## # This script is for fixing android platform compatibility problem ## # To fix android NDK compatibility problem # Some functions, e.g. rand, srand. strtof ... are static inline prior to # android-L. So before android-L libc.so doesn't include them. If build # on android-L and run on an old platform(earlier than android-L), there will # be 'can't locate xxx' problem. import os Import('env') sif_env = env.Clone() sif_lib = sif_env.StaticLibrary(env.get('BUILD_DIR') + '/c_compat', env.SrcToObj(os.path.abspath('./c_compat.c'), env.get('SRC_DIR'))) env.AppendUnique(LIBPATH = [env.get('BUILD_DIR')]) env.AppendUnique(LIBS = ['c_compat'])