trigger: # start a new build for every push batch: False branches: include: - develop jobs: # manylinux1 is useful to test because the # standard Docker container uses an old version # of gcc / glibc - job: manylinux1_gcc pool: vmImage: 'ubuntu-16.04' steps: - script: | echo "FROM COPY . /tmp/openblas RUN cd /tmp/openblas && \ COMMON_FLAGS='DYNAMIC_ARCH=1 TARGET=NEHALEM NUM_THREADS=32' && \ BTYPE='BINARY=64' CC=gcc && \ make QUIET_MAKE=1 $COMMON_FLAGS $BTYPE && \ make -C test $COMMON_FLAGS $BTYPE && \ make -C ctest $COMMON_FLAGS $BTYPE && \ make -C utest $COMMON_FLAGS $BTYPE" > Dockerfile docker build . displayName: Run manylinux1 docker build - job: Intel_SDE_skx pool: vmImage: 'ubuntu-16.04' steps: - script: | # at the time of writing the available Azure Ubuntu vm image # does not support AVX512VL, so use more recent LTS version echo "FROM ubuntu:bionic COPY . /tmp/openblas RUN apt-get -y update && apt-get -y install \\ cmake \\ gfortran \\ make \\ wget RUN mkdir /tmp/SDE && cd /tmp/SDE && \\ mkdir sde-external-8.35.0-2019-03-11-lin && \\ wget --quiet -O sde-external-8.35.0-2019-03-11-lin.tar.bz2 && \\ tar -xjvf sde-external-8.35.0-2019-03-11-lin.tar.bz2 -C /tmp/SDE/sde-external-8.35.0-2019-03-11-lin --strip-components=1 RUN cd /tmp/openblas && CC=gcc make QUIET_MAKE=1 DYNAMIC_ARCH=1 NUM_THREADS=32 BINARY=64 CMD cd /tmp/openblas && echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope && CC=gcc OPENBLAS_VERBOSE=2 /tmp/SDE/sde-external-8.35.0-2019-03-11-lin/sde64 -cpuid_in /tmp/SDE/sde-external-8.35.0-2019-03-11-lin/misc/cpuid/skx/cpuid.def -- make -C utest DYNAMIC_ARCH=1 NUM_THREADS=32 BINARY=64" > Dockerfile docker build -t intel_sde . # we need a privileged docker run for sde process attachment docker run --privileged intel_sde displayName: 'Run AVX512 SkylakeX docker build / test' - job: Windows_cl pool: vmImage: 'windows-latest' steps: - task: CMake@1 inputs: workingDirectory: 'build' # Optional cmakeArgs: '-G "Visual Studio 16 2019" ..' - task: CMake@1 inputs: cmakeArgs: '--build . --config Release' workingDirectory: 'build' - script: | cd build cd utest dir openblas_utest.exe