This project contains the Message Queue(MQ) Broker code. Build and Run 1) Install Apache Maven if you don't have it 2) Install Apache Kafka ver. if you don't have it Set '' in Kafka server configuration file('' file in this folder) to your ip address, Run Zookeeper server and Kafka broker with the configuration file. 3) Build a CloudStack. If you are building first time, then build the stack. go to "stack" folder in root directory $ mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip=true 4) Build a .jar file $ mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip=true - The CloudMessageQueue-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar file will be placed in the "target" folder 5) Run .jar file go to "target" folder $ java -jar CloudMessageQueue-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar arg1(MQ CoAP Server Port) arg2(Zookeeper server address) arg3(Zookeeper server port) arg4(kafka server address) arg5(kafka server port) arg6(TLS mode required) e.g java -jar CloudMessageQueue-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar 5686 2181 9092 0 - Before running a MQ Broker, you should run Zookeeper server and Kafka broker first. - If you want to operate on TLS mode, "CLOUD_CERT_FILE(iotivitycloud.crt)", "CLOUD_KEY_FILE(iotivitycloud.key)" and ROOT_CERT_FILE(rootca.crt) files should be placed in the "target" folder.