New background app added $1Background App will launch at system startup and continue to run in the background even once you've closed all other $2Google Chrome windows. $1Background App has crashed. Click this balloon to restart the app. $1Extension has crashed. Click this balloon to reload the extension. No Background Apps Running No background apps running Permission requested, press Ctrl + Forward to respond Permission requested, press ⌘ + Option + Down arrow to respond Permission requested, press F6 to respond Permission request expired $ wants to $ wants to: $2use your microphone $ wants to: $2use your microphone and $3use your location $ wants to: $2use your microphone, $3use your location, and more This file Customize Did you mean to go to $1http://intranetsite/? Downloads Loading... local or shared file temporary data Crashed. Search history Delete $1 selected All items unselected, selection mode exited. Main menu Chrome history No tabs from other devices Tabs from other devices Turn on sync Continue from another device To get your tabs from your other devices, turn on sync &Edit Clear search Confirm Disable Search cleared Search results for '$1cookies' 1 result for '$1cookies' $115 results for '$2cookies' 1 result $15 results No search results found This dialog is not currently focused. Press Command-Shift-Option A to focus this dialog. This dialog is not currently focused. Press Alt-Shift A to focus this dialog. Press |$1F6| to focus this bubble. Press |$1F6| to focus this bubble, then again to focus the element it is pointing to. A series of tutorial bubbles with instructions will be displayed. Press |$1F6| to focus a bubble, then again to focus the element it is pointing to. I&nspect Get image descriptions from Google? Yes, I'm in No thanks &Enable Live Caption &Disable Live Caption Fill in form Addresses and more Payment methods &Back &Forward Save &as... &Print... &View page source Open link with... Configure... Inspect &background page Open in reading mode &Reload Simulate browser restart &Reload app &Translate to $1English Exit full screen Reload &frame &View frame source Open link in new &tab Open link in new &window Open link in inco&gnito window Open link as Open link as $ Open link in $1Gmail App Open link in new $1Gmail App window Open link in new $1Gmail App tab Save lin&k as... Copy link addr&ess Copy &email address Copy link te&xt Copy link to highlight Add a note Remove highlight Copy link to highlight Sa&ve image as... C&opy image address Cop&y image Open &image in new tab Open original &image in new tab Load image &Loop Show all &controls Rotate &clockwise Rotate c&ounterclockwise Sa&ve video frame as... Sa&ve video as... C&opy video address C&opy video frame &Open video in new tab Sa&ve audio as... C&opy audio address &Open audio in new tab Picture in Picture Picture in picture &Undo &Redo Cu&t &Copy &Paste Paste as plain text &Add to dictionary Get image descriptions from Google Always Just once Extract text from PDF Recognize visual layout semantics Use enhanced spell check Turn on enhanced spell check Turn on Cancel Loading suggestion No more suggestions from Google Select &all &Translate selection to $1English &Search $1Google for “$2flowers &Search $1Google for “$2flowers” in new tab &Search $1Google for image Search image with $1Google Lens Translate text in image with $1Google Search page with $1Google Lens Search images with $1Google Lens &Go to $1 Suggest password... More Open with $1Hangouts Help improve autofill &Back &Forward Save &As... &Print... &View Page Source Open Link With... Configure... Inspect &Background Page Open in Reading Mode &Reload Simulate Browser Restart &Reload App &Translate to $1English Exit Full Screen Reload &Frame &View Frame Source Open Link in New &Tab Open Link in New &Window Open Link in Inco&gnito Window Open Link as Open Link as $ Open Link in $1Gmail App Open Link in new $1Gmail App Window Open Link in new $1Gmail App Tab Save Lin&k As... Copy Link Addr&ess Copy &Email Address Copy Link Te&xt Copy Link to Highlight Add a Note Remove Highlight Copy Link to Highlight Sa&ve Image As... C&opy Image Address Cop&y Image Open &Image in New Tab Open Original &Image in New Tab Load Image &Loop Show All &Controls Rotate &Clockwise Rotate C&ounterclockwise Sa&ve Video Frame As... Sa&ve Video As... C&opy Video Address C&opy Video Frame &Open Video in New Tab Sa&ve Audio As... C&opy Audio Address &Open Audio in New Tab Picture in Picture Picture in picture &Undo &Redo Cu&t &Copy &Paste Paste and Match Style &Paste Paste As Plain Text &Add to Dictionary Get Image Descriptions from Google Always Just Once Extract Text From PDF Recognize Visual Layout Semantics Use Enhanced Spell Check Turn On Enhanced Spell Check Turn On Cancel Loading suggestion No more suggestions from Google Select &All &Translate Selection to $1English &Search $1Google for “$2flowers &Search $1Google for “$2flowers” in New Tab &Search $1Google for Image Search Image with $1Google Lens Translate Text in Image with $1Google Search Page with $1Google Search Images with $1Google Lens &Go to $1 Suggest Password... Help Improve Autofill Share Run this plugin Hide this plugin Run This Plugin Hide This Plugin Enable Flash &Language Settings &Spell check &Language settings &All your languages &Use basic spell check &Addresses and more Passwords and &autofill New &tab New Incognito &tab &Show as tab &New window New &Incognito window Signed in as $ &Sync is on Turn on &sync... Fix &sync issue &Sign in again Edit Cu&t &Copy &Paste &Delete &Find... &Find and edit &Payment methods &Save and share Save Share Save page &as... Enter reader mode Exit reader mode More too&ls &Zoom Zoom &Larger + &Normal &Smaller Copy &URL &Open in $1Gmail App Move tab to new window Quick commands Search tabs... C&ustomize your Chrome {NUM_PROFILES, plural, =1 {&Close this profile} other {&Close this profile (# windows)}} Manage your &Google account Other Chrome profiles &Open Guest profile &Add new profile &Manage Chrome profiles &Addresses and More Passwords and &Autofill New &Tab New Incognito &Tab &Show As Tab &New Window New &Incognito Window Signed in as $ &Sync is On Turn on &Sync... Fix &Sync Issue &Sign in Again Edit Cu&t &Copy &Paste &Delete &Find... &Find and Edit &Payment Methods &Save and Share Save Share Save Page &As... Enter Reader Mode Exit Reader Mode More Too&ls &Zoom Zoom &Larger + &Normal &Smaller Copy &URL &Open in $1Gmail App Move Tab to New Window Quick Commands Search Tabs... C&ustomize Your Chrome {NUM_PROFILES, plural, =1 {&Close This Profile} other {&Close This Profile (# Windows)}} Manage Your &Google Account Other Chrome Profiles &Open Guest Profile &Add New Profile &Manage Chrome Profiles Move window to $1User name ($ Make Text Larger Make Text Smaller View s&ource &Report an issue... &Developer tools &Inspect elements &JavaScript console &Inspect devices &Task manager T&ake screenshot R&estore all tabs R&eopen closed tab R&eopen closed window Reopen closed group &Restore window &Restore group Name &window... Chrome &Labs... View S&ource &Report an Issue... &Developer Tools &JavaScript Console &Inspect Devices &Inspect Elements &Task Manager T&ake Screenshot R&estore All Tabs R&eopen Closed Tab R&eopen Closed Window Reopen Closed Group &Restore Window &Restore Group Name &Window... Chrome &Labs... Preferences... Preferences Request mobile site Chrome's Terms of Service are changing March 31 Please review the new terms Got it Review H&elp Managed by your organization Managed by $ Managed by your parent Profile managed by $ Your browser and profile are managed Tips for Chrome What's New Import bookmarks and settings... &Profiling enabled &Full screen &Clear browsing data... &Downloads &Extensions &Extensions Manage Extensions Visit Chrome Web Store Performance Sear&ch this page with Google... T&ranslate... Settin&gs &Options H&elp center Beta forum Get H&elp E&xit Import Bookmarks and Settings... &Profiling Enabled &Full Screen &Clear Browsing Data... &Downloads &Extensions &Extensions Manage Extensions Visit Chrome Web Store Performance Sear&ch This Page with Google... T&ranslate... &Settings &Options H&elp Center Beta Forum Get H&elp E&xit ''' - ''' &Manage search engines... &Manage Search Engines... &Manage search engines and site search &Manage Search Engines and Site Search Keyword Name $1Google (Default) Downloads bar Close Downloads Bar Show All Close downloads bar Show all Download started Download error Insufficient permissions Cannot save due to insufficient permissions. Please save to another location. Path too long The file path or name is too long. Please save with a shorter name or to another location. Disk full Your hard disk is full. Please save to another location or make more room on the hard disk. File too large The file is too large for your computer to handle. Sorry. System busy Your computer is doing too many things right now. Try again later. Virus detected Anti-virus software detected a virus. Blocked Security settings on your computer blocked this file. File incomplete Destination file was incomplete due to a connection issue. Virus scan failed Anti-virus software failed unexpectedly while scanning this file. File truncated Destination file was truncated or removed since last download. Already downloaded The file already exists in your download folder. Network timeout The download was taking too long and was stopped by the network. Network disconnected Internet disconnected. Please check your internet connection and try again. Server unavailable Server unavailable. Network error Unknown network error. No file The server could not find the file. Server problem Unknown server error. Please try again, or contact the server administrator. $1Storage limit reached. ($2Request ID 12345) Shutdown The browser was shut down before the download completed. Crash The browser crashed before the download completed. Needs authorization Server did not authorize you to access this resource. Bad certificate There was a problem with server's certificate. Forbidden Access to this resource was forbidden by the server. Server unreachable The server may be unreachable. Try again later. Open when done Open Starting... Downloading $1somedocument.pdf Paused $1somedocument.pdf $1somedocument.pdf download unsuccessful Download complete Page is ready to view Scanning $1somedocument.pdf $1154 MB from $ $1154 MB from $ Download manager $154/154 MB, $25s $154kB/$2154MB Opening in $15 sec... Opening when complete Opening $1image.jpg... In progress Canceled Removed Sending to $1Google Drive Saved to $1Google Drive Failed to save to $1Google Drive - $2Disk full Failed - $1Disk full Unconfirmed This type of file can harm your device. Do you want to keep $1malware.exe anyway? Extensions, apps, and themes can harm your device. Are you sure you want to continue? This type of file can harm your computer. Do you want to keep $1malware.exe anyway? Extensions, apps, and themes can harm your computer. Are you sure you want to continue? $1bla.exe is not commonly downloaded and may be dangerous. $1bla.exe was blocked by Advanced Protection. Checking $1bla.exe with your organization's security policies... Checking with your organization's security policies. $1bla.exe is being scanned. $1bla.exe can't be downloaded securely $1bla.exe is too big for a security check. You can open files up to 50 MB. $1bla.exe is encrypted. Ask its owner to decrypt. Security checks are done Your organization's policies aren't met Your organization's policies aren't met This file is dangerous $1bla.exe can't be downloaded securely $1bla.exe can't be downloaded securely $1bla.exe may be dangerous. Send to Google Advanced Protection for scanning? $1bla.exe may be dangerous. Send to Google for scanning? This file is not commonly downloaded and may be dangerous. This file was blocked by Advanced Protection. This type of file may harm your computer. This file can't be downloaded securely This file might be a virus or malware. You can send it to Google to check if it's unsafe. Scanning for malware... This file might be a virus or malware. You can send it to Google to check if it's unsafe. This file is dangerous Your organization's policies aren't met Your organization's policies aren't met This file is too big for a security check. You can open files up to 50 MB. This file is encrypted. Ask its owner to decrypt. Scan failed. This file might be a virus or malware. Insecure download blocked Dangerous download blocked Scan file before opening? Confirm download Keep dangerous file? Keep file? This file may be harmful for your computer. Even if you have downloaded files from this site before, the site may be temporarily unsafe (hacked). Try downloading this file later. Keep Anyway Keep Keep anyway Keep Keep dangerous file Continue Discard Open now Send Review Open anyway Pause Search downloads Files you download appear here Options menu Resume Remove from list Remove $1somedocument.pdf from list Cancel Retry Show in $1Google Drive Show in folder Show in Finder Canceled Deleted $110kB/s - $240kB $110kB/s - $240kB, $342 mins left $140kB of $2250kB Paused Clear all Open downloads folder More actions Actions Downloaded by <a href="$">$2The Best Chrome Extension Ever</a> Downloaded in Incognito Press $1Control Z to undo Undo Removed '$1somedocument.pdf' from list Cleared all Scan Scan for malware Open Open anyway Download dangerous file Download suspicious file Download unverified file Download insecure file Delete from history Dangerous download blocked Suspicious download blocked Insecure download blocked Unverified download blocked Downloading $152.7 MB, $2somedocument.pdf Downloading $1somedocument.pdf, $233% remaining Downloading $1somedocument.pdf, $242 mins left Download unsuccessful: $1somedocument.pdf Download cancelled: $1somedocument.pdf Download complete: $1somedocument.pdf. Download complete: $1somedocument.pdf. Press Shift+F6 to cycle to the downloads bar area. $1file.exe may be dangerous. Send to Google Advanced Protection for scanning? $1file.exe may be dangerous. Send to Google Advanced Protection for scanning? Press Shift+F6 to cycle to the downloads bar area. $1file.exe may be dangerous. Send to Google for scanning? $1file.exe may be dangerous. Send to Google for scanning? Press Shift+F6 to cycle to the downloads bar area. $1file.exe is being scanned. $1file.exe can't be downloaded securely. $1file.exe can't be downloaded securely. Press Shift+F6 to cycle to the downloads bar area. Copy to clipboard &Show in Finder &Show in folder Open when &done &Open &Always open files of this type Open with system viewer Always open with system viewer &Cancel &Pause &Resume &Discard &Keep &Learn more &More information &Learn more &Show in Finder &Show in Folder Open When &Done &Open &Always Open Files of This Type Open With System Viewer Always Open With System Viewer &Cancel &Pause &Resume &Discard &Keep &Learn More &More Information &Learn More Always open in Adobe Reader Scan file Customize Touch Bar Search or type URL Type URL Search $1Bing Back/Forward Stop/Reload Home Bookmark New Tab Page URL {NUM_DOWNLOAD, plural, =1 {Download is in progress} other {Downloads are in progress}} Continue downloading Continue Downloading Exit Incognito mode anyway? Exit guest mode anyway? Exit Quit Incognito mode anyway? Exit guest mode anyway? Quit Recent Download History Full Download History Recent download history Full download history Show full download history in a new tab Recent Downloads Show all downloads Show all downloads in a new tab Manage files as they download, and open them when they're done Downloads are now in the toolbar Find your downloads here $1100/120 MB$2Opening in 10 seconds... $1100/120 MB Resuming... Done Scan is done Insecure download blocked Suspicious download blocked Dangerous download blocked Unverified download blocked Blocked Malware Suspicious Scan failed I understand this download will harm my computer Continue download Download insecure file Download suspicious file Download unverified file Delete Delete from history $1bla.exe $2blocked dangerous more details Resume Scan Open Scan for malware Download anyway Open Now Review Try again Open anyway Out of storage space Free up space on your device. Then, try to download again File name or location is too long Try using a shorter file name or saving to a different folder Needs permission to download File is too big for this device This file is too big for your device to manage. Try to download it on another device Couldn’t finish download Blocked by your organization Your organization blocked this file because it didn't meet a security policy Something went wrong Check internet connection Site wasn’t available File wasn’t available on site Try to sign in to the site. Then, download again Couldn’t finish download This site isn't using a secure connection and the file may have been tampered with This file is dangerous This file is deceptive and may make unexpected changes to your device This file type isn't commonly downloaded and it may be dangerous This file isn't commonly downloaded and it may be dangerous This file can't be verified because Safe Browsing is off $1Turn on Safe Browsing to make downloading files safer Turn on Safe Browsing Dangerous Encrypted Too big Blocked by Advanced Protection This file is not commonly downloaded and has been blocked by Advanced Protection Uncommon file This file is not commonly downloaded and may be dangerous Unknown source Sensitive content Your organization recommends deleting this file because it has sensitive content Your organization blocked this file because it has sensitive or dangerous content. Ask its owner to fix. Your organization blocked this file because it is encrypted. Ask its owner to decrypt. Your organization blocked this file because it is too big for a security check. You can open files up to 50 MB. This file might be a virus or malware Scanning for malware... Checking with your organization's security policies... Delete file Cancel Try again Checking with your organization's security policies... Anyone using this device can see downloaded files Resume Resume $1bla.exe Pause Pause $1bla.exe Cancel Cancel $1bla.exe Open Open $1bla.exe Show in Finder Show $1bla.exe in Finder Show in folder Show $1bla.exe in folder Show in Folder Show $1bla.exe in Folder Back to recent downloads Back to Recent Downloads Cancel $1bla.exe Delete $1bla.exe Keep $1bla.exe Scan $1bla.exe Open $1bla.exe now Resume $1bla.exe Review $1bla.exe Retry $1bla.exe Open $1bla.exe anyway Don't show when downloads finish You can change this anytime in $1settings settings {COUNT, plural, =1 {1 download in progress} other {# downloads in progress}} This file can harm your personal and social network accounts This file can harm your personal and social network accounts, including $ This archive file includes other files that may hide malware Scan for malware Scanning... This file might be a virus or malware.$1You can send it to Google Safe Browsing to check if it's unsafe. Scans usually take a few seconds. This encrypted file might be a virus or malware.$1To check if it's unsafe, you can send the file and password to Google Safe Browsing. Scans usually take a few seconds.$1To scan, add the file's password. Learn more about malware scans File password Enter the file's password Incorrect password. Try again. File password Enter the file's password Incorrect password. Try again. Install Install $1Google Maps Create Shortcut? Create Create shortcut? Create Install app? Install Shortcut name Open as tab Open as window Open as tabbed window Review name update Review icon update Review name & icon updates If this web app is trying to trick you into thinking it's a different app, uninstall it. Current icon New icon Uninstall app Uninstall App This app was added by your organization. Restart the app to finish installing it. Restart Not now Restart Not Now Quit Chrome will keep running while Chrome Apps are open. Quit all Chrome Apps Don't show this again Create &Shortcut... Create &shortcut... &Install $1Gmail... &Install $1Gmail... Uninstall $1Gmail... Uninstall $1Gmail... View in store Developer website Manage supported links Overview Permissions Remove... Licenses Size: Version: Create shortcuts... View in Store Developer Website Overview Permissions Remove... Licenses Size: Version: Create Shortcut Create Shortcuts... How would you like this application to launch? Calculating... < 1 MB Revoke the permission '$1Access your USB and Bluetooth devices' This app requires no special permissions. This extension requires no special permissions. {NUM_FILES, plural, =1 {Access a file stored on your computer} other {Access # files stored on your computer}} {NUM_DEVICES, plural, =1 {Communicate with a USB device} other {Communicate with # USB devices}} Create application shortcuts Add shortcuts to the following places: Desktop Applications menu Create Start menu Pin to Taskbar Device Credentials Enter Bluetooth Passkey for device $1 Pair Confirmation Bluetooth device $1 would like permission to pair. Confirm passkey Please confirm that $1123456 is the passkey displayed on Bluetooth device $2. Manage $1You might need permission to continue ... Continue blocking automatic downloads of multiple files Always allow $ to download multiple files This site downloaded multiple files automatically This site attempted to download multiple files automatically Download blocked Continue allowing automatic downloads of multiple files Always block multiple automatic downloads on $ On-device site data not allowed On-device site data allowed This site isn't allowed to save data on your device. This site is allowed to save data on your device. Show cookies and other site data... Images blocked Images were blocked on this page. Allow site to save data Always allow $ to show images Don't allow site to save data Allow site to save data Don't allow site to save data Continue blocking images Pop-ups were blocked on this page. Pop-ups blocked: Always allow pop-ups and redirects from $ Continue blocking Always allow $ to access your camera and microphone Always allow $ to access your microphone Always allow $ to access your camera Ask if $ wants to access your camera and microphone Ask if $ wants to access your microphone Ask if $ wants to access your camera Always block camera and microphone access Always block microphone access Always block camera access Continue blocking camera and microphone access Continue blocking microphone access Continue blocking camera access Continue allowing $ to access your camera and microphone Continue allowing $ to use and move your camera, and use your microphone Continue allowing $ to access your microphone Continue allowing $ to access your camera Continue allowing $ to use and move your camera Pop-up blocked JavaScript blocked JavaScript was blocked on this page. Always allow JavaScript on $ Continue blocking JavaScript Sound was muted on this page Always allow sound on $ Continue muting sound Notifications blocked Notifications blocked Notifications are automatically blocked for all sites except ones you allow Location requests are automatically blocked for all sites except ones you allow Allow for this site Allow Continue blocking Got it. By default, new sites that you visit won't send you notifications. You usually block notifications. To let this site notify you, click here. Most people block notifications from this site This site may be trying to trick you into allowing intrusive notifications Notifications from this site may be disruptive Notifications were automatically blocked because you usually don't allow them Location blocked Location blocked This site was blocked from knowing your precise location because you usually don't allow this Allow for this site These sites can use info they've saved about you as you browse $ Embedded content on this site can use info they've saved about you Embedded content on this site can't use info they've saved about you {COUNT, plural, =0 {No third-party cookies} =1 {1 third-party cookie is blocked} other {# third-party cookies are blocked}} {COUNT, plural, =0 {No cookies} =1 {1 cookie is blocked} other {# cookies are blocked}} Third-party cookies are allowed on this site Block cookies Allow cookies Site not working? Some sites use third-party cookies to load their pages. If a site isn't working, you can try allowing cookies. Sites can't use cookies that track you across the web Third-party cookie blocking Cookies are files created by websites. There are two types of cookies: First-party cookies are created by the site you visit. The site is shown on the address bar. Third-party cookies are created by other sites. These sites own some of the content, like ads or images, that you see on the website you visit. Third-party cookies blocked Tracking Protection Third-party cookies allowed Site not working? Try temporarily allowing third-party cookies, which means less protection but site features are more likely to work Try allowing third-party cookies, which means less protection but site features are more likely to work Try temporarily allowing third-party cookies, which means less browsing protection but site features are more likely to work as expected. {COUNT, plural, =0 {Chrome will block cookies again today} =1 {Chrome will block cookies again tomorrow} other {# days until Chrome blocks cookies again}} {COUNT, plural, =0 {Chrome will limit cookies again today} =1 {Chrome will limit cookies again tomorrow} other {# days until Chrome limits cookies again}} {COUNT, plural, =0 {Chrome will block cookies again today} =1 {Chrome will block cookies again tomorrow} other {# days until cookies are blocked again}} You allowed this site to use third-party cookies. This means that most site features should work, but you have less protection. You temporarily allowed this site to use third-party cookies, which means less browsing protection but site features are more likely to work as expected. You allowed third-party cookies for this site You allowed third-party cookies on this site This means that most site features should work, but you have less protection This means site features should work as expected, but you may have less browsing protection. Send feedback Help us improve Chrome by telling us why you allowed third-party cookies Reloading $ Third-party cookies Tell us why you allowed third-party cookies on this site {COUNT, plural, =1 {1 site blocked} other {# sites blocked}} {COUNT, plural, =1 {1 site allowed} other {# sites allowed}} Allowed Blocked Limited Third-party cookies allowed Third-party cookies blocked Site not working? Tracking Protection Third-party cookies blocked If you visit a site that uses cookies, you may need to temporarily enable cookies to make all site features work. Close See how Reminder: Tracking Protection is on If a site you visit isn't working as expected, try temporarily allowing third-party cookies for that site. That will mean less protection but site features are more likely to work as expected. If a site isn't working as expected, you can enable third-party cookies for it through the Tracking Protection option in the address bar. Subject Issuer Provider Serial Base64-encoded ASCII, single certificate Base64-encoded ASCII, certificate chain DER-encoded binary, single certificate PKCS #7, single certificate PKCS #7, certificate chain Certificate Viewer: $ &General &Details SSL Client Certificate SSL Server Certificate Code Signer SSL Certification Authority $1xn--hxajbheg2az3al.xn--jxalpdlp ($2see desc; only ASCII allowed in ph.) <Not Part Of Certificate> Certificate Hierarchy Certificate Fields Field Value Certificate Version Version $13 Serial Number Certificate Signature Algorithm Issuer Validity Not Before Not After Subject Subject Public Key Info Subject Public Key Algorithm Subject's Public Key Modulus ($11024 bits): $200 0A 38 CF ... Public Exponent ($324 bits): $401 00 01 Certificate Signature Value E&xport... Export selected certificate CN ST O OU dnQualifier C serialNumber L DC MAIL UID emailAddress businessCategory jurisdictionLocalityName jurisdictionStateOrProvinceName jurisdictionCountryName STREET postalCode PKCS #1 RSA Encryption PKCS #1 MD2 With RSA Encryption PKCS #1 MD4 With RSA Encryption PKCS #1 MD5 With RSA Encryption PKCS #1 SHA-1 With RSA Encryption PKCS #1 SHA-256 With RSA Encryption PKCS #1 SHA-384 With RSA Encryption PKCS #1 SHA-512 With RSA Encryption X9.62 ECDSA Signature with SHA-1 X9.62 ECDSA Signature with SHA-256 X9.62 ECDSA Signature with SHA-384 X9.62 ECDSA Signature with SHA-512 Elliptic Curve Public Key SECG elliptic curve secp256r1 (aka ANSI X9.62 prime256v1, NIST P-256) SECG elliptic curve secp384r1 (aka NIST P-384) SECG elliptic curve secp521r1 (aka NIST P-521) Netscape Certificate Type Email Certificate Email Certification Authority Netscape Certificate Base URL Netscape Certificate Revocation URL Netscape Certification Authority Revocation URL Netscape Certificate Renewal URL Netscape Certification Authority Policy URL Netscape Certificate SSL Server Name Netscape Certificate Comment Netscape Lost Password URL Netscape Certificate Renewal Time Certificate Subject Directory Attributes Certificate Subject Key ID Key ID: $119 EB 8E 93 Issuer: $1VeriSign Serial Number: $119 EB 8E 93 Certificate Key Usage Certificate Issuer Alternative Name Certificate Basic Constraints Certificate Name Constraints CRL Distribution Points Certificate Policies Signed Certificate Timestamp List Certificate Policy Mappings Certificate Policy Constraints Certification Authority Key ID Extended Key Usage Authority Information Access Signing Non-repudiation Key Encipherment Data Encipherment Key Agreement Certificate Signer CRL Signer Encipher Only Decipher Only Is a Certification Authority Is not a Certification Authority Maximum number of intermediate CAs: $15 unlimited Certification Practice Statement Pointer User Notice Unused Key Compromise CA Compromise Affiliation Changed Superseded Cessation of Operation Certificate on Hold OCSP Responder: $1Foo CA Issuers: $1Foo $1OID. $2Foo $1TLS Web Server Authentication ($2OID. $1OID. Email Address DNS Name X.400 Address X.500 Name EDI Party Name URI IP Address Registered OID Microsoft Application Policies Microsoft Certificate Template Microsoft Certificate Template Name Microsoft CA Version Microsoft Principal Name Microsoft Domain GUID Any TLS WWW Server Authentication TLS WWW Client Authentication Code Signing Email Protection Time Stamping Signing OCSP Responses Microsoft Individual Code Signing Microsoft Commercial Code Signing Microsoft Trust List Signing Microsoft Time Stamping Microsoft Server Gated Cryptography Microsoft Encrypting File System Microsoft File Recovery Microsoft Windows Hardware Driver Verification Microsoft Qualified Subordination Microsoft Key Recovery Microsoft Document Signing Microsoft Lifetime Signing Microsoft Smart Card Logon Microsoft Key Recovery Agent Netscape International Step-Up Critical Not Critical Error: Unable to decode certificate Error: Unable to decode extension Certificate manager $1John Doe ($2hardware-backed) hardware-backed $1Example Certificate (extension provided) "$1Extension Foo" started debugging this browser DevTools requests full access to $1C:\Projects\foo\. Make sure you do not expose any sensitive information. Allow Deny Normal Reload Hard Reload Empty Cache and Hard Reload Sharing this tab to $ Sharing a tab to $ Sharing $ to $ Share this tab instead Stop sharing View tab: $ Switch to capturing tab Switch to captured tab Casting this tab to $1Living Room TV Casting this tab Casting a tab to $1Living Room TV Casting a tab Casting $ to $2Living Room TV Casting $ Cast this tab instead Stop casting End process Process ID GDI handles USER handles Task NaCl debug port Network CPU Start Time CPU Time Memory footprint Swapped memory Profile Idle wake ups Hard faults File descriptors Process priority Image cache Script cache CSS cache GPU memory SQLite memory JavaScript memory Keepalive count End Process Process ID GDI Handles USER Handles NaCl Debug Port Task Network CPU Start Time CPU Time Memory Footprint Swapped Memory Profile Idle Wake Ups Hard Faults File Descriptors Process Priority Image Cache Script Cache CSS Cache GPU Memory SQLite Memory JavaScript Memory Keepalive Count $15,000K $15,000K ($25,000K live) Low Normal Unknown Disabled $1300 ($2500 peak) Browser Extension: $1Sample Extension Incognito Extension: $1Sample Extension App: $1Sample App Incognito App: $1Sample App Tab: $1Google Incognito Tab: $1Google Background App: $1 Background Page: $1 Back/Forward Cached Page: $1 Incognito Back/Forward Cached Page: $1 Plugin: $1Unknown Plugin Plugin Broker: $1Unknown Plugin Prerender: $1 Prerender: $1 Spare Renderer Renderer Dedicated Worker: $1 Shared Worker: $1 Service Worker: $1 Unknown plugin Utility: $1Image Decoder Native Client module: $1Unknown Native Client module Native Client security manager GPU Process Print: $1Google Maps Subframe: $1 Incognito Subframe: $1 Back/Forward Cached Subframe: $1 Incognito Back/Forward Cached Subframe: $1 Portal: $1 Incognito Portal: $1 Fenced Frame: $1 Incognito Fenced Frame: $1 App: $ Tool: $1Manage People Service: $ Receiver: $ System: $ Linux Virtual Machine: $1termina Parallels Desktop: $1PvmDefault IPP Parser Chrome File Utilities Profile Importer QR Code Generator WiFi Credentials Getter ChromeOS Flex System Image Writer ChromeOS System Image Writer Media File Checker No-op Service Chrome Document Analysis Installed theme "$1Snowflake Theme" Undo Restart now To re-enable it, accept the new permissions: Google has flagged "$1Google Talk" as malicious and installation has been prevented $1Adblock was added remotely $1Adblock is disabled Reload this page to apply your updated settings on this site Reload Reload this page to apply your updated settings for "$1Gmail Checker" on this site Reload this page to apply your updated extension settings to this site Uninstall app? Data associated with this app will be removed from this device. Confirm Removal Confirm Permissions Add "$1Gmail Checker" for $2Wallace? Add "$1Gmail Checker"? Remove "$1Gmail Checker"? Send a request to your administrator to install "$1Gmail Checker"? You already requested "$1Gmail Checker" Your admin has blocked "$1Gmail Checker" - App ID $2abacabadabacabaeabacabadabacabaf "$1Extension Manager" would like to remove "$2Gmail Checker". The newest version of "$1Gmail Checker" has been disabled because it requires more permissions. "$1Gmail Checker" has requested additional permissions. Enable "$1Gmail Checker"? Repair "$1Gmail Checker"? Another program on your computer added an app that may change the way Chrome works. $1Babylon Toolbar Another program on your computer added an extension that may change the way Chrome works. $1Babylon Toolbar Another program on your computer added a theme that may change the way Chrome works. $1Babylon Toolbar Enable Extension Enable App Enable Theme Enable extension Enable app Enable theme Remove from Chrome {NUM_EXTENSIONS, plural, =1 {This extension is blocked} other {These extensions are blocked}} {NUM_APPS, plural, =1 {This app is blocked} other {Some apps are blocked}} Some items are blocked {NUM_EXTENSIONS, plural, =1 {This extension is not allowed} other {Some extensions are not allowed}} The following extensions were blocked by your administrator: "$1Gmail Checker" The extension "$1Gmail Checker" was blocked by your administrator OK Details $1 wants to communicate with the app "$2Gmail" $1 wants to communicate with the extension "$2Gmail Checker" It can: It can now: It could: It can: Grant access to all requested sites. From your administrator: $1Please visit for more information. $1Read and change all your data on all websites ($146) {1, plural, =1 {Rated {0, number,0.0}3.2 by one user.} other{Rated {0, number,0.0}3.2 by # users.}} Not yet rated by any users. $110,479 users Open in Web Store Read and change all your data on your computer and all websites Read and change all your data on all websites Read all your data on all websites Use your microphone Use your camera Use your microphone and camera Access information about Bluetooth devices paired with your system and discover nearby Bluetooth devices. Send messages to and receive messages from Bluetooth devices. Control Bluetooth adapter state and pairing Access your Bluetooth and Serial devices Read and change your bookmarks Read and change entries in the reading list Read data you copy and paste Read and modify data you copy and paste Modify data you copy and paste Access the page debugger backend Block parts of web pages Block content on any page Access document scanners attached via USB or on the local network Read the manufacturer and model of this computer Read the icons of the websites you visit Detect your physical location Read your browsing history Read your browsing history on all your signed-in devices Read and change your browsing history on all your signed-in devices Change your home page to: $ Read and change your data on $ Read your data on $ Read and change your data on $ and $ Read your data on $ and $ Read and change your data on $, $, and $ Read your data on $, $, and $ Read and change your data on a number of websites Read your data on a number of websites all $ sites All $ sites Read and change anything you type Launch and exit managed guest sessions Display UI on the login screen Store persistent data on the login screen and inject credentials into the session. Manage your apps, extensions, and themes Discover devices on your local network, like printers Access list of network connections Manage network connections Access your printers See your printing history Change your search settings to: $ Access your serial devices Exchange data with any device on the local network or internet Exchange data with any device in the domain $ Exchange data with any device in the domains: $ Exchange data with the device named $ Exchange data with the devices named: $ Access your microphone and analyze your speech Change your start page to: $ Identify and eject storage devices View and manage your tab groups Read a list of your most frequently visited websites Read all text spoken using synthesized speech Access your Universal 2nd Factor devices Display notifications Access any $1SoundKnob from Griffin Technology via USB Access any of these USB devices unknown devices from $1Griffin Technology devices from an unknown vendor Access USB devices from $1Griffin Technology Access USB devices from an unknown vendor Access your network traffic Change your settings that control websites' access to features such as cookies, JavaScript, plugins, geolocation, microphone, camera, etc. Change your privacy-related settings Manage your downloads Open downloaded files Know your email address Change your wallpaper Read folders that you open in the application Write to files and folders that you open in the application Access photos, music, and other media from your computer Read and change photos, music, and other media from your computer Read and delete photos, music, and other media from your computer Read, change and delete photos, music, and other media from your computer Store data in your Google Drive account Communicate with cooperating native applications Lock and unlock the screen Monitor the behavior of other extensions, including visited URLs Capture content of your screen Change your accessibility settings Read your accessibility settings Read and change your accessibility settings Use your client certificates Provide certificates for authentication Read and change user and device settings Read and change autofill settings Read and change saved password settings Read and change allowlisted users Replace the page you see when opening a new tab Run in the background when requested by a cooperating native application See device information, such as its serial number or asset ID See network information, such as your IP or MAC address Perform security-related tasks for your organization, such as managing certificates and keys stored on the device Read information about your browser, OS, device, installed software, registry values and files Read information about your browser, OS, device, installed software and files Read information about your browser, OS, and device Add remote apps to the ChromeOS launcher Read attached devices information and data Read Bluetooth peripherals information and data Run ChromeOS Flex diagnostic tests Subscribe to ChromeOS Flex system events Read ChromeOS Flex device information and data Read ChromeOS Flex device and component serial numbers Read ChromeOS Flex network information Read attached devices information and data Read Bluetooth peripherals information and data Run ChromeOS diagnostic tests Subscribe to ChromeOS system events Read ChromeOS device information and data Read ChromeOS device and component serial numbers Read ChromeOS network information Attempted to downgrade extension. Attempted to downgrade app. $1Google Talk (extension ID "$2nckgahadagoaajjgafhacjanaoiihapd") is not allowed in this type of session. $1Google Talk (extension ID "$2abacabadabacabaeabacabadabacabaf") is not allowed on a login screen. Could not move extension directory into profile. Installation is not enabled Apps must be served with content-type "$1application/x-chrome-extension" Apps must be served from the host they affect Expected ID "$1bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb", but ID was "$2aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" Apps, extensions, and user scripts cannot be added from this website Expected version "$12.0", but version was "$21.0" Extension requires "$1Google Cast API" with a minimum version "$21.0", but only version "$30.9" is installed Unable to import extension "$1Gmail" because it is not a shared module Unable to install "$1Google Play Movies & TV" because it is not allowed by "$2Google Cast API" This can only be added from the $1Web Store App with 'kiosk_only' manifest attribute must be installed in ChromeOS Flex kiosk mode App with 'kiosk_only' manifest attribute must be installed in ChromeOS kiosk mode Could not add application "$1Google Mail" because it conflicts with "$2Google Calendar". Could not load '$1/path/to/file' for theme. $1Google Keep installed Show me This icon will be visible when the extension can act on the current page. This icon will be visible when the extension can act on the current page. Use this extension by clicking on the icon or by pressing $1Ctrl+E. Use this extension by clicking on this icon. Use this extension by clicking on this icon or by pressing $1Ctrl+E. To use this extension, type "$1search", then TAB, then your command or search. Manage your extensions by clicking Extensions in the Tools menu. Manage your extensions by clicking Extensions in the "More tools" menu. Manage your extensions by clicking Extensions in the Window menu. Manage shortcuts The "$1Google Docs Offline" extension wants to access your account To get your extensions on all your computers, turn on sync Confirm Access The folder you selected contains sensitive files. Are you sure you want to grant "$1Text" permanent read access to this folder? The folder you selected contains sensitive files. Are you sure you want to grant "$1Text" permanent write access to this folder? Connection Dialog Address Port Error Loading Extension Failed to load extension from: Wants access to this site Has access to this site Allow $13? Allowed Click to allow "$1Extension A" on $ Click to allow on $ Allowed to read & change Not allowed to read & change Requesting to read & change All extensions can read & change $ You blocked all extensions from $ This extension can read and change $ Click this extension's icon to read and change $ Pinned by your administrator Installed by your administrator Site permissions Can't read or change site's data This can read and change site data You previously chose to allow all extensions on $ You previously chose to not allow any extensions on $ Ask on every visit Always on $ Always on all sites Manage site permissions When you click the extension On $ On all sites Learn more about site access Pin to toolbar Unpin from toolbar Options Installed by your administrator Disable Pin Unpin Pinned by your administrator Pin $1Gmail Checker Unpin $1Gmail Checker $1Gmail Checker is pinned by your administrator Manage extension Manage extensions View web permissions Inspect popup Site Permissions Can't Read or Change Site's Data This Can Read and Change Site Data You Previously Chose To Allow All Extensions On $ You Previously Chose To Not Allow Any Extensions On $ Ask on Every Visit Always on $ Always on All Sites Manage Site Permissions When You Click the Extension On $ On All Sites Learn More About Site Access Pin to Toolbar Unpin from Toolbar Options Installed by Your Administrator Disable Hide Button Keep in Toolbar Show in Toolbar Pin Unpin Pinned by your Administrator Pin $1Gmail Checker Unpin $1Gmail Checker $1Gmail Checker is pinned by your Administrator Manage Extension Manage Extensions View Web Permissions Inspect Popup Apps and extensions can only be modified by the manager ($1Jane Doe). Select the extension directory. Activate the extension Parent permission request failed. Select the root directory of the extension to pack. To update an extension, also select the private key file to reuse. Select private key file. Private key Extension root directory is required. Extension root directory is invalid. Private key file is invalid. Created the following files: Extension: $1c:\users\aa\myextension.crx Key File: $2c:\users\aa\myextension.pem Keep your key file in a safe place. You will need it to create new versions of your extension. Created the extension: $1c:\users\aa\myextension.crx Continue to install Proceed with caution This extension is not trusted by Enhanced Safe Browsing. Add Add extension Add app Add theme Ask a parent Can't add $1extension Can't enable $1extension Go get a parent to approve "$1Gmail Checker" extension app $1Junior wants to install an $2extension that can: Approve Cancel Choose parent account for approval Parent account Enter password Password incorrect Send Remove Report abuse Report abuse from "$1Gmail Checker" Remove "$1Gmail Checker"? Uninstall ''' • ''' {NUM_EXTENSIONS, plural, =1 {Remove extension?} other {Remove # extensions?}} "$1Extension Manager" would like to remove this extension. Re-enable Allow Accept permissions Deny Enable extension Enable app Repair extension Repair app Chrome Web Store Web Store Show Details Hide Details Access denied. Extension error New extension added ($1Babylon Toolbar) New app added ($1Babylon Toolbar) New theme added ($1Babylon Toolbar) "$1Babylon Toolbar" added Another program on your computer added an app that may change the way Chrome works. Another program on your computer added an extension that may change the way Chrome works. Another program on your computer added a theme that may change the way Chrome works. Unsupported extensions disabled and $15 more OK, got it This extension is not listed in the $1Chrome Web Store and may have been added without your knowledge. Learn more about disabled extensions. Disable developer mode extensions Extensions running in developer mode can harm your computer. If you're not a developer, you should disable these extensions running in developer mode to stay safe. Change it back Keep it Did you mean to change this page? Change back to Google? This page was changed by the "$1Google Arts and Culture" extension Did you mean to change your search provider? Change back to Google Search? Change back to $1DuckDuckGo? The "$2Some New Search" extension changed search to use $ Old versions of Chrome Apps won't open on Mac devices after December 2022. Contact your administrator to update to a new version or remove this app. Old versions of Chrome Apps won't open on Windows devices after December 2022. Contact your administrator to update to a new version or remove this app. Old versions of Chrome Apps won't open on Linux devices after December 2022. Contact your administrator to update to a new version or remove this app. Old versions of Chrome Apps won't open after December 2022. Contact your administrator to update to a new version or remove this app. Ask your admin to update this app Chrome Apps are migrating to Progressive Web Apps. This Chrome App was installed on your browser by your organization. To open the Progressive Web App from the Apps list, first contact your administrator and ask them to uninstall the Chrome App. In the meantime, you can visit $ to open $2Google Sheets on the web. Go To Site Go to site $12 apps are no longer supported "$1Google Docs" is no longer supported Old versions of Chrome apps won't open on Mac devices after December 2022. You can check if there's a new version available. Old versions of Chrome apps won't open on Windows devices after December 2022. You can check if there's a new version available. Old versions of Chrome apps won't open on Linux devices after December 2022. You can check if there's a new version available. Old versions of Chrome apps won't open after December 2022. You can check if there's a new version available. Learn more Learn more about unsupported Chrome apps {NUM_APPS, plural, =1 {Remove 1 unsupported app} other {Remove # unsupported apps}} {NUM_APPS, plural, =1 {Remove App} other {Remove Apps}} Cancel Open Anyway {NUM_APPS, plural, =1 {Remove app} other {Remove apps}} Cancel Open anyway Extensions More options More options for $1MyExtension Pin extension Unpin extension Full access These extensions can see and change information on this site. Access requested To give an extension access to this site, click it. No access needed These extensions don't need to see and change information on this site. Extensions allowed on this site Extensions not allowed on this site Allow extensions on this site Select to block all extensions on this site Select to allow extensions on this site No extensions need access to this site Extensions are blocked on this site Extensions installed by your administrator can still read and change sites Extensions can request access to this site Reload this page to apply your updated settings on this site Reload Reload page Requests access Allow Allow extension to read and change this site Dismiss Dismiss request Allowed on this site Not allowed on this site Allow $1AdBlock on this site More options Select to see more options Extension is pinned. Select to see more options No access needed Open webstore Change site permissions $1Always on this site. Select to change site permissions Ask on every visit Always on this site Always on all sites Manage this extension Manage extension settings Allowed to show requests in the toolbar Allowed to show requests Not allowed to show requests Site Permissions Ask on every visit Always on $ Always on all sites Runs only after you click the extension Runs automatically every time you visit this site Runs automatically on all sites you visit Is this the home page you were expecting? Is this the startup page you were expecting? Is this the search page you were expecting? Is this the new tab page you were expecting? Your Internet connection is being controlled This extension has changed what page is shown when you search from the Omnibox. The extension "$1AdBlock" has changed what page is shown when you search from the Omnibox. This extension has changed what page is shown when you click the Home button. The extension "$1AdBlock" has changed what page is shown when you click the Home button. ''' It also controls what page is shown when you search from the Omnibox.''' ''' It also controls what page is shown when you click the Home button. ''' ''' It also controls what page is shown when you click the Home button or search from the Omnibox. ''' Print request "$1Managed Printing" wants to print $2sample.pdf with $3Lexmark CS417dn. Allow Deny An extension has changed what page is shown when you open a new tab. The extension "$1AdBlock" has taken control of your proxy settings, which means it can change, break, or eavesdrop on anything you do online. If you aren't sure why this change happened, you probably don't want it. This extension has taken control of your proxy settings, which means it can change, break, or eavesdrop on anything you do online. If you aren't sure why this change happened, you probably don't want it. ''' If you didn't want these changes, you can restore your previous settings.''' Restore Settings Keep Changes Restore settings Keep changes From the app {NUM_SUB_APP_INSTALLS, plural, =1 {Install app?} other {Install apps?} } {NUM_SUB_APP_INSTALLS, plural, =1 {"{APP_NAME}Citrix" ({DOMAIN} would like to install the following app on this device:} other {"{APP_NAME}Citrix" ({DOMAIN} would like to install the following apps on this device:} } {NUM_SUB_APP_INSTALLS, plural, =1 {Permissions that you allow for "$1Citrix" will also be allowed for this app. $2Manage} other {Permissions that you allow for "$1Citrix" will also be allowed for these apps. $2Manage} } Manage Install No thanks Customize and control $1GMail Hide title bar Show title bar Title bar is now hidden Title bar is now showing Apps Open in window Launch at startup Create shortcut Install on this device Uninstall Remove from Chrome App settings not locally installed Web apps that you install appear here Learn how to install web apps App Settings App settings Go to app settings Settings Go to settings Components Version: No components installed. No components are installed Check for update Status Checking for status... Looking for browser components? Visit . chrome://components Looking for system components? Visit . os://components New Checking Update Downloading diff Downloading Downloaded Updating diff Updating Updated Up-to-date Update error Unknown Updater started Updater sleeping Update found Update ready Component updated Component already up to date Update error Component downloading Component updating Sign in as Use strong password Use recommended password Use a safer password Try a new password Quickly use a strong password Edit password Choose your own Password saved Password updated Use Strong Password Use Recommended Password Use a Safer Password Try a New Password Quickly Use a Strong Password Edit Password Choose Your Own Password Saved Password Updated Saved password Save password? Save username? Add username? Add Username To help Google Password Manager save your sing-in info, add your username for this site Update password? Sign in to save passwords Sign in to use passwords Sign back in to Google Password Manager Sign in Save password for $ Update password for $ Passwords are saved in your Google Account so you can use them on any device Google Password Manager You can use saved passwords on any device. They're saved to $1Google Password Manager for $ Passwords are saved to $1Google Password Manager on this device. You can view and manage saved passwords in $1Google Password Manager. You won't need to remember this password. It will be saved to $1Google Password Manager for $ Keep this account more secure with a strong password. It will be saved to $1Google Password Manager for $ Stay safer online with a strong password. It will be saved to $1Google Password Manager for $ You can always change this password later. It will be saved to $1Google Password Manager for $ Sign up and sign in faster when your password is automatically saved to $1Google Password Manager for $ Google Password Manager created a strong password for this website When you use and save this password: It's available on any device It's protected by the best of Google You'll be notified if it's ever at risk It will be saved to $1Google Password Manager for $ Passwords are saved to $1Google Password Manager. You can view and manage saved passwords in Google Password Manager To Google Password Manager for $ In Google Password Manager for $ Sign In Manage Passwords Sign in Manage passwords App ($ Got it $1Elisa Becket has shared a password with you for $ You can use it in the sign-in form. There are passwords shared with you for $ You can use them in the sign-in form. {NUM_PASSWORDS, plural, =1 {New password for this site} other {New passwords for this site}} Save your passwords? Store once. Use everywhere Never worry about your passwords Save passwords securely in your Google Account, and you'll never have to type them again Access your passwords whenever you're signed in to your Google Account To save passwords to your Google Account, sign in and turn on sync. To save passwords to your Google Account, turn on sync. WebRTC logs WebRTC text logs ($13) WebRTC event logs ($13) WebRTC log captured $1Tuesday, January 25, 2011 2:58:02 PM Local file: No local log file. Uploaded $1Tuesday, January 25, 2011 2:58:02 PM Upload failed ($1Tuesday, January 25, 2011 2:58:02 PM). Report ID $18fa95dbb6f2ec862 File bug Log upload pending. Log upload underway. Log not uploaded. Local log ID: $1A83BC19927509874309F2EE002174235. You have no recently captured WebRTC text logs. You have no recently captured WebRTC event logs. Hide this plugin Control-click to run $1Flash Right-click to run $1Flash $1Flash is blocked by enterprise policy This plugin is not supported on this device $1Java needs your permission to run $1Flash disabled. $1Adobe Flash Player is no longer supported Restore pages? usage statistics Browsing data was automatically deleted Free up space to continue Some features on $ might not work until you clear data that other sites have stored on your device Choose sites to clear You are using an unsupported command-line flag: $1--no-sandbox. Stability and security will suffer. You are using an unsupported feature flag: $1SignedHTTPExchange. Stability and security will suffer. You are using an unsupported environment variable: $1SSLKEYLOGFILE. Stability and security will suffer. Insecure content blocked This page is trying to load scripts from unauthenticated sources. Load Unsafe Scripts Load unsafe scripts Add this site to your shelf to use it any time Add About System System diagnostic data Details Details: $1Log.txt Expand all... Collapse all... Expand... Collapse... Unable to parse file: $1Log.txt Legacy Browser Support Opening in alternative browser now Opening in $1Internet Explorer now The alternative browser could not be opened $1Internet Explorer could not be opened Opening in alternative browser in $15 seconds Opening in $2Internet Explorer in $15 seconds $1 could not be open in an alternative browser. Please contact your system administrator. $1 could not be open in $2Internet Explorer. Please contact your system administrator. Only http, https and file protocols are supported for browser redirects. Legacy Browser Support (LBS) allows specific URLs patterns to be opened in an alternative browser that supports legacy features required to properly run those sites. Legacy Browser Support (LBS) - Internals Nothing to show LBS is currently disabled. You can enable LBS by setting the <a href="" class="policy-prop">{BrowserSwitcherEnabled}</a> policy. URL Checker Enter a URL to see what LBS would do with it. Opens in: $1 Reason: LBS only supports http://, https://, and file:// URLs. Reason: $ was found in the "$2Force open in" list. Reason: The inverted rule $1! was found in the "Force open in" list. Reason: LBS stays in $1Chromium by default. Invalid URL. Make sure it is formatted properly. XML configuration source XML files that are being used to set the policies. Source policy (not configured) XML sitelists have not been fetched yet. Download now XML sitelists were last downloaded at $1. Next download is at $1. Force open in The list of websites that redirect to alternative browser. This list is affected by <a href="" class="policy-prop">{BrowserSwitcherUrlList}</a> , <a href="" class="policy-prop">{BrowserSwitcherExternalSitelistUrl}</a> and <a href="" class="policy-prop">{BrowserSwitcherUseIeSitelist}</a> URLs matching these rules will be forced to open in a specific browser. Rule Opens in Source Ignore The list of websites that can open in either browser. This list is affected by <a href="" class="policy-prop">{BrowserSwitcherExternalGreylistUrl}</a> and <a href="" class="policy-prop">{BrowserSwitcherUrlGreylist}</a> URLs matching these rules won't trigger a browser switch and can be open in either $1 or $2. Rule Source Looking for the browser about page? Visit . chrome://about Looking for the system about page? Visit . os://about This page uses a Native Client app that doesn't work on your computer. An error occurred while checking for updates: $1Unable to contact Google Update Update check failed to start (error code $10x80000005). The updater is currently running. Refresh in a minute to check again. $1An error message from Google Update. (error code $27: 0x80000005). Search $1Google or type a URL Pa&ste and go to $1 Pa&ste and search for “$1flowers Pa&ste and go Pa&ste and Go to $1 Pa&ste and Search for “$1flowers Pa&ste and Go Press $1Tab to search $ Press $1Tab to send commands to $2Google Talk Tab Search $ Send commands to $1ACME Music App Search $ Search $ Clear input Why this suggestion? Remove suggestion Remove suggestion? This page will also be removed from your history and $1Google activity. Always Show Full URLs Always show full URLs Search Google or type URL Search Google or type a URL Search Google Add shortcut Add shortcut Edit shortcut Edit shortcut More actions for $1YouTube shortcut *.jpeg, *.jpg, *.png Name URL Remove Cancel Done Type a valid URL Can't create shortcut Can't edit shortcut Can't remove shortcut Shortcut removed Shortcut edited Shortcut added Shortcut already exists Restore default shortcuts Chrome backgrounds Upload an image Select a collection Refresh daily Restore default background Cancel Connection error Connection error. More info Backgrounds are unavailable. Try again later. Back selected Customize this page Dismiss this message Share Doodle Close Facebook Twitter E-mail Copy Link Doodle Link Appearance Themes Background Custom backgrounds have been turned off by your administrator Shortcuts Cards Color and theme Default Chrome Chrome Colors Change theme Reset to Default Chrome Follow device colors Uploaded image Your uploaded image Upload from device Current theme you have installed. Hide shortcuts Don't show shortcuts on this page Show cards Show shortcuts My shortcuts Most visited sites Shortcuts are suggested based on websites you visit often Shortcuts are curated by you Hide all cards Customize cards Current theme you have installed Uninstall Custom color Color picker Theme is set by your Organization Your administrator has set a default theme which cannot be changed. Pick a theme color Default color Grey default color Color based on theme Warm grey Cool grey Midnight blue Black Beige and white Yellow and white Green and white Light teal and white Light purple and white Pink and white Beige Orange Light green Light teal Light blue Pink Dark pink and red Dark red and orange Dark green Dark teal Dark blue Dark purple Blue Grey Aqua Green Viridian Citron Apricot Rose Fuchsia Violet You won't see this specific message again Pick a color scheme mode Light Dark Device You can find older colors in the Chrome Web Store Find themes About this card $1Office Chairs hidden You won't see $1shopping suggestions on this page again You won't see $1this type of card again Hide $1Office Chairs More actions for Google Drive Files Never show $1shopping suggestions Don't show $1shopping suggestions More actions for $1shopping suggestions Customize cards Viewed today Viewed yesterday Viewed in the past week Viewed in the past month Viewed previously Shopping suggestions shopping suggestions You’re seeing suggested recipes based on your recent Search activity for recipes. <br> <br> You can manage settings from the card menu or see more options in Customize Chrome. You’re seeing recipes based on your recent Search activity for recipes. <br> <br> You can manage settings from the card menu or see more options in Customize Chrome. Recipe ideas recipe ideas these recipe ideas Recently viewed recipes recently viewed recipes these recently viewed recipes Your carts In your shopping cart carts these carts your carts In your cart $12 items in your cart $215% off from $3Amazon, $, viewed $53 days ago 1 item in your cart $115% off from $2Amazon, $, viewed $43 days ago Items in your cart $115% off from $2Amazon, $, viewed $43 days ago You’re seeing carts that help you easily get back to items you left in shopping carts across the web. <br> <br> You can manage settings from the card menu or see more options in Customize Chrome. $11 item $12 items Never show Drive files Don't show Drive Hide these files Google Drive files Drive files Files this module Super Duper Module From your Google Drive From your Drive You’re seeing suggested files to help you easily get back to your most recent activity in Google Drive. <br> <br> You can manage settings from the card menu or see more options in Customize Chrome. From your Google Photos Google Photos memories your memories for today Memories hidden for today Memories hidden for two days memories memories from Google Photos You’re seeing photo and video highlights from your Google Photos library. You can control what shows up in your highlights at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. <br> <br> You can manage settings for this card from the card menu or see more options in Customize Chrome. Explore more of your memories in Google Photos See your memories here See "$1Recent Highlights" and other memories here See "Recent Highlights" and other memories here See memories of your favorite people and more See memories of your recent trips and more Start exploring your memories from Google Photos, whenever you’re signed in. See memories No thanks Ask me later 2 years ago Your trip New Top picks for you About this card You're seeing this item based on your previous activity using Google services. You can see your data, delete it, and change your settings at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. <br> <br> Learn about the data Google collects and why at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Close Related to your search Recommended Find what you added to shopping carts and check out when you're ready Carts hidden. They'll reappear when you make changes. Hide $1Amazon $1Amazon hidden. You'll see it again when you revisit your cart. Never show $1Amazon You won't see $1Amazon again $115% off Up to $115% off Let Google find personalized discounts on your carts? Get discounts If Google finds a discount, you will see it on this page No thanks Discounts are off. You can turn them on in the customize menu Got it Let Chrome find personalized discounts on your carts? Let Google use your cart to find available discounts? Get discounts for $1Amazon Get discounts for $1Amazon and $2Walmart Get discounts for $1Amazon, $2Walmart and more Continue Get discounts? Customize what you see on this page New Your page, your way Pick cards that keep you updated on things that matter to you See all card options in <a is="action-link" id="customizeChromeLink" tabIndex=0 on-click="onCustomizeModuleFre_">Customize Chrome</a> Got it Don't show You won't see cards on this page again Following Resume browsing Resume browsing for $1Office Chairs Show all Bookmarked You’re seeing pages you've visited and suggested searches to help you easily get back to your most recent activity. <br> <br> You can manage settings from the card menu or see more options in Customize Chrome. You’re seeing suggested searches and shopping discounts that might interest you based on your recent activity. <br> <br> You can manage settings from this card anytime or see more options in Customize Chrome. Journeys this type of card No longer interested this card Mark as done and hide Open all in new tab group Open in side panel Show all searches for $1Office Chairs Search for $1Office Chairs Web browsing should be fast. Take a moment to <a href="chrome://extensions">check your extensions</a> now. Safety matters. Take a moment and <a href="chrome://extensions">check your extensions now</a> Got extensions? <a href="chrome://extensions">Manage your extensions</a> in one easy place. Add Bookmark Edit Bookmark Add to Reading List Mark as Read Add bookmark Edit bookmark Add to reading list Mark as read Reading List Reading list Unread Pages you've read Mark as read Mark as unread To add a page to read later, click the button You'll find your reading list here To save a page for later, click the Bookmark icon Add current tab Can't add current tab Mark current tab as read Remove current tab Mark as Unread Mark as Read Mark as unread Mark as read Delete &Reading list Add tab to reading list Show reading list &Reading List Add Tab to Reading List Show Reading List Side Panel Resize Handle Side Panel Selector Open Google Search side panel Close Google Search side panel Search Google Search side panel Get a page summary, related searches, and other useful info about this page You can search this page with Google to get additional useful info To get a page summary, related searches, and other useful info about this page, select Google Search side panel button in the toolbar Can't load this panel right now Please try again later Customize Chrome Unpin Unpin from toolbar Pin to toolbar Sort by $1Newest All Bookmarks Open Side Panel to see All Bookmarks Tracked products Newest newest Oldest oldest A to Z Z to A Last opened last opened Visual view Compact view Sorting and list options Create New Folder New folder Edit Bookmark List You'll find your bookmarks here Bookmark things you want to come back to later Nothing to show yet Add a bookmark to this folder Sign in to see your bookmarks Bookmarks are unavailable in guest mode No results found There are no bookmarks that match your search ($11) Edit Bookmark Move More Move to… New Folder Cancel Save Name URL {NUM_BOOKMARKS, plural, =1 {1 bookmark deleted} other {# bookmarks deleted}} Undo Move to Bookmarks Bar folder Move to All Bookmarks Edit… Rename $ - $2Bookmarks Bar Your administrator has disabled this feature. Back to $1All Bookmarks Back $1All Bookmarks folder More options for $1All Bookmarks bookmark More options for $1All Bookmarks bookmark folder Open folder $1All Bookmarks Open $1New York Times Select folder $1All Bookmarks Select $1New York Times Deselect folder $1All Bookmarks Deselect $1New York Times Price tracking is enabled. Price is $1400. Price has changed from $1500 to $2400. Select Results found in $1All Bookmarks In other folders Reading Mode Reading mode Reading Mode Reading mode Reading mode isn’t available on this page Highlight the text you want to open in reading mode Reading mode can't find the main content on this page Text formatting Font size Font Decrease font size Increase font size Color theme Line height Letter spacing Standard Loose Very loose Wide Very wide Default Light Dark Yellow Blue Getting ready Reset Turn off highlight Turn on highlight Listen to the text with natural voice Play Pause Previous sentence Next sentence More options Voice speed Voice selection To show a simplified view of this page, open the side panel and select Reading mode To see a simplified view of this page, go to More Tools > Reading Mode Hi. This is a preview Notes Add a note Order Learn more All Notes Current Tab {NUM_NOTES, plural, =1 {1 Note} other {# Notes}} Open in New Tab Open in New Window Open in Incognito Window Add Notes About This Page Add a note or thought about this page to revisit later. Not Available in Guest Mode Log in as another user to view and take notes on this page. Feed Google Lens Click to go back, hold to see history Press to go back, context menu to see history Enable featured experiments Toggle left aligned side panel Select experiment state for $1Tab Scrolling Send feedback for $1Tab Scrolling Click to go forward, hold to see history Press to go forward, context menu to see history Downloads Open the home page Reload this page Reload this page, hold to see more options Stop loading this page Extensions Hidden toolbar buttons Extensions are blocked on this site Extensions are allowed on this site Extension permissions Show side panel Hide side panel Side panel Close View site information New tab Search by voice Search by image Close Search any image with Google Lens Drag an image here or upload a file OR Paste image link Search Drop an image here Uploading... No network connection Check your internet connection and try again Try again Can't upload. Use an image in one of these formats: .jpg, .gif, .png, .bmp, .tif, or .webp Can't upload. Use an image smaller than 20MB. Can't search multiple images. Add one image at a time. Can't use this link. Check that your link starts with 'http://' or 'https://' to try again. Can't use this link. Check for typos or use another link to try again. Can't search multiple images. Add one image at a time. Save card Saving card Can't save card right now Save CVC Save IBAN Save payment method Show IBAN value Hide IBAN value Translate this page Zoom: $1100% This page was zoomed by the "$1Google Cast" extension Reset Find Search tabs Organize tabs Organize tabs? Close Organize Tabs Organize tabs To open this link, choose an app Open with Remember this choice Open Stay in Chrome From $1 Open in app Always use the $1YouTube app to open supported web links? Always use Select an app on your $1Chromebook to open this link Select an app on your device to open this link Your Password Is Saved Use Your Passwords on Your iOS Devices Get Started No Thanks Your password is saved Use your passwords on your iOS devices Get started No thanks You can access it on Google Password Manager. To use your saved passwords on your phone, download Chrome for iOS and sign in to your Google Account. To use your saved passwords on your phone, follow the QR code, download Chrome for iOS and sign in to your Google Account. $1 (Incognito) $1 (Guest) $1Wikipedia - Google Chrome - $2John Smith $1Chrome (Update is available) Full screen Exit full screen Home Reload Find Bookmarks Saved Tab Groups Menu containing hidden saved tab groups Hidden saved tab groups Menu containing hidden bookmarks Bookmark button Bookmark folder button Saved Tab Group button Experiments Left aligned side panel Enterprise policy changed. Experiments button added to toolbar. Click the button to open a dialog to enable experiments. Enterprise policy changed. Experiments button removed from toolbar. Select experiment state for the $1Tab Scrolling experiment. Select experiment state for the $1Tab Scrolling experiment. Experiment description: $2Enables tab strip to scroll left and right when full. Separator Extensions New Tab Minimize Maximize Restore Close $1Google Search Reset to default zoom level Search tabs Organize tabs Scroll towards the first tab Scroll towards the last tab Mute tab Scroll backward Scroll forward Clipboard read access allowed Clipboard read access denied This site can see text and images copied to the clipboard. Always block $ from seeing the clipboard Continue allowing this site to see the clipboard This site has been blocked from seeing text and images copied to the clipboard Always allow $ to see the clipboard Continue blocking this site from seeing the clipboard To go back more than 1 page, click and hold Back. To go back more than 1 page, click and hold the Back button. Bookmark this page to easily find it later You can click the star to bookmark a tab Get back here fast by bookmarking this tab Chrome tip See what extensions can read or change a site From here, you can see and manage extension permissions for the site you're on {NUM_EXTENSIONS, plural, =1 {Choose if this extension can read or change this site} other {Choose if these extensions can read or change this site}} {NUM_EXTENSIONS, plural, =1 {To manage it, open Extensions} other {To manage them, open Extensions}} New! Control your music, videos, and more. You can browse privately using an Incognito window Use the web without saving your browsing history with an Incognito window Using a shared computer? Try opening an Incognito window. To browse privately, click the dots icon menu to open an Incognito window Open a new tab with one click You can click here to open a new tab Open a new tab to browse two sites at once See all your bookmarks here See all your bookmarks in Bookmarks and Lists When you're ready, find your reading list here When you're ready, find your reading list in Bookmarks and Lists To add this page to your reading list, click the Bookmark icon To get back here quickly, install $1Google Maps by clicking the install button Your connection is always secure unless Chrome tells you otherwise Your reading list has moved to the new side panel. Try it here. Find your reading list and bookmarks in Bookmarks and Lists Organize your tabs with tab groups Unnamed group - $1"New Tab" and one other $1New Group - $2"New Tab" and one other Click the speaker icon to mute this tab To create a highlight like this one, select any text and right-click. Energy Saver Turned On Energy Saver turned on This extends battery power by limiting background activity and visual effects like smooth scrolling. This extends battery power by limiting background activity and visual effects like smooth scrolling Settings Memory Saver frees up memory from inactive tabs so it can be used by active tabs and other apps. Memory Saver frees up memory from inactive tabs so it can be used by active tabs and other apps Turn On Turn on Nicely done! Right-click on a tab and select "Add Tab To New Group" Right-click on a tab and select "Add tab to new group" Right-click on a tab and select "Add Tab To Group" and then select "New Group" Right-click on a tab and select "Add tab to group" and then select "New group" Name your group, choose a color, then press Esc Try dragging other open tabs to your group Click the group name to expand or collapse it Try using tab groups to organize tasks, for online shopping, and more Click the side panel icon to open it Now add the current tab to your list Select “Mark as read” to move the page to the bottom of your list Click the drop down to choose another panel Try using the side panel for bookmarks, journeys, and more Chrome theme colors have been refreshed to work better for everyone, whether you’re in dark or light mode Customize the appearance of Chrome and this page Customize themes Customize Chrome to give your browser a new look Click to customize Chrome Click “Change theme” to explore themes inspired by artists, nature and more Select a collection Choose an image to apply the theme instantly Click the back arrow to explore other options You can now give your browser a new look at any time. Open the menu Click “Passwords and Autofill” Click “Passwords and autofill” Click “Settings” Click “Add Shortcut” Click “Install” The following plugin is unresponsive: $1 Shockwave Would you like to stop it? {NUM_PAGES, plural, =1 {Page Unresponsive} other {Pages Unresponsive}} {NUM_PAGES, plural, =1 {You can wait for it to become responsive or exit the page.} other {You can wait for them to become responsive or exit the pages.}} $, in $2YouTube. Wait {NUM_PAGES, plural, =1 {Exit Page} other {Exit Pages}} {NUM_PAGES, plural, =1 {Exit page} other {Exit pages}} $1Flash isn't responding Stop plugin Auto sign-in Automatically sign in to websites using stored credentials. When the feature is disabled, you will be asked for confirmation every time before signing in to a website. with $ Yes No Show original content? To save memory, Chrome removed some content Also turn on Enhanced Safe Browsing for this Chrome profile? Turn on Safe Browsing No Thanks No thanks Username Password Password updated {COUNT, plural, =1 {Successfully changed the compromised password. You have # more compromised password. Google Password Manager recommends checking this password now.} other {Successfully changed the compromised password. You have # more compromised passwords. Google Password Manager recommends checking these passwords now.}} Successfully changed the compromised password. Check your passwords anytime in $1Google Password Manager. Check remaining passwords Check Remaining Passwords Save Next Move No thanks Update Password Update password Never Select where to save your password Save in your Google Account Save only on this device Choose where to save This password will be saved on this device You can save this password in your Google Account or only on this device To view your password or add a note about it, click the key icon To view your password or add a note about it, select manage your passwords in the search and address bar You can securely share a copy of your password with someone in your family group Use Share button at the bottom of the card to share a copy of your password with someone in your family group Get to your saved passwords quicker You saved a note for a password on this site. To view it, click the key icon. You saved a note for a password on this site. To view it, select manage your passwords in the search and address bar. Save your password Manage your passwords Move your password Protect your passwords New password received Import Passwords To Chrome Export Passwords From Chrome Move to Google Account? Move your password to your Google Account to access it securely wherever you're signed in Save passwords? Google Password Manager couldn't save these passwords in your Google Account. You can save them to this device. Save to device Save to Device No thanks No Thanks Save Never Update Continue Save passwords for this site Password for $1Alexander No saved passwords for $ Saved passwords for $ Manage passwords Select password Select passkey Suggest strong password Use a passkey on a different device You won’t need to remember this password. It will be saved to Google Password Manager for $ Confirm your username Never for this site Never save passwords for this site Edit password Microsoft Internet Explorer Microsoft Edge Mozilla Firefox Iceweasel Safari Bookmarks HTML File Import Bookmarks and Settings... Hold $1⌘Q to Quit Warn Before Quitting ($1⌘Q) Close Firefox To finish importing, close all Firefox windows. Try Again Try again Feedback Send Feedback to Google Describe What You Were Doing When The Tab Crashed Send feedback to Google Describe what you were doing when the tab crashed Minimize Close Describe the issue in detail URL Email Do not include email address We may email you for more information or updates Include this screenshot and titles of open tabs Screenshot of programs that are currently on the screen Send performance trace data Attach <a href="#" id="bluetooth-logs-info-link">Bluetooth Logs</a> (Google internal) This information helps us better understand your Assistant issue. It's stored for up to 90 days and access is restricted to appropriate engineering and feedback teams. To better diagnose Bluetooth issues, Googlers can include additional Bluetooth logs with their feedback reports. When this option is checked, your report will include btsnoop and HCI logs from your current session, sanitized to remove as much PII as possible. Access to these logs will be restricted to managers of the ChromeOS product group in Listnr. Logs will be purged after 90 days. Feedback Report Thank you for your feedback. You are offline now, and your report will be sent later. Send <a href="#" id="sys-info-url">system information</a> Send <a href="#" id="sys-info-url">system information</a> and <a href="#" id="histograms-url">metrics</a> Send <a href="#" id="sys-info-url">system and app information</a>, and <a href="#" id="histograms-url">metrics</a> Include recent Assistant history via Sherlog. This may include your identity, location, and debug info. <a href="#" id="assistant-logs-info-link">Learn more</a> File will be sent to Google for debugging Attach file Selected file is too big (max size: 3mb). Send <a href="#" id="autofill-metadata-url">autofill metadata</a> <br> (your autofill data won't be shared) <Four files generated by Intel Wi-Fi firmware: csr.lst, fh_regs.lst, radio_reg.lst, monitor.lst.sysmon. The first three are binary files containing register dumps, and are asserted by Intel to contain no personal or device-identifying information. The last file is an execution trace from the Intel firmware; it has been scrubbed of any personal or device-identifying information, but is too large to display here. These files were generated in response to recent Wi-Fi problems with your device, and will be shared with Intel to help troubleshoot these problems.> Go to the <a href="#" id="legal-help-page-url">Legal Help page</a> to request content changes for legal reasons. Some account and system information may be sent to Google. We will use the information you give us to help address technical issues and to improve our services, subject to our <a href="#" id="privacy-policy-url">Privacy Policy</a> and <a href="#" id="terms-of-service-url">Terms of Service</a>. Please describe the problem before sending feedback. Send Autofill Metadata Preview System Information Preview Loading... Additional info (optional) Clear browsing data The selected data has been removed from Chrome and synced devices. Your Google Account may have other forms of browsing history like searches and activity from other Google services at <a target="_blank" href="$1"></a>. Cleared Chrome data Ok, got it We were not able to delete all passwords stored in your Google Account. Try again or visit <a target="_blank" href="$1"></a>. Some passwords were not deleted Ok, got it Microphone: Camera: None available A site is playing media (Chrome error pages) Embedded content Go to embedded content settings $1Google Chrome may not be able to keep itself updated Set up automatic updates Don't ask again $1Google Chrome will set up automatic updates for all users of this computer. Failed to set up automatic updates for all users (preflight launch error: $11) Failed to set up automatic updates for all users (preflight execution error: $11) Update failed (error: $11) Error details: Updates are disabled by your administrator. Automatic updates are enabled. Manual updates are disabled by your administrator. Report an issue Turn on autoupdate Picture in Picture Picture in picture Pause Play Play from the beginning Back to tab Skip Ad Mute microphone Unmute microphone Turn on camera Turn off camera Hang up Close Resize Play or pause video Next track Previous track Previous slide Next slide Enter picture-in-picture automatically, so you can use it on top of other tabs and windows. Waiting for available socket... Waiting for $1extension Adblock... Processing request... Waiting for cache... Waiting for proxy tunnel... Resolving proxy... Resolving host in proxy script... Downloading proxy script... Resolving host... Connecting... Establishing secure connection... Sending request... Uploading ($127%)... Waiting for $ New tab to the right New tab to the left Reload Duplicate Close Close other tabs Close tabs to the right Close tabs to the left Close all tabs Focus this tab Pin Unpin {NUM_TABS, plural, =1 {Mute site} other {Mute sites}} {NUM_TABS, plural, =1 {Unmute site} other {Unmute sites}} {NUM_TABS, plural, =1 {Add tab to reading list} other {Add tabs to reading list}} {NUM_TABS, plural, =1 {Add tab to group} other {Add tabs to group}} {NUM_TABS, plural, =1 {Add tab to new group} other {Add tabs to new group}} New group Remove from group {NUM_OTHER_TABS, plural, =0 {"$1Google News"} =1 {"$1Google News" and 1 other tab} other {"$1Google News" and # other tabs}} {NUM_TABS, plural, =1 {Move tab to new window} other {Move tabs to new window}} {NUM_TABS, plural, =1 {Move tab to another window} other {Move tabs to another window}} New window Organize tabs Follow site Unfollow site $1Google News belongs to desk $2School Desk $1School has $23 browser windows open $1Desk 1 (Current) New Tab to the Right New Tab to the Left Reload Duplicate Close Close Other Tabs Close Tabs to the Right Close Tabs to the Left Close All Tabs Focus This Tab Pin Unpin {NUM_TABS, plural, =1 {Mute Site} other {Mute Sites}} {NUM_TABS, plural, =1 {Unmute Site} other {Unmute Sites}} {NUM_TABS, plural, =1 {Add Tab to Reading List} other {Add Tabs to Reading List}} {NUM_TABS, plural, =1 {Add Tab to Group} other {Add Tabs to Group}} {NUM_TABS, plural, =1 {Add Tab to New Group} other {Add Tabs to New Group}} New Group Remove From Group {NUM_OTHER_TABS, plural, =0 {"$1Google News"} =1 {"$1Google News" and 1 Other Tab} other {"$1Google News" and # Other Tabs}} {NUM_TABS, plural, =1 {Move Tab to New Window} other {Move Tabs to New Window}} {NUM_TABS, plural, =1 {Move Tab to Another Window} other {Move Tabs to Another Window}} New Window Organize Tabs Follow Site Unfollow Site Find your tabs here {NUM_OPEN_TABS, plural, =1 {# open tab, press to toggle tab strip} other {# open tabs, press to toggle tab strip}} New tab Close tab New Tab Close Tab To search your tabs, click here Search Tabs No Results Found Close Tab Submit Feedback Tab Closed Found $11 Tab Found $12 Tabs Found $11 Tab For '$2google' Found $12 Tabs For '$2google' Open Tab Recently Closed Tab Recently Closed Tab Group Audio & Video Open Tabs Recently Closed Recently Closed Tabs $11 Tab $12 Tabs Toggle Recently Closed Items Expand recently closed Collapse recently closed All Tabs Organize Tabs Create group Dismiss Organize tabs Let Chrome organize your tabs You can organize your tabs anytime Chrome can help your tabs stay organized and easy to find Turn on sync to let Chrome keep your tabs organized. Turn on History sync in Settings to let Chrome keep your tabs organized. Organize tabs Turn on sync Settings Sign in Organizing… Tab organization found Something went wrong No opportunities for tab organization found Tab organization is currently unavailable You'll get more opportunities for tab organization after you open new related tabs Tip: You can organize your own tabs anytime. Show me how {NUM_PAGES, plural, =0 {$1Google} =1 {$1Google and 1 other tab} other {$1Google and # other tabs}} {NUM_PAGES, plural, =0 {$1Google} =1 {$1Google and 1 Other Tab} other {$1Google and # Other Tabs}} Tab-group title Save group Unsave group New tab in group Ungroup Close group Hide group Delete group Move group to new window Open group in new window Send feedback Name this group Save Group Unsave Group New Tab in Group Ungroup Close Group Hide Group Delete Group Move Group to New Window Open Group in New Window Send Feedback Name This Group Reload Open browser window Copy &link Create &QR Code Reload Open Browser Window Copy &Link Create &QR Code Update Finish update Relaunch to update New Chrome available Error $ Screen Sharing Request Do you want $ to share your screen? Do you want $ to share your screen and audio output? $ is sharing your screen. $ is sharing your screen and audio. $ is sharing a window. $ is sharing a Chrome tab. $ is sharing a Chrome tab and audio. Hide Change source Stop sharing Stop You're sharing your screen $1My OpenVPN App wants permanent access to a certificate to authenticate itself on your behalf. This frame was blocked because it contains some insecure content. Select a certificate Select a certificate to authenticate yourself to $ Sign in to Security Device Please sign in to $1Software Security Device to import client certificate from $ Please sign in to $1Software Security Device to authenticate to $ with your certificate. Please sign in to $1Software Security Device. Please sign in to $1Software Security Device to import the client certificate. Please sign in to $1Software Security Device to export the client certificate. Password: Unlock (empty) Automatically send usage statistics and crash reports to Google $1Google Chrome is ready to complete your installation Help make $1Google Chrome better by automatically sending usage statistics and crash reports to Google Start $1Google Chrome Help our engineers investigate and fix this crash. List exact steps if you can. No detail is too small! ''' Send feedback Either Chrome ran out of memory or the process for the webpage was terminated for some other reason. To continue, reload or go to another page. Tab killed feedback. ''' To hide access to this program, you need to uninstall it by using $1Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel. Would you like to start $1Add/Remove Programs? Relaunch Relaunch Restart Restart Your browser is managed by your parent ARC Platform Your home page has been set. Extensions This setting is managed by your administrator. This setting is enforced by the "$1Google Cast" extension. This setting is enforced by an extension. You are following the administrator's recommendation for this setting. Your administrator recommends a specific value for this setting. This setting isn't available for your account. This setting is managed by a parent. Not from Chrome Web Store. Installed by a third party. Installed by enterprise policy. Installed because of dependent extension(s). This extension contains malware. This extension contains a serious security vulnerability. This extension violates the Chrome Web Store policy. Disabled by Chrome. This extension may be unsafe. This extension is not trusted by Enhanced Safe Browsing. Learn more about Enhanced Safe Browsing. Learn more about access requests. This will reset your startup page, new tab page, search engine, and pinned tabs. It will also disable all extensions and clear temporary data like cookies. Your bookmarks, history and saved passwords will not be cleared. This action will: <br><br> • Reset some Chrome settings and Chrome shortcuts <br> • Disable extensions <br> • Delete cookies and other temporary site data <br><br> Bookmarks, history, and saved passwords won't be affected. $1SuperDuper PC Cleaner Pro wants to reset your settings. $1SuperDuper PC Cleaner Pro wants to restore your Chrome settings to their original defaults. This will reset your homepage, new tab page and search engine, disable your extensions, and unpin all tabs. It will also clear other temporary and cached data, such as cookies, content and site data. A cleanup tool Locale Startup URLs Startup type Homepage Homepage is the New Tab page Yes No Show Home button Default search engine Extensions Shortcut targets Processing shortcuts... Homepage Month Year Google Pay Use system title bar and borders Send Send this page Active today Active $1- 1 day ago day ago Active $1- 3 days ago days ago Shared from $1Ted's Pixel2 Page shared from another device Open in New Tab Shared Tab Choose a device. Then, to see the page, open Chrome there. Send to Your &Devices Send to your &devices Send to your devices Page shared from $1Tanya's Pixel 2 Open Sending link to $1Ted's Pixel2 $1Your devices$2 · $ To send this tab to another device, sign in to Chrome on both devices To send this tab to another device, sign in to Chrome there Create QR Code for this page Create QR Code for this image Create QR Code for this link Create QR Code for this Page Create QR Code for this Image Create QR Code for this Link QR Code Create QR Code for this Page Scan QR Code Create QR Code URL To scan this code, you can use a QR scanner app on your phone, or some camera apps. Download Copy Use $1300 characters or fewer Can't create QR Code Share Share this page Screenshot Copy link Save page as... Cast... Share link to Follow Following Screenshot copied to clipboard Download Edit Share Selection Tool Crop Tool Text Tool Ellipse Tool Rectangle Tool Line Tool Arrow Tool Brush Tool Emoji Tool Highlighter Tool Undo Redo Zoom In Zoom Out Crop Confirm Crop Cancel Cancel Crop Download Image Copy to Clipboard Screenshot Image Editor Clear Canvas Align left Align center Align right No shadow Small shadow Large shadow Default font Monospace font Italic font Outline font Clipboard Paste from clipboard Text copied from other device Text copied from $1Jimmy's Pixel Image copied from other device Image copied from $1Jimmy's Pixel Press $1Ctrl+V to paste Call from your device Call from $1Jimmy's Pixel Copy to your device Copy to $1Jimmy's Pixel Text shared from other device Text shared from $1Jimmy's Pixel Copied to your clipboard Copy to your device Call from Your Device Call from $1Jimmy's Pixel Copy to Your Device Copy to $1Jimmy's Pixel Text shared from Other Device Text shared from $1Jimmy's Pixel Copied to Your Clipboard Copy to Your Device Cookies in use The following cookies were set when you viewed this page The following cookies were blocked The following cookies were blocked (third-party cookies are being blocked without exception) Allow Clear On Exit Clear on exit Block Cookies from $ allowed Cookies from $ blocked Cookies from $ will be cleared on exit Allowed Blocked Allowed Blocked Cleared on Exit Reload this page to apply your updated settings on this site Reload Partitioned On-device site data To improve your visit, sites often save your activity – often to your device. $1Manage site data Manage site data Data from the site you’re visiting A site might save your preferred language or items you want to buy. This info is avaiable to the site and its subdomains. Data from embedded sites A site can also embed content from other sites, for example images, ads, and text. These other sites can also save data. If a site uses cookies, it will appear here Allow to save data Allow to set third-party cookies Don’t allow to save data Delete when you close all windows Allowed to save data to your device Not allowed to save data to your device Delete data when you close all windows Data is treated the same as the site you’re viewing Delete data when you close all windows. Data is treated the same as the site you’re viewing More actions for $ Delete saved data for $ Infobar Container Infobar Undo Your bookmarks, history, and other settings will be synced to your Google Account. OK, got it Undo Advanced Cancel Create a New Profile Add Work Profile Link Data Create a new profile Add work profile Link data This account is managed by $ Profile will be deleted Your account $ is no longer allowed as the primary account. Because this account is managed by $, your bookmarks, history, passwords, and other settings will be cleared from this device. Your <a target="_blank" href="$1">$2Chromebook is managed</a> by your organization Your <a target="_blank" href="$1">$2Chromebook is managed</a> by $ Your <a href="$1">browser is managed</a> by your organization Your <a href="$1">browser is managed</a> by $ Your <a href="$1">profile is managed</a> by $ Your <a href="$1">browser is managed</a> by your organization and your <a href="$1">profile is managed</a> by $ Your <a href="$1">browser is managed</a> by $ and your <a href="$1">profile is managed</a> by $ Your <a href="$1">browser and profile are managed</a> by $ Your <a href="$1">browser is managed</a> by your parent Browser managed by an organization, profile managed by $ Browser managed by $, profile managed by $ Remove Name Content Domain Path Send for Created Expires When the browsing session ends Any kind of connection Secure connections only Same-site connections only Secure same-site connections only Yes No (HttpOnly) no cookie selected Cookies Web databases Local storage Session storage Indexed databases Media license Media licenses File system File systems None Service Workers Service Workers Shared Workers Cache Storage ecdsa_sign Apps Apps You're browsing as a Guest Pages you view in this window won't appear in the browser history and they won't leave other traces, like cookies, on the computer after you sign out. Files you download and bookmarks you create won't be preserved. Pages you view in this window won't appear in the browser history and they won't leave other traces, like cookies, on the computer after you close all open Guest windows. Any files you download will be preserved, however. Learn more about browsing as a guest Use left and right arrow keys to navigate. Add more apps Most visited Restore all Theme created by Thumbnail removed. Don't show on this page Go to $1Apps More $1Apps Please check your microphone. Close Details Voice search in your language is not available. Listening... No Internet connection. Didn't get that. Please check your microphone and audio levels. Unknown error. Voice search has been turned off. Learn more about using a microphone Speak now Try again Waiting... Voice search closed Options View in Web Store Create shortcuts... Install on this device App info Open as pinned tab Open as regular tab Open as window Open full screen Open maximized Open in a tab Open Install Linux SSH Start app when you sign in Options View in Web Store Create Shortcut Create Shortcuts... Install on this Device App Info Open as Pinned Tab Open as Regular Tab Open as Window Open Full Screen Open Maximized Open in a Tab Open Install Split Horizontal Split Vertical Start App When You Sign In $1GMail (unsupported app) Share information about your device? Share Decline and close profile To use your device with your $ profile, your organization needs information about the device. This can include information about installed software, files, your browser, and the device’s operating system. To use your device with your organization profile, your organization needs information about the device. This can include information about installed software, files, your browser, and the device’s operating system. You can always choose what to sync in settings. Yes, I'm in Yes, I'm In Settings Sync settings Turn on sync Back up your stuff and use it on any device Back up your browser stuff and use it on any device Turn on sync to back up your stuff and use it on any device Bookmarks Reading List Autofill Extensions History and more You can always choose what to sync in settings. Google may personalize Search and other services based on your history. You can always choose what browser data to sync in Chrome settings. In <a href='#'>device settings</a>, you can control sync for web apps installed from Chrome browser. Google may personalize Search and other services based on your history. Welcome, $1Bob Turn on sync Turn On Sync Sync is disabled by your administrator Your administrator has disabled syncing of your bookmarks, history, passwords, and other settings. Sign in anyway Continue Cancel sign in Loading account information... Ok Let's go No thanks Cancel Ok Continue Continue as $1Bob This will separate your browsing from $ You just signed in a managed account, creating a new managed profile will allow you to access some resources linked to that account. $2Bob's profile is linked to $ Separate your browsing? This new profile will be managed by your organization. <a href="$1" target="_blank"> more</a> This new profile will be managed by $ <a href="$2" target="_blank"> more</a> Work Can't sign in Can't sign in to $ Can't sync with $ Close OK Switch to $1Jane Close Back This wasn't me. Create a new profile for $ This was me. Add my bookmarks, history, passwords, and other settings to $ Cancel Continue Use your Google Account to save and fill passwords? Use your Google Account to save and fill passwords and passkeys? Passwords from your Google Account will also be available on this device while you're signed in Passwords and passkeys in your Google Account will also be available on this device while you're signed in Chrome saved your password to this device, but you can save it to your Google Account instead. Then, all passwords in your Google Account will also be available while you're signed in. Chrome saved your password to this device, but you can save it to your Google Account instead. Then, all passwords and passkeys in your Google Account will also be available while you're signed in. Yes No thanks No, this device only $1Flash has crashed $1Flash has encountered an error Reload Could not load $1Flash Open $1Adobe Acrobat? $1 wants to open this application. A website wants to open this application. Open $1Adobe Acrobat Cancel Always allow $1 to open links of this type in the associated app Close Index of LOCATIONc:\Documents and Settings [parent directory] Name Size Date Modified Webpage, HTML Only Webpage, Single File Webpage, Complete Profile error occurred Something went wrong when opening your profile. Some features may be unavailable. Something went wrong when opening your profile. Please sign out then sign in again. Send feedback to help us fix this issue. Please help our engineers fix this problem. Tell us what happened right before you got the profile error message: ''' Cannot start Chrome because something went wrong when opening your profile. Try to restart Chrome. $1Google Chrome can not be run as root. Please start $1Google Chrome as a normal user. If you need to run as root for development, rerun with the --no-sandbox flag. Warning: your $1Google Chrome settings are stored on a network drive. This may result in slowdowns, crashes, or even loss of data. Failed To Create Data Directory Recent Tabs {NUM_TABS, plural, =1 {1 Tab} other {# Tabs}} {NUM_TABS, plural, =1 {$1MyGroup - 1 Tab} other {$1MyGroup - # Tabs}} {NUM_TABS, plural, =1 {Unnamed Group - 1 Tab} other {Unnamed Group - # Tabs}} No Tabs From Other Devices Sign In To See Tabs From Other Devices Recent tabs {NUM_TABS, plural, =1 {1 tab} other {# tabs}} {NUM_TABS, plural, =1 {$1MyGroup - 1 tab} other {$1MyGroup - # tabs}} {NUM_TABS, plural, =1 {Unnamed group - 1 tab} other {Unnamed group - # tabs}} No tabs from other devices Sign in to see tabs from other devices &History download Untitled Set as default Minimize Maximize Restore Close Use system title bar and borders Opening in existing browser session. No, Thanks No, thanks On - sync everything On - custom settings Sign In Sign-in error Sync isn't working Password sync isn't working Sync isn't working Password sync isn't working To continue saving passwords in your Google Account, verify it’s you Make sure you can always access your sync data Make sure you can always access your saved passwords Sign in again Sync needs to verify it's you Enter passphrase Verify it's you Verify it's you Sign out Open settings To start sync, enter your passphrase To sync your passwords, verify it's you To start sync, verify it's you To make sure you can always access your sync data, verify it's you To make sure you can always access your saved passwords, verify it's you Sign in to get your bookmarks, history, passwords and other settings on all your devices. You'll also automatically be signed in to your Google services. Sign in to $1Chrome Sync is disabled by your administrator. Sync has been stopped via the Google Dashboard. Confirm sync settings to start sync. Setup in progress... Sync isn't working. Try signing in again. Sync isn't working. Try signing out and back in again. Enter your passphrase to sync your data Enter passphrase Verify it's you Sign in again to resume sync Sign out then sign in again to start sync Sign in again Sign out Your account sign-in details are out of date. Please sign out and sign in again. Your password has expired. Please sign out then sign in again to change it. Your password has been changed on the server. Please sign out then sign in again. Failed to get authentication token. Please sign out then sign in again to try again. Advanced settings Please wait... Data is encrypted with your sync passphrase. This doesn't include payment methods and addresses from Google Pay. Data was encrypted with your sync passphrase on $1Sept 1, 2012. This doesn't include payment methods and addresses from Google Pay. Waiting for translation Translate this page? Translated This selection couldn't be translated This page couldn't be translated Choose the page language to translate from Choose the language to translate the page to Translation to $1French complete Options Change languages Choose another language Page is not in $1French Selection is not in $1French Translate No thanks Always translate $1French Never translate $1French Never translate this site Translating... Show original Try again Always translate Translate options Page language: Translation language: Language to translate into Page language to translate Language to translate from Translate full page Options Change Languages... Choose Another Language... Page Is Not in $1French Selection Is Not in $1French Translate No Thanks Always Translate $1French Never Translate $1French Never Translate This Site Translating... Show Original Try Again Always Translate Translate Options Page Language: Translation Language: Language to Translate into Page Language to Translate Language to Translate from Translate Full Page Reset Settings Close More Send message Details are hidden while you share your screen Details are hidden while you share your screen {MUTED_NOTIFICATIONS_COUNT, plural, =1 {New notification} other {# new notifications}} {MUTED_NOTIFICATIONS_COUNT, plural, =1 {Show} other {Show all}} Snooze {MUTED_NOTIFICATIONS_COUNT, plural, =1 {New Notification} other {# New Notifications}} {MUTED_NOTIFICATIONS_COUNT, plural, =1 {Show} other {Show All}} Snooze Manage Details Notifications blocked. Notifications blocked This site may be trying to trick you into allowing intrusive notifications. Notifications from this site may be disruptive Could not get profile. Could not load bookmark model. Could not create bookmark folder. Could not create bookmark item. Invalid URL entered. Could not initiate printing. Invalid save type entered. Invalid mode entered. Invalid tab index entered. Cannot set mode after window is set. Wrong index. Executing JavaScript through AppleScript is turned off. To turn it on, from the menu bar, go to View > Developer > Allow JavaScript from Apple Events. For more information: File Edit View History Window Tab Help About $1Google Chrome Services Hide $1Google Chrome Hide Others Show All Quit $1Google Chrome New New Tab New Window New Incognito Window Reopen Closed Tab Open File... Open Location... Close Window Close Tab Save Page As... Email Link More... Share Print Using System Dialog... Undo Redo Cut Copy Paste Paste and Match Style Delete Select All Find Search the Web... Find... Find Next Find Previous Use Selection for Find Jump to Selection Spelling and Grammar Show Spelling and Grammar Check Document Now Check Spelling While Typing Check Grammar With Spelling Substitutions Show Substitutions Smart Quotes Smart Dashes Text Replacement Transformations Make Uppercase Make Lowercase Capitalize Always Show Bookmarks Bar Stop Reload This Page Force Reload This Page Enter Full Screen Exit Full Screen Always Show Toolbar in Full Screen Zoom In Actual Size Zoom Out Developer View Source Developer Tools JavaScript Console Inspect Elements Allow JavaScript from Apple Events Task Manager Home Back Forward Recently Visited Recently Closed Restore All Tabs Minimize Zoom Select Next Tab Select Previous Tab Downloads $1The Title of the Tab $2(playing) $1The Title of the Tab $2(muting) Extensions Bring All to Front Duplicate Tab Duplicate Selected Tab Mute Site Mute Selected Site Pin Tab Pin Selected Tab Group Tab Group Selected Tab Report an Issue... $1Google Chrome Help &File &Edit &View Hi&story &Tools &Help Reopen Closed Tab Open &File... Open &Location... Close Win&dow &Close Tab &Stop &Reload This Page A&ctual Size Zoom &In Zoom &Out Home &Back &Forward Most Visited Recently Closed Restore All Tabs Location access allowed Location access denied This site can access your location. Always block $ from accessing your location Continue allowing this site to access your location This site has been blocked from accessing your location. Always allow $ to access your location Continue blocking this site from accessing your location Location This site will ask again next time. Location is turned off in Mac System Preferences Turn on "Google Chrome" in Location Services on your Mac Location turned off Full control of MIDI devices allowed Full control of MIDI devices denied This page has full control of MIDI devices. Always block $ from having full control of MIDI devices. Continue allowing this site to have full control of MIDI devices This site has been blocked from having full control of MIDI devices. Always allow $ to have full control of MIDI devices Continue blocking this site from having full control of MIDI devices This page is accessing your camera and microphone. This page has been blocked from accessing your camera and microphone. This page is accessing your microphone. This page is accessing your camera. This page has been blocked from accessing your microphone. This page has been blocked from accessing your camera. Camera and microphone allowed Camera and microphone blocked Microphone allowed Camera allowed Microphone blocked Camera blocked This page may need to be reloaded before the new settings take effect. Camera and microphone are turned off in Mac System Preferences Camera is turned off in Mac System Preferences Microphone is turned off in Mac System Preferences Open Settings Camera Microphone Turned off Camera turned off Microphone turned off Change this setting in the address bar. View and manage saved passwords in your $1Google Account Password saved. View and manage saved passwords in your $1Google Account. Google Account Saved passwords for this site No passwords saved for this site Saved passwords for $ No passwords saved for $ Show password Hide password No note added Edit username Edit note Note: $1note Note Update Username: $ Username Signing in as Sign in easily across devices Sign in easily $1Google Password Manager remembers how you signed in and automatically signs you in when possible. When off, you'll be asked for confirmation every time. OK, Got It OK, got it Please Relaunch $1Google Chrome Do you want to install $1Google Chrome? You're running $1Google Chrome from its disk image. Installing it on your computer lets you run it without the disk image, and ensures it will be kept up to date. Install Don't Install $1Google Chrome will be installed. Installation failed. $1Google Chrome couldn't complete installation, but will continue to run from its disk image. Access to local files on your device is disabled by your administrator Access to local files on your machine is disabled by your administrator Proxy Configuration Help <p>When running $1Google Chrome under a supported desktop environment, the system proxy settings will be used. However, either your system is not supported or there was a problem launching your system configuration.</p> <p>But you can still configure via the command line. Please see <code>man $2google-chrome</code> for more information on flags and environment variables.</p> Image Files Audio Files Video Files Custom Files You have gone full screen. "$1MyExtension" triggered full screen. An extension triggered full screen. $ is now full screen. This page is now full screen. $ is now full screen and has disabled your mouse cursor. This page is now full screen and has disabled your mouse cursor. $ has disabled your mouse cursor. This page has disabled your mouse cursor. Press |$1Esc| to show your cursor This site is using motion or light sensors. This site is using motion sensors. This site has been blocked from using motion and light sensors. This site has been blocked from using motion sensors. Always allow $ to access sensors Continue blocking sensor access Sensors allowed Sensors blocked This site is accessing your motion or light sensors. This site is accessing your motion sensors. This site has been blocked from accessing your motion or light sensors. This site has been blocked from accessing your motion sensors. Continue allowing sensor access Always block $ from accessing sensors Close Pin Unpin Pinned by administrator Swap with next Swap with previous Get captions for your audio and video Get captions for your audio and video by enabling Live Caption in settings You can navigate pages with a text cursor. Press F7 to turn off. You can navigate pages with a text cursor. Press Ctrl+Search+7 to turn off. Don't ask me again Turn on caret browsing? Turn on Turn On Caret Browsing? Turn On Media-File Permissions for "$1Photo Editor" "$1PhotoEditor" can read and write images, video, and sound files in the checked locations. "$1PhotoEditor" can read and delete images, video, and sound files in the checked locations. "$1PhotoEditor" can read images, video, and sound files in the checked locations. Suggestions last attached on $11/22/11 Add Location... Apply Add location... Apply Add Media Gallery by Directory attached not attached Permanently remove access for all apps $1Compose with $2GMail App $1Harry Potter - $2Google Search $1Harry Potter, $2Google Search Remove the suggestion $1Harry Potter New tab New window New tabbed window Pin to shelf Unpin from shelf Pinned by administrator Sort by Name Color Uninstall Remove New window New Incognito window OEM folder Linux apps $1ManagedVM apps Open $1Fortnite - $2GeForce Now A fast, simple, and secure web browser, built for the modern web. Web Store Choose what to share Choose what to share with $1 Share your entire screen Share an application window $1Google Hangouts wants to share the contents of your screen. The site will be able to see the contents of your screen $1Google Hangouts wants to share the contents of your screen with $2 Share system audio Share window audio Share tab audio Also share system audio. This device will be muted to prevent feedback. Also share system audio Also share tab audio To share audio, share a tab instead To share audio, share a tab or screen instead Entire Screen Window Entire screen {SCREEN_INDEX, plural, =1{Screen #} other{Screen #}} Options for sharing are managed by your organization. Some items may be hidden. Choose a different screen Choose a different window This Tab Other Tab Select a tab to share Preview of shared tab Unnamed media source Allow $1 to see this tab? The site will be able to see the contents of this tab Allow Also allow tab audio Screen sharing has ended Your organization doesn't allow you to share this content. If you need help, contact your administrator. This tab is using your camera or microphone This tab's content is being shared This tab is playing audio This tab's audio is being muted This tab is connected to a Bluetooth device This tab is actively scanning for Bluetooth devices This tab is connected to a USB device This tab is connected to a HID device This tab is connected to a serial port This tab is playing a video in picture-in-picture mode This tab is sharing your screen This tab is presenting VR content to a headset $1Google Hangouts - Camera or microphone recording $1Google Hangouts - Tab content shared $1Google Hangouts - Video playing in picture-in-picture mode $1Google Play Music - Audio playing $1Google Play Music - Audio muted $1Google Photos - Bluetooth device connected $1Google Photos - Bluetooth scan active $1Google Photos - USB device connected $1Google Photos - HID device connected $1Google Photos - Serial port connected $ - Network error $1Google Search - Crashed $1Google Hangouts - Desktop content shared $1A VR-enabled website - VR presenting to headset $1Google Search - Part of unnamed group $1Google Search - Part of group $2 $1Google Search - Pinned $1Google Search - Permission requested, press Ctrl + Forward to respond $1Google Search - Permission requested, press ⌘ + Option + Up arrow to respond $1Google Search - Permission requested, press F6 to respond Unnamed group - $2Google Search and 3 other tabs - $1 Group $2 - $3Google Search and 3 other tabs - $1 Collapsed Expanded Unnamed group - $1 $1 group - $2 Opened Closed Tab moved right Tab moved left Tab moved to start of tabstrip Tab moved to end of tabstrip Tab moved into unnamed group - $1Google Search and 3 other tabs Tab moved into group $1 - $2Google Search and 3 other tabs Tab removed from unnamed group - $1Google Search and 3 other tabs Tab removed from group $1 - $2Google Search and 3 other tabs Loading $1Google News $1Google Hangouts - Inactive tab $1Google Hangouts - $2175MB freed up $1Google Hangouts - Memory usage - $2175MB $1Google Hangouts - High memory usage - $2175MB Quit Unlock Profile and Relaunch caps lock off caps lock on screen off screen on Active window moved to another display. Command unavailable. Press control-N to open a new window. Entered window overview mode. Swipe to navigate, or press tab if using a keyboard. Viewing saved desks and templates. Press tab to navigate. Viewing saved desks. Press tab to navigate. Entered full screen Exited full screen Share This site has been updated in the background. Select Finding devices... Finding devices... Device Log Add a query param in URL to auto-refresh the page: chrome://device-log/?refresh=<sec> Refresh Clear Clear Types No log entries Log Level: Error User Event Debug Login Network Power Bluetooth USB HID Printer FIDO Serial Camera Geolocation Extensions Display File Info Detailed Timestamps [$1Timestamp] $2file:123 $3Event Description Looking for the browser device-log page? Visit<a href="#" id="os-link-href">$1</a>. Looking for the system device-log page? Visit<a href="$1" id="os-link-href">$1</a>. Go to $ to connect. $1Nexus 5 detected HID settings About HID devices USB settings About USB devices {NUM_EXTENSION, plural, =1 {{1}Google Translate is accessing HID devices} =2 {Extensions accessing devices: {1}Google Translate, {2}Secure Shell} other {Extensions accessing devices: {1}Google Translate, {2}Secure Shell +{3} more}} {NUM_EXTENSION, plural, =1 {{1}Google Translate is accessing USB devices} =2 {Extensions accessing devices: {1}Google Translate, {2}Secure Shell} other {Extensions accessing devices: {1}Google Translate, {2}Secure Shell +{3} more}} {NUM_CONNECTION, plural, =0 {Extension "{1}Google Translate" was accessing devices} =1 {Extension "{1}Google Translate" is accessing {0} device} other {Extension "{1}Google Translate" is accessing {0} devices}} Open Settings to connect $1Nexus 5 to $2Linux USB device detected Connect to $1Linux USB device from $1Google USB device Android apps Android or Default Communications $1Turn on Bluetooth to allow pairing Turn on Bluetooth Open System Preferences Re-scan Re-scan Bluetooth devices Get help$1 while scanning for devices... $1Get help or $2re-scan Paired $1device name - Paired Compatible devices Unknown device from $1vendor name Unknown device [$1123:$2123] Unknown product $1123 from $2Google Unknown product $1123 from vendor $2123 Devices from vendor $1123 Devices from $1Google Devices from any vendor $ wants to connect to a serial port $1Virtual COM Port ($2COM1) Connect Finding devices... Finding serial devices... USB device from $2Google (product $10x12AB) USB device ($212AB:$112AB) USB devices from vendor $112AB USB devices from $1Google Any serial port $ wants to connect to a HID device Unknown Device ($11234:abcd) Finding devices... Finding HID devices... HID device ($11234:$21234) HID devices from vendor $11234 HID devices with usage $11234 from usage page $21234 HID devices with usages from usage page $11234 Any HID device , ''' Open and edit $1todo.txt in this web app? {0, plural, =1 {unused plural form} other {Open and edit # files in this web app?} } {FILE_TYPE_COUNT, plural, =1 {Remember my choice for this file type: {FILE_TYPES}TXT} other {Remember my choice for these file types: {FILE_TYPES}TXT, CSV, DOC} } Open Don’t Open Don’t Allow Open Don’t open Don’t allow Allow app to open $1mailto links? $ wants to use local fonts No matching font found. Import Cancel Select all fonts Loading fonts... Loading fonts... $1Gmail Checker extension may collect all the text you type, including personal data like passwords and credit card numbers. Do you want to use this extension? Never show this again. Ads blocked on this site Windows Utilities Quarantine Service Redirect blocked: Redirect blocked Redirect blocked on this page. Always allow Open Anyway System Signals Utilities $1Google uses your location to give you local content. You can change this in $2Settings. Settings Chrome is being controlled by automated test software. Chrome for Testing v $1109.0.5369.0 is only for automated testing. For regular browsing, use a standard version of Chrome that updates automatically. Download Chrome $ wants to see the make and model of your Security Key Open download Allow $1Download Viewer to open $2abc.jpg? {0, plural, =1 {Upload one file to this site?} other {Upload # files to this site?} } This will upload all files from "$1Desktop". Only do this if you trust the site. Upload Save changes to $ Save changes $ will be able to edit $ until you close all tabs for this site $ will be able to edit files in $2My Project until you close all tabs for this site $ will be able to view $ until you close all tabs for this site $ will be able to view files in $2My Project until you close all tabs for this site $ will be able to edit $ $ will be able to edit files in $2My Project $ will be able to view $ $ will be able to view files in $2My Project Let site edit $ Let site edit files? Let site view $ Let site view files? Edit file Edit files View file View files View and edit files from the last time you visited this site: This page is allowed to edit files This page is allowed to view files $ can edit $ $ can edit the following files $ can edit files in $2My Project $ can edit files in the following folders $ can edit the following files and folders $ can view $ $ can view the following files $ can view files in $2My Project $ can view files in the following folders $ can view the following files and folders $ can view and edit the following files and folders Save changes View changes {0, plural, offset:2 =1 {{1}} =2 {{1}, {2}Chrome.png} other {{1}, {2}Chrome.png, and # more} } Expand... Collapse... Remove access Select a folder this site can view Select where this site can save changes Warning: this site can see edits you make Can't open this folder $ can't open this folder because it contains system files Choose a different folder Can't open this file $ can't open files in this folder because it contains system files Choose a different file Save $1filename.exe? This type of file can be dangerous. Only save this file if you trust $ Don't save Save Relaunch now Restart now Got it {COUNT, plural, =1 {Your Incognito window won't reopen.} other {Your # Incognito windows won't reopen.}} {0, plural, =0 {Closing now.} =1 {Closing in: 1 second} other {Closing in: # seconds}} {0, plural, =0 {Deleting now.} =1 {Deleting in: 1 second} other {Deleting in: # seconds}} Use your security key with $ Continue USB security key Your Chrome profile This device Your phone Your phone with a USB cable Windows Hello or external security key Windows Hello iCloud Keychain Use an external security key Insert your security key and touch it Something went wrong Try a different security key Try a different device You already registered this device. You don't have to register it again. You're using a security key that's not registered with this website The request timed out Something went wrong Your identity couldn't be verified Turn on Windows Hello To sign into this site with a passkey, you need to turn on Windows Hello in settings. Then return to this site and try again. No passkeys available There aren't any passkeys for $ on this device Turn on Bluetooth? Bluetooth must be on to use your passkey on a different device. You can always manage this in settings. Turn on Bluetooth is disabled Check your device settings and turn it on to continue Try again Chrome needs permission to use Bluetooth to connect to your device Verify via USB Pair with new phone Use this device Verify via your phone Verify via your phone with a USB cable Check your phone Check your device A notification was sent to your phone to confirm it's you. A notification was sent to $1Ted's Pixel 6 Pro Connecting to your device Follow the steps on your device On both devices, check your internet connection and turn on Bluetooth. Then, try again. Close Didn't get it? Connect your phone with a cable Use a USB cable to connect your phone to your computer. If your phone is already connected, unplug it and plug it back in. Security key request Use a phone or tablet Use a phone, tablet, or security key Use a different phone or tablet Use a different phone, tablet, or security key Use a passkey from $1Ted's Pixel 6 Pro to sign in to $ Unlock your phone and confirm it's you PIN required Enter the PIN for your security key PIN Next Set up a new PIN for your security key Confirm PIN PIN contains invalid characters {NUM_CHARACTERS, plural, =1 {PIN must be at least one character} other {PIN must be at least # characters}} {NUM_ATTEMPTS, plural, =1 {Incorrect PIN. You have one attempt remaining.} other {Incorrect PIN. You have # attempts remaining.}} Incorrect PIN PIN contains invalid characters Touch your security key again to complete the request. The PINs you entered don't match The security key is locked because the wrong PIN was entered too many times. To unlock it, remove and reinsert it. The security key is locked because the wrong PIN was entered too many times. You'll need to reset the security key. Reinsert your security key and try again Create a new PIN that's different from your current PIN Skip Fingerprint not recognized Your fingerprint couldn't be recognized. Try again. {NUM_ATTEMPTS, plural, =1 {You have one attempt remaining.} other {You have # attempts remaining.}} Your security key is locked because your fingerprint couldn't be recognized. To unlock it, enter your PIN. To use your new security key, set a new PIN Unknown account A record of your visit to this site will be kept on your security key. A record of your visit to this site may be kept on your security key. Your device can't be used with this site$1 may require a newer or different kind of device Your security key does not have enough space for any more accounts. Allow this site to see your security key?$1 wants to see the make and model of your security key Allow this site to identify your security key?$1 issued your security key and wants to learn its ID number. The site will know exactly which security key you're using. Allow Skip Try again Use your device to sign in to $ Sign-in data will be stored on this device after you exit Incognito mode. You'll be able to sign in to this website with your device again later. No thanks Manage devices Create a passkey for $ This passkey will only be saved on this device This passkey will only be saved on this device. It will remain on this device after you close all Incognito windows. This passkey will only be saved in Windows Hello This passkey will be saved only in Windows Hello. It will remain on this device after you close all Incognito windows. Create a passkey Choose how you want to create a passkey for $ Use your passkey Choose which device has the passkey for $ Use your passkey for $ Choose a passkey Which passkey do you want to use for $ Create a passkey on a phone or tablet Scan this QR code with a camera on the device where you want to create a passkey for $ Use a passkey from another device? Scan this QR code with the device that has the passkey you want to use for $ QR code Use a different device Use a different passkey If you want to create a passkey for $ on a USB security key, insert and touch it now If your passkey for $ is on a USB security key, insert and touch it now Back Choose a passkey for $ On this device From "$1Pixel 7" On other devices From your Chrome profile From iCloud Keychain From "$1Dashlane" From Windows Hello From "$1Pixel 7" Side Search Close search in side panel. Search is open in the side panel. Open search in side panel. Search is not open in the side panel. Close search in side panel Submit Feedback Compare search results faster from the new side panel Click the "G" button to see more search results in a side panel Click on a result and the page will open in your current tab Click the "X" button to close the side panel See more search results Close search in side panel Open search in side panel Close search in side panel Submit Feedback Verify with this phone Verify your identity Incognito {0, plural, =1 {# open window} other {# open windows} } Exit Incognito Close Incognito To clear data, close all Incognito windows This only affects Incognito windows Close windows Sites you visit aren’t saved in Incognito To clear Incognito browsing history from your device, close all Incognito tabs Close Incognito Got it {0, plural, =1 {# open window} other {# open windows} } {0, plural, =1 {Close Guest} other {Close Guest} } Take Survey Take survey Your feedback is important to us. Helpful Not Helpful Scanning {NUM_FILES, plural, =0 {Checking this data with your organization's security policies...} =1 {Checking this file with your organization's security policies...} other {Checking these files with your organization's security policies...}} Checking this document with your organization's security policies... {NUM_FILES, plural, =0 {Security checks are done. Your data will be uploaded.} =1 {Security checks are done. Your file will be uploaded.} other {Security checks are done. Your files will be uploaded.}} Security checks are done. Your document will be printed. {NUM_FILES, plural, =0 {This data or your device doesn’t meet some of your organization’s security policies. Check with your admin on what needs to be fixed.} =1 {This file or your device doesn’t meet some of your organization’s security policies. Check with your admin on what needs to be fixed.} other {These files don't meet some of your organization’s security policies. Check with your admin on what needs to be fixed.}} {NUM_FILES, plural, =0 {This data or your device doesn’t meet some of your organization’s security policies. Check with your admin on what needs to be fixed.} =1 {This file or your device doesn’t meet some of your organization’s security policies. Check with your admin on what needs to be fixed.} other {These files don't meet some of your organization’s security policies. Check with your admin on what needs to be fixed.}} This document or your device doesn’t meet some of your organization’s security policies. Check with your admin on what needs to be fixed. Something went wrong. Scanning could not be completed. Please try again. Continue anyway Cancel Cancel {NUM_FILES, plural, =1 {This file is too big for a security check. You can upload files up to 50 MB.} other {Some of these files are too big for a security check. You can upload files up to 50 MB.}} This document is too big for a security check. You can print documents of up to 50 MB. {NUM_FILES, plural, =1 {This file is encrypted. Ask its owner to decrypt.} other {Some of these files are encrypted. Ask their owner to decrypt.}} Your administrator says: "$1Please don't upload this type of data." $1foo.txt has sensitive or dangerous data. Your administrator says: "$2Please don't upload this type of data." Learn more Discard file Please enter a reason for uploading this data: Please enter a reason for downloading this data: $110/$2280 Scan in progress, open now? An unknown file is being scanned for dangerous content. Open now Scan file before opening? $1bla.exe may be dangerous. Send to Google Advanced Protection for scanning? $1bla.exe may be dangerous. Send to Google Safe Browsing for scanning? Send Cancel Open now Timed out Something went wrong. Scanning could not be completed. Please try again. Scan again Cancel Open now Get more protection against dangerous websites and downloads Close tip Enhanced Safe Browsing is on Enhanced Safe Browsing is off You have Chrome's strongest security against dangerous websites, downloads and extensions You're getting standard security protection. To get more protection against dangerous websites, downloads, and extensions, turn on Enhanced Safe Browsing in Chrome settings. Got it Chrome settings Also turn on Enhanced Safe Browsing for this Chrome profile? Chrome’s strongest security does more to protect you against dangerous websites, downloads, and extensions Turn on No thanks Enhanced Safe Browsing is on You’re on Chrome’s strongest security You have Chrome’s strongest security against harmful websites Enhanced Safe Browsing is off You’re getting standard protection You’re getting standard security protection on this device OK Uninstall "$1Gmail Checker"? Also clear browsing data ($ which will sign you out of $ $3Learn more Also clear browsing data ($ which may sign you out of $2Learn more Learn more {NUM_SUB_APPS, plural, =1 {Uninstalling "{APP_NAME}Citrix" will also uninstall this app:} other {Uninstalling "{APP_NAME}Citrix" will also uninstall these apps:}} {NUM_SUB_APPS, plural, =1 {{APP_NAME}Citrix uninstalled an app} other {{APP_NAME}Citrix uninstalled # apps}} Go to the "{APP_NAME}Citrix" app to manage installed and streamed apps Speech recognition service $1Gmail Checker is paused You reached the time limit your parent set for $1Google Photos. You can use it for $22 hours and 30 minutes tomorrow. You reached the time limit your parent set for $1Google Photos Chrome app. You can use it for $22 hours and 30 minutes tomorrow. $1Gmail Checker is blocked $1Google Photos is blocked by your parent. Ask your parent for permission to use this app. $1Google Photos is blocked by admin. Ask admin for permission to use this app. {NUM_EXTENSIONS, plural, =1 {An extension has been approved} other {# extensions have been approved}} {NUM_EXTENSIONS, plural, =1 {An extension has been rejected} other {# extensions have been rejected}} {NUM_EXTENSIONS, plural, =1 {An extension has been installed by your administrator} other {# extensions have been installed by your administrator}} {NUM_EXTENSIONS, plural, =1 {Click to install the extension} other {Click to install these extensions}} {NUM_EXTENSIONS, plural, =1 {Click to view the extension} other {Click to view these extensions}} Justification for requesting this extension: Enter justification... $110/$2300 Name this window Window name Quick Commands Enter a keyword like "tabs" or "windows" to find an action No commands found Relaunch Experiments Send Feedback Send feedback Send feedback for $1Tab Scrolling. Default Enabled Disabled Enabled – $1tabs shrink to pinned tab width Tab Groups Save and Sync Enables saving and recalling of tab groups. Right click a tab group to save it. Recall groups from the bookmarks bar. Chrome Refresh 2023 Enables the new desktop design. without Omnibox Tab Scrolling Enables tab strip to scroll left and right when full. Tabs shrink to pinned tab width Tabs shrink to a medium width Tabs shrink to a large width Tabs don't shrink Select an area to search with Lens Thumbnail tab strip for tablet mode In tablet mode, tap on the tab counter toolbar button to open the new tab strip that shows thumbnails of each tab. Network Settings Available WiFi networks Enhanced protection does more to block phishing and malware Enhanced Safe Browsing does more to protect you against dangerous websites, downloads, and extensions Continue Continue Sign in to $1rp.example with $2idp.example Sign up to $1rp.example with $2idp.example Use $1rp.example with $2idp.example Continue to $1rp.example with $2idp.example on $1main-frame.example Continue as $1Albus (or Albus Dumbledore) To continue, $ will share your name, email address, and profile picture with this site. To continue, $ will share your name, email address, and profile picture with this site. See this site's $2terms of service$3. To continue, $ will share your name, email address, and profile picture with this site. See this site's $2privacy policy$3. To continue, $ will share your name, email address, and profile picture with this site. See this site's $2privacy policy$3 and $4terms of service$5. Failed signing in to $1rp.example with $2idp.example Continue You can use your $1idp.example account on this site. To continue, sign in to $1idp.example. Can't continue with $1idp.example Something went wrong $1rp.example can't continue using $2idp.example This option is unavailable right now. $1rp.example can't continue using $2idp.example This option is unavailable right now. Check that you chose the right account Check if the selected account is supported. Check your internet connection If you're online but this issue keeps happening, you can try other ways to continue on $1rp.example. Try again later $1idp.example isn't available right now. Got it More details Choose "More details" below to get more information from $1idp.example. You can try other ways to continue on $1rp.example. If this issue keeps happening, choose "More details" below to get more information from $1idp.example. If this issue keeps happening, you can try other ways to continue on $1rp.example. Sign in to $1rp.example Verifying… Signing you in… Automatically sign me in to this website Game controls Game controls now available Close game controls Game Control Game Control Key mapping Customize Edit Show hint overlay Show key mapping Send feedback Keyboard key Left mouse click Right mouse click Reset Reset to defaults Save Cancel Game Control You’ve been invited to try out keyboard control for this game. Play using your Chromebook keyboard. You can customize keys to specific actions. Got it Beta Alpha Click here to customize controls Click to customize your game controls Close menu Click on any key with your mouse, then press a keyboard key to customize Key is missing. Press a keyboard key to customize The following keys aren’t supported: Tab, Shift, Control, Escape, Caps lock, Volume Press a keyboard key to customize Help us build a more private web Help us build a better web Limited sharing between sites Chrome is finding new ways to reduce tracking and keep you even safer as you browse. Chrome also $1estimates your interests and enables you to manage them. Then, sites you visit can ask Chrome for your interests to show you ads. Go to settings estimates your interests estimates your interests - Chrome can estimate your interests We’re exploring ways to restrict tracking while enabling sites to stop ad spam and fraud. More control over the ads you see Sites you visit that define your interests <b>How you can manage your data:</b> To protect your privacy, we auto-delete sites from the list that are older than 4 weeks. A site you visit again might appear on the list again. Or you can remove a site if you don’t want that site to ever define interests for you. Yes, I’m in No thanks Limited sharing between sites We’re exploring ways to restrict cross-site tracking while enabling sites to stop ad spam and fraud. More control over the ads you see Got it Settings Energy Saver is on Energy Saver is on Energy Saver is on Background activity and some visual effects, like smooth scrolling, may be limited. Background activity and some visual effects, like smooth scrolling, may be limited Turn Off Now Turn off now Tab Active Again Tab active again Tab active again Memory savings summary, $1175MB freed up $1300 MB Freed Up $1300 MB freed up Memory Saver While this tab was inactive, Memory Saver freed up memory for other tasks. You can change this anytime in $1Settings. While this tab was inactive, Memory Saver freed up memory for other tasks. Settings While this tab was inactive, Memory Saver freed up $1175MB of memory for other tasks. You can change this anytime in $2Settings. While this tab was inactive, Memory Saver freed up $1175MB of memory for other tasks. $1175MB of memory saved Exclude Site Exclude site Memory Saved Memory saved Small Savings Medium Savings Large Savings Huge Savings Small savings Medium savings Large savings Huge savings Memory usage: $1300 MB High memory usage: $1300 MB Inactive tab: $1300 MB freed up Inactive tab Location Webview $1Work address form filled. $1Visa 1111 filled. Email filled. Protected Audiences Debugging is enabled. You have enabled testing third-party cookie phaseout. This cannot be overridden by the settings page. If you want to re-enable third-party cookies, relaunch Chrome with this feature disabled. Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Use $ Lorem Ipsum or whatever For $1test@example.test Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Dolor Sit Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua <link>Ut enim ad minim veniam</link> for <b>$1test@example.test</b>. Profile Downloads Extensions Forward Home Labs Media controls Open side panel waiting... installing... $1Gmail, waiting $1Gmail, installing An app, waiting An app, installing This app can’t be opened because you do not have permission to run isolated web apps Change your preferences You security preferences do not allow installations of Isolated Apps. $1Change your preferences Chrome is verifying the installation bundle Please wait while verification is in progress {MINUTES, plural, =0 {Checking public key and integrity block... Less than 1 minute remaining} =1 {Checking public key and integrity block... 1 minute remaining} other {Checking public key and integrity block... # minutes remaining}}