## # This script includes arduino specific config ## import os import platform Import('env') def __parse_config(f): dict = {} if not os.path.isfile(f): return dict file = open(f, 'r') strs = file.readlines() for str in strs: str = str.strip() if len(str) > 0 and str[0] == '#': continue idx = str.find('=') if idx > 0: dict.setdefault(str[0:idx], str[idx + 1:]) return dict def __get_boards(dict): boards = [] keys = dict.keys() for key in keys: idx = key.find('.name') if idx > 0: if key.endswith('.name'): boards.append(key[0:idx]) return boards def __get_cpu(dict, board): cpus = [] keys = dict.keys() for key in keys: idx = key.find(board + '.menu.cpu.') start = len(board + '.menu.cpu.') if idx >= 0: end = key.find('.', start) if end > 0: cpu = key[start:end] exist = False for c in cpus: if c == cpu: exist = True break if not exist: cpus.append(cpu) return cpus def __get_board_info(board, key): if cpu: v = boards_info.get(board + '.menu.cpu.' + cpu + key) if not v: v = boards_info.get(board + key) else: v = boards_info.get(board + key) return v def __search_files(path, pattern, ondisk=True, source=True, strings=False, recursive=True): if not recursive: return Glob(pattern, ondisk, source, strings) matches = [] for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path): # This is a helper function to build Arduino libraries. Scripts are using this function # to add all the files in a folder as compilation targets rather than specifying each # file to compile from a Arduino library folder. # Since the function is recursive, it adds even "/library//examples" to the # compilation list. This is an extra overhead as stack is never going to use ".o" generated # for these examples. if 'examples' not in root: matches.extend(Glob(os.path.join(root, pattern), ondisk, source, strings)) return matches # To make sure the src is built in 'BUILD_DIR' (by default it will be built at # the same directory as the .c .cpp .S) def __src_to_obj(env, srcs): objs = [] prefix = env.get('BOARD') + '_' if env.get('CPU'): prefix += env.get('CPU') + '_' build_dir = os.path.join(env.get('BUILD_DIR'), 'arduino') for src in srcs: if (os.path.isabs(src.path)): obj = src.path.replace(arduino_home, build_dir) else: obj = os.path.join(build_dir, src.path) i = obj.rfind('.') obj = obj[0:i] if env.get('OBJSUFFIX'): obj += env.get('OBJSUFFIX') objs.extend(env.Object(obj, src, OBJPREFIX=prefix)) return objs def __import_lib(env, lib): lib_path = os.path.join(arduino_home, 'libraries', lib) if not os.path.exists(lib_path): if target_arch == 'avr': lib_path = os.path.join(arduino_home, 'hardware', 'arduino', 'avr', 'libraries', lib) else: lib_path = os.path.join(arduino_home, 'hardware', 'arduino', 'sam', 'libraries', lib) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(lib_path, 'src')): lib_path = os.path.join(lib_path, 'src') env.AppendUnique(CPPPATH = [lib_path]) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(lib_path, 'utility')): env.AppendUnique(CPPPATH = [os.path.join(lib_path, 'utility')]) lib_src = [] lib_src.extend(__search_files(lib_path, '*.S')) lib_src.extend(__search_files(lib_path, '*.c')) lib_src.extend(__search_files(lib_path, '*.cpp')) lib_obj = __src_to_obj(env, lib_src) build_dir = env.get('BUILD_DIR') if build_dir: lib_a = env.StaticLibrary(build_dir + lib, lib_obj) else: lib_a = env.StaticLibrary(lib, lib_obj) # If we link libSPI.a, the final binary is not getting launched # on the board. Which is not the case if we directly use SPI.o. if env.get('TARGET_ARCH') == 'arm': if lib == 'SPI': for obj in lib_obj: if obj.name.endswith('SPI.o'): env.PrependUnique(LIBS = [File(obj)]) else: env.AppendUnique(LIBS = [File(lib_a[0])]) else: env.PrependUnique(LIBS = [File(lib_a[0])]) #env.AppendUnique(LIBS = [File(lib_a[0])]) def __build_core(env): core_src = __search_files(core_folder, '*.S') core_src.extend(__search_files(core_folder, '*.c')) core_src.extend(__search_files(core_folder, '*.cpp')) core_src.extend(__search_files(variant_folder, '*.S')) core_src.extend(__search_files(variant_folder, '*.c')) core_src.extend(__search_files(variant_folder, '*.cpp')) core_obj = __src_to_obj(env, core_src) prefix = env.get('BOARD') + '_' if env.get('CPU'): prefix += env.get('CPU') + '_' core = os.path.join(env.get('BUILD_DIR', '.'), 'arduino', prefix + 'core') s_core = env.StaticLibrary(core, core_obj) env.AppendUnique(LIBS = [File(s_core[0])]) # To avoid compiler issue. Otherewise there may be warnings: # undefined reference to '_exit' '_close', '_getpid' ... # Above functions are used in libc.a and implemented in syscalls_sam3.c if env.get('TARGET_ARCH') == 'arm': for obj in core_obj: if obj.name.endswith('syscalls_sam3.o'): env.AppendUnique(LIBS = [File(obj)]) def __create_bin(env, source): name = source if env.get('TARGET_ARCH') == 'avr': eep = env.Command(name + '.eep', source, 'avr-objcopy -O ihex -j .eeprom --set-section-flags=.eeprom=alloc,load --no-change-warnings --change-section-lma .eeprom=0 $SOURCE $TARGET') hex = env.Command(name + '.hex', source, 'avr-objcopy -O ihex -R .eeprom $SOURCE $TARGET') else: hex = env.Command(name + '.hex', source, 'arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O binary $SOURCE $TARGET') #Currently supporting only mega (ie. Arduino ATMega2560) and arduino_due_x/arduino_due_x_dbg (i.e. Arduino Due) builds def __upload(env, binary): if target_arch == 'avr': protocol = __get_board_info(board, '.upload.protocol') speed = __get_board_info(board, '.upload.speed') port = '/dev/ttyACM0' upload_cmd = arduino_home + '/hardware/tools/avr/bin/avrdude -C' + arduino_home +'/hardware/tools/avr/etc/avrdude.conf -p' \ + mcu + ' -c' + protocol + ' -P' + port + ' -b' + speed + ' -D -Uflash:w:' + binary + ':i' print "Upload command: %s" %upload_cmd install_cmd = env.Command('install_cmd', None, upload_cmd) env.Default('install_cmd') elif target_arch == 'arm': port = 'ttyACM0' upload_cmd = 'stty -F /dev/' + port + ' speed 1200 cs8 -cstopb -parenb \n' + arduino_home + '/hardware/tools/bossac -i --port=' + port + ' -U false -e -w -b ' + binary + ' -R' print "Upload command: %s" %upload_cmd install_cmd = env.Command('install_cmd', None, upload_cmd) env.Default('install_cmd') # Print the command line that to upload binary to the board def __upload_help(env): if target_arch == 'avr': protocol = __get_board_info(board, '.upload.protocol') speed = __get_board_info(board, '.upload.speed') upload_cmd = arduino_home + '/hardware/tools/avr/bin/avrdude -C' + arduino_home +'/hardware/tools/avr/etc/avrdude.conf -v -v -v -v -p' \ + mcu + ' -c' + protocol + ' -P' + ' -b' + speed + ' -D -Uflash:w::i' else: uu = __get_board_info(board, '.upload.native_usb') upload_cmd = arduino_home + '/hardware/tools/bossac -i -d --port= -U ' + uu + ' -e -w -v -b -R' Help(''' =============================================================================== You can upload the bin file with following command line: ''') Help('\n $ ' + upload_cmd) Help(''' \nPlease replace according to the actual situation. =============================================================================== ''') # ARDUINO_HOME build option help_vars = Variables() help_vars.Add(PathVariable('ARDUINO_HOME', 'ARDUINO root directory', os.environ.get('ARDUINO_HOME'))) help_vars.Update(env) Help(help_vars.GenerateHelpText(env)) target_arch = env.get('TARGET_ARCH') # Verify that the arduino, time, red bear, and nordic libraries are # installed. If not, get them and install them. SConscript(os.path.join(env.get('SRC_DIR'), 'extlibs', 'arduino', 'SConscript')) arduino_home = env.get('ARDUINO_HOME') print 'ARDUINO_HOME = ' + env.get('ARDUINO_HOME') # Overwrite suffixes and prefixes if env['HOST_OS'] == 'win32': env['OBJSUFFIX'] = '.o' env['SHOBJSUFFIX'] = '.os' env['LIBPREFIX'] = 'lib' env['LIBSUFFIX'] = '.a' env['SHLIBPREFIX'] = 'lib' env['SHLIBSUFFIX'] = '.so' env['LIBPREFIXES'] = ['lib'] env['LIBSUFFIXES'] = ['.a', '.so'] env['PROGSUFFIX'] = '' elif platform.system().lower() == 'darwin': env['SHLIBSUFFIX'] = '.so' env['LIBSUFFIXES'] = ['.a', '.so'] env['PROGSUFFIX'] = '' # Debug/release relative flags if env.get('RELEASE'): env.AppendUnique(CCFLAGS = ['-Os']) env.AppendUnique(CPPDEFINES = ['NDEBUG']) else: env.AppendUnique(CCFLAGS = ['-g']) # Force header presence defines env.AppendUnique(CPPDEFINES = ['HAVE_ARDUINO_TIME_H']) # BOARD / CPU option # Get IDE version if os.path.exists(os.path.join(arduino_home, 'lib', 'version.txt')): vf = open(os.path.join(arduino_home, 'lib', 'version.txt'), 'r') version = vf.readline().replace('.', '').strip() else: print ''' ************************************* Error *********************************** * Can't find version file (lib/version.txt), please check if (%s) * is arduino root directory. * ******************************************************************************* ''' % arduino_home Exit(1) if version[0:2] == '10': is_1_0_x = True boards_info = __parse_config(os.path.join(arduino_home, 'hardware', 'arduino', 'boards.txt')) env.PrependENVPath('PATH', os.path.join(arduino_home, 'hardware', 'tools', 'avr', 'bin')) env.Replace(CC = 'avr-gcc') env.Replace(CXX = 'avr-g++') env.Replace(AR = 'avr-ar') env.Replace(AS = 'avr-as') env.Replace(LINK = 'avr-gcc') env.Replace(RANLIB = 'avr-ranlib') if target_arch != 'avr': print ''' ************************************* Error *********************************** * Arduino 1.0.x IDE only support 'avr', to support other arch at least 1.5.x * * is required. ******************************************************************************* ''' Exit(1) else: is_1_0_x = False if target_arch == 'avr': boards_info = __parse_config(os.path.join(arduino_home, 'hardware', 'arduino', 'avr', 'boards.txt')) platform_info = __parse_config(os.path.join(arduino_home, 'hardware', 'arduino', 'avr', 'platform.txt')) elif target_arch == 'arm': boards_info = __parse_config(os.path.join(arduino_home, 'hardware', 'arduino', 'sam', 'boards.txt')) platform_info = __parse_config(os.path.join(arduino_home, 'hardware', 'arduino', 'sam', 'platform.txt')) else: print ''' ************************************* Error *********************************** * CPU arch %s isn't supported currently. ******************************************************************************* ''' % target_arch #Board option, let user to select the board boards = __get_boards(boards_info) help_vars = Variables() help_vars.Add(EnumVariable('BOARD', 'arduino board', boards[0], boards)) help_vars.Update(env) Help(help_vars.GenerateHelpText(env)) #CPU option board = env.get('BOARD') cpus = __get_cpu(boards_info, board) if len(cpus) > 0: help_vars = Variables() help_vars.Add(EnumVariable('CPU', 'arduino board cpu', cpus[0], cpus)) help_vars.Update(env) Help(help_vars.GenerateHelpText(env)) # Arduino commom flags cpu = env.get('CPU') board = env.get('BOARD') mcu = __get_board_info(board, '.build.mcu') f_cpu = __get_board_info(board, '.build.f_cpu') usb_vid = __get_board_info(board, '.build.vid') usb_pid = __get_board_info(board, '.build.pid') variant = __get_board_info(board, '.build.variant') if not usb_vid: usb_vid = __get_board_info(board, '.vid.0') if not usb_pid: usb_pid = __get_board_info(board, '.pid.0') if is_1_0_x: core_base = os.path.join(arduino_home, 'hardware', 'arduino') else: if target_arch == 'avr': core_base = os.path.join(arduino_home, 'hardware', 'arduino', 'avr') else: core_base = os.path.join(arduino_home, 'hardware', 'arduino', 'sam') variant_folder = os.path.join(core_base, 'variants', variant) env.AppendUnique(CPPPATH = [variant_folder]) core = __get_board_info(board, '.build.core') core_folder = os.path.join(core_base, 'cores', core) env.AppendUnique(CPPPATH = [core_folder]) if is_1_0_x: comm_flags = ['-std=c99'] if mcu: comm_flags.extend(['-mmcu=' + mcu]) if f_cpu: comm_flags.extend(['-DF_CPU=' + f_cpu]) comm_flags.extend(['-DARDUINO=' + version]) if usb_vid: comm_flags.extend(['-DUSB_VID=' + usb_vid]) if usb_pid: comm_flags.extend(['-DUSB_PID=' + usb_pid]) env.AppendUnique(ASFLAGS = ['-x', 'assembler-with-cpp']) env.AppendUnique(ASFLAGS = comm_flags) env.AppendUnique(CFLAGS = ['-Os', '-ffunction-sections', '-fdata-sections', '-MMD']) env.AppendUnique(CFLAGS = comm_flags) env.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS = ['-Os', '-fno-exceptions', '-ffunction-sections', '-fdata-sections','-MMD']) env.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS = comm_flags) env.AppendUnique(LINKFLAGS = ['-Os']) if mcu == 'atmega2560': env.AppendUnique(LINKFLAGS = ['-Wl,--gc-sections,--relax']) else: env.AppendUnique(LINKFLAGS = ['-Wl,--gc-sections']) env.AppendUnique(LINKFLAGS = ['-mmcu=' + mcu]) else: if target_arch == 'avr': cpu_flag = '-mmcu=' + mcu else: cpu_flag = '-mcpu=' + mcu comm_flag = [cpu_flag, '-DF_CPU=' + f_cpu, '-DARDUINO=' + version, '-DARDUINO_' + __get_board_info(board, '.build.board')] if target_arch == 'arm': # As of 1.5.8 the arduino headers for arm had _asm_ bugs with ARM and # require gnu99 to be used comm_flag.extend(['-std=gnu99', '-DARDUINO_ARCH_SAM']) else: comm_flag.extend(['-std=c99', '-DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR']) compiler_path = platform_info.get('compiler.path') compiler_path = compiler_path.replace('{runtime.ide.path}', arduino_home) env.PrependENVPath('PATH', compiler_path) env.Replace(CC = platform_info.get('compiler.c.cmd')) env.Replace(CXX = platform_info.get('compiler.cpp.cmd')) env.Replace(AR = platform_info.get('compiler.ar.cmd')) if target_arch == 'arm': env.AppendUnique(CPPPATH = [os.path.join(arduino_home, 'hardware', 'arduino', 'sam', 'system', 'libsam'), os.path.join(arduino_home, 'hardware', 'arduino', 'sam', 'system', 'CMSIS', 'CMSIS', 'Include'), os.path.join(arduino_home, 'hardware', 'arduino', 'sam', 'system', '', 'CMSIS', 'Device', 'ATMEL')]) env.AppendUnique(ASFLAGS = ['-x', 'assembler-with-cpp']) env.AppendUnique(ASFLAGS = comm_flag) env.AppendUnique(CFLAGS = Split(platform_info.get('compiler.c.flags'))) env.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS = Split(platform_info.get('compiler.cpp.flags'))) env.AppendUnique(ARFLAGS = Split(platform_info.get('compiler.ar.flags'))) env.AppendUnique(CCFLAGS = comm_flag) extra_flags = __get_board_info(board, '.build.extra_flags') if extra_flags: extra_flags = extra_flags.replace('{build.usb_flags}', '') env.AppendUnique(CCFLAGS = Split(extra_flags)) usb_flags = ['-DUSB_VID=' + usb_vid, '-DUSB_PID=' + usb_pid, '-DUSBCON', '-DUSB_MANUFACTURER="Unknown"'] env.AppendUnique(CCFLAGS = usb_flags) if target_arch == 'arm': env.AppendUnique(LINKFLAGS = ['-Os', '-Wl,--gc-sections', cpu_flag, '-T' + os.path.join(variant_folder, __get_board_info(board, '.build.ldscript'))]) env.AppendUnique(LINKFLAGS = Split('-lm -lgcc -mthumb -Wl,--check-sections -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,--entry=Reset_Handler -Wl,--unresolved-symbols=report-all -Wl,--warn-common -Wl,--warn-section-align -Wl,--warn-unresolved-symbols -Wl,--start-group')) variant_system_lib = __get_board_info(board, '.build.variant_system_lib') if variant_system_lib: if variant_folder.find(' ') >= 0: variant_folder = '"' + variant_folder + '"' env.Replace(LINKCOM = '$LINK -o $TARGET $_LIBDIRFLAGS $LINKFLAGS $SOURCES $_LIBFLAGS ' + os.path.join(variant_folder, variant_system_lib) + ' -Wl,--end-group') else: env.Replace(LINKCOM = '$LINK -o $TARGET $_LIBDIRFLAGS $LINKFLAGS $SOURCES $_LIBFLAGS -Wl,--end-group') else: env.AppendUnique(LINKFLAGS = Split(platform_info.get('compiler.c.elf.flags'))) env.AppendUnique(LINKFLAGS = [cpu_flag]) env.AppendUnique(LIBS = 'm') env.Replace(ARCOM = '$AR ' + platform_info.get('compiler.ar.flags') + ' $TARGET $SOURCES') # Make sure the .d files are removed when clean the build if env.GetOption('clean'): dfs = __search_files(env.get('BUILD_DIR'), '*.d') for df in dfs: Execute(Delete(df)) __build_core(env) env.AddMethod(__import_lib, "ImportLib") #import arduino library env.AddMethod(__build_core, "BuildCore") #build arduino core env.AddMethod(__create_bin, "CreateBin") #create binary files(.eep and .hex) env.AddMethod(__upload, "Upload") #Upload binary to board env.AddMethod(__upload_help, "UploadHelp") #print the command line that to upload binary to the boardf