR}" CACHE STRING "session bus default listening address") set (DBUS_SESSION_BUS_CONNECT_ADDRESS "autolaunch:" CACHE STRING "session bus fallback address for clients") set (sysconfdir "") set (configdir ${sysconfdir}/dbus-1 ) set (DBUS_SYSTEM_CONFIG_FILE ${configdir}/system.conf) set (DBUS_SESSION_CONFIG_FILE ${configdir}/session.conf) set (DBUS_USER "root") endif (WIN32) set (DBUS_DAEMON_NAME "dbus-daemon" CACHE STRING "The name of the dbus daemon executable") ########### create config.h ############### #include(ConfigureChecks.cmake) # better use flags for gcc if (MINGW) set (HAVE_GNUC_VARARGS 1) endif(MINGW) # compiler definitions add_definitions(-DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1) add_definitions(${DBUS_BUS_CFLAGS}) if (DBUS_BUILD_TESTS) # set variables used for the .in files (substituted by configure_file) in test/data: set(DBUS_TEST_EXEC ${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}${IDE_BIN}) set(DBUS_TEST_DATA ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/test/data) set(TEST_SOCKET_DIR ${DBUS_SESSION_SOCKET_DIR} ) set(TEST_LAUNCH_HELPER_BINARY ${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}/dbus-daemon-launch-helper-test) if (UNIX) set (TEST_LISTEN "unix:tmpdir=${TEST_SOCKET_DIR}") endif (UNIX) if (WIN32) set (TEST_LISTEN "tcp:host=localhost") endif (WIN32) endif (DBUS_BUILD_TESTS) set(DBUS_LIBRARIES dbus-1) set(DBUS_INTERNAL_LIBRARIES dbus-internal) # settings for building and using static internal lib # important note: DBUS_INTERNAL_xxxxx_DEFINITIONS must *not* be set when building dbus-1 library set (DBUS_INTERNAL_ADD_LIBRARY_OPTIONS STATIC) set (DBUS_INTERNAL_LIBRARY_DEFINITIONS "-DDBUS_STATIC_BUILD") set (DBUS_INTERNAL_CLIENT_DEFINITIONS "-DDBUS_STATIC_BUILD") configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/config.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config.h ) if (WIN32) configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/dbus-env.bat.cmake ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin/dbus-env.bat ) install_files(/bin FILES ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin/dbus-env.bat) endif() add_definitions(-DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1) ########### subdirs ############### add_subdirectory( dbus ) add_subdirectory( bus ) if (DBUS_BUILD_TESTS) add_subdirectory( test ) endif (DBUS_BUILD_TESTS) add_subdirectory( tools ) add_subdirectory( doc ) OPTION(DBUS_INSTALL_SYSTEM_LIBS "install required system libraries" OFF) MESSAGE(" ") MESSAGE("set -DDBUS_INSTALL_SYSTEM_LIBS=1 to install runtime libraries too") MESSAGE("set DBUSDIR (environment or cmake option) to overwrite the default install directory ") MESSAGE(" ") MESSAGE(" ") GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(C_COMPILER ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} NAME) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(CXX_COMPILER ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} NAME) message(" D-BUS ${DBUS_VERSION} ") message(" =========== ") message(" ") message(" install prefix: ${prefix} ") message(" install exec_prefix: ${exec_prefix} ") message(" install libdir: ${EXPANDED_LIBDIR} ") message(" install bindir: ${EXPANDED_BINDIR} ") message(" install sysconfdir: ${EXPANDED_SYSCONFDIR} ") #message(" install localstatedir: ${EXPANDED_LOCALSTATEDIR} ") message(" install datadir: ${EXPANDED_DATADIR} ") message(" source code location: ${DBUS_SOURCE_DIR} ") message(" build dir: ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ") message(" c compiler: ${C_COMPILER} ") message(" cflags: ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ") message(" cflags debug: ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG} ") message(" cflags release: ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE} ") message(" cxx compiler: ${CXX_COMPILER} ") message(" cxxflags: ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ") message(" cxxflags debug: ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG} ") message(" cxxflags release: ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE} ") message(" 64-bit int: ${DBUS_INT64_TYPE} ") message(" 32-bit int: ${DBUS_INT32_TYPE} ") message(" 16-bit int: ${DBUS_INT16_TYPE} ") message(" Doxygen: ${DOXYGEN} ") message(" Docbook Generator: ${DOCBOOK_GENERATOR_NAME} ") #message(" Maintainer mode: ${USE_MAINTAINER_MODE} ") message(" gcc coverage profiling: ${DBUS_GCOV_ENABLED} ") message(" Building unit tests: ${DBUS_BUILD_TESTS} ") message(" Building verbose mode: ${DBUS_ENABLE_VERBOSE_MODE} ") message(" Building w/o assertions: ${DBUS_DISABLE_ASSERTS} ") message(" Building w/o checks: ${DBUS_DISABLE_CHECKS} ") message(" Building bus stats API: ${DBUS_ENABLE_STATS} ") message(" installing system libs: ${DBUS_INSTALL_SYSTEM_LIBS} ") #message(" Building SELinux support: ${have_selinux} ") #message(" Building dnotify support: ${have_dnotify} ") message(" Building Doxygen docs: ${DBUS_ENABLE_DOXYGEN_DOCS} ") message(" Building XML docs: ${DBUS_ENABLE_XML_DOCS} ") #message(" Gettext libs (empty OK): ${INTLLIBS} ") message(" Using XML parser: ${XML_LIB} ") message(" Daemon executable name: ${DBUS_DAEMON_NAME}") if (WIN32) message(" System bus address: ${DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_DEFAULT_ADDRESS} ") message(" Session bus listens on: ${DBUS_SESSION_BUS_LISTEN_ADDRESS} ") message(" Session clients connect to: ${DBUS_SESSION_BUS_CONNECT_ADDRESS} ") else (WIN32) #message(" Init scripts style: ${with_init_scripts} ") #message(" Abstract socket names: ${have_abstract_sockets} ") message(" System bus socket: ${DBUS_SYSTEM_SOCKET} ") message(" System bus address: ${DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_DEFAULT_ADDRESS} ") message(" System bus PID file: ${DBUS_SYSTEM_PID_FILE} ") message(" Session bus socket dir: ${DBUS_SESSION_SOCKET_DIR} ") message(" Console auth dir: ${DBUS_CONSOLE_AUTH_DIR} ") message(" System bus user: ${DBUS_USER} ") message(" 'make check' socket dir: ${TEST_SOCKET_DIR} ") endif (WIN32) message(" Test listen address: ${TEST_LISTEN} ") if (MSVC) message(" build timestamp: ${DBUS_BUILD_TIMESTAMP} ") endif (MSVC) MESSAGE(" ") if (DBUS_BUILD_TESTS) message("NOTE: building with unit tests increases the size of the installed library and renders it insecure.") endif(DBUS_BUILD_TESTS) if (DBUS_BUILD_TESTS AND DBUS_DISABLE_ASSERTS) message("NOTE: building with unit tests but without assertions means tests may not properly report failures (this configuration is only useful when doing something like profiling the tests)") endif(DBUS_BUILD_TESTS AND DBUS_DISABLE_ASSERTS) if (DBUS_GCOV_ENABLED) message("NOTE: building with coverage profiling is definitely for developers only.") endif(DBUS_GCOV_ENABLED) if (DBUS_ENABLE_VERBOSE_MODE) message("NOTE: building with verbose mode increases library size, may slightly increase security risk, and decreases performance.") endif(DBUS_ENABLE_VERBOSE_MODE) if(NOT DBUS_DISABLE_ASSERTS) message("NOTE: building with assertions increases library size and decreases performance.") endif(NOT DBUS_DISABLE_ASSERTS) if (DBUS_DISABLE_CHECKS) message("NOTE: building without checks for arguments passed to public API makes it harder to debug apps using D-BUS, but will slightly decrease D-BUS library size and _very_ slightly improve performance.") endif(DBUS_DISABLE_CHECKS) MESSAGE(" ") INCLUDE(modules/CPackInstallConfig.cmake) add_custom_target(help-options cmake -LH WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} )