## # Add external Pseudo-Builders # # Some methods are added to manage external packages: # 'PrepareLib': Checks the existence of an external library, if it # doesn't exist, calls the script user provided to download(if required) # and build the source code of the external library or notify user to # install the library. # 'Download': Download package from specify URL # 'UnpackAll': Unpack the package # 'Configure': Execute specify script(configure, bootstrap etc) # 'InstallHeadFile': Install head files # 'InstallLib': Install library binaries(.so, .a etc) # # for more on Pseudo-Builders see scons offical documentation # 'Pseudo-Builders: the AddMethod function' ## import os, subprocess import urllib2, urlparse import SCons.Errors Import('env') # Check whether a library exists, if not, notify user to install it or try to # download the source code and build it # @param libname - the name of the library try to prepare # @param lib - the lib(.so, .a etc) to check (a library may include more then # one lib, e.g. boost, includes boost_thread, boost_system ... # @param path - the directory of the library building script, if it's not set, # by default, it's /extlibs// # @param script - the building script, by default, it's 'SConscript' # def __prepare_lib(ienv, libname, lib = None, path = None, script = None): p_env = ienv.Clone(LIBS = []) if p_env.GetOption('clean') or p_env.GetOption('help'): return conf = Configure(p_env) if not lib: lib = libname if not conf.CheckLib(lib): if path: dir = path else: dir = os.path.join(env.get('SRC_DIR'), 'extlibs', libname) # Execute the script to download(if required) and build source code if script: st = os.path.join(dir, script) else: st = os.path.join(dir, 'SConscript') if os.path.exists(st): SConscript(st) else: if target_os in ['linux', 'darwin', 'tizen']: print 'Don\'t find library(%s), please intall it, exit ...' % libname else: print 'Don\'t find library(%s) and don\'t find the process script (%s), exit ...' % (libname, st) Exit(1) conf.Finish() # Run configure command (usually it's done before build a library) def __configure(env, cwd, cmd) : print "Configuring using [%s/%s] ..." % (cwd, cmd) # build it now (we need the shell, because some programs need it) devnull = open(os.devnull, "wb") handle = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, cwd=cwd, stdout=devnull) if handle.wait() <> 0 : raise SCons.Errors.BuildError( "Run configuring script [%s]" % (cmd) ) # Download from URL 'url', will save as 'target' def __download(ienv, target, url) : if os.path.exists(target) : return target try : print "Download %s from %s" % (target, url) print "Downloading ..." stream = urllib2.urlopen(url) file = open(target, 'wb') file.write(stream.read()) file.close() print "Download %s from %s complete" % (target, url) return target except Exception, e : raise SCons.Errors.StopError( '%s [%s]' % (e, url) ) # Install header file(s) to /deps//include def __install_head_file(ienv, file): return ienv.Install(os.path.join(env.get('SRC_DIR'), 'dep', target_os, target_arch, 'usr', 'include'), file) # Install library binaries to /deps//lib/ def __install_lib(ienv, lib): return ienv.Install(os.path.join(env.get('SRC_DIR'), 'dep', target_os, target_arch, 'usr', 'lib'), lib) SConscript('tools/UnpackAll.py') env.AddMethod(__prepare_lib, "PrepareLib") env.AddMethod(__configure, "Configure") env.AddMethod(__download, "Download") env.AddMethod(__install_head_file, "InstallHeadFile") env.AddMethod(__install_lib, "InstallLib")