Build Instructions for Android-API: 1.Verify that you have the latest JDK (you might need to set the JDK_HOME variable) 2.Clone the latest iotivity codebase. 3.set environment variables: a.platform=android b.If running in windows, change the following line in the build.gradle file (/android/android_api/base/build.gradle): def ndkBuild = new File(System.env.ANDROID_NDK_HOME, 'ndk-build') to def ndkBuild = new File(System.env.ANDROID_NDK_HOME, 'ndk-build.cmd') 4.Build scons for android and your targeted architecture (This will also build Android API): a.scons TARGET_OS=android TARGET_ARCH= TARGET_TRANSPORT=IP RELEASE=1 where can be armeabi, armeabi-v7a, x86. Note: To build in debug mode, use RELEASE=0. Note: The minimum SDK version supported is 21. Note: Only TARGET_TRANSPORT currently supported is IP b.If the project is setup correctly, you should see a BUILD SUCCESSFUL message on the terminal c.You should see the .aar files generated inside of '/android/android_api/base/build/outputs/aar' directory. The .aar files contain jni directory and also a .jar file TO RUN UNIT TESTS IN ANDROID-API 5.The '/android/android_api/base/src/androidTest/...' directory contains tests which can be used to get an idea about the Android API usage. TO USE THE .AAR FILE IN /android/examples project 6. Verify that 7 different *.so files exist inside /android/android-api/base/libs/ directory. (They should already be present in the *.aar file.) 7. Import Project 'Examples' into android-studio. 8.To add an .aar file to the 'Examples' project, a.Right click on Examples->New->Module->Import .JAR or .AAR Package b.Select the .aar file from the location in step 6e above c.Right click on Examples->Open Module Settings d.Select each sample app module under 'Modules'->Dependencies->Add->Module Dependency e.The .aar file selected in step 10b above should be present. Select it. f.Repeat steps d and e for each sample app module. TO USE THE .AAR FILE IN A DIFFERENT PROJECT 9. Verify that 7 different *.so files exist inside /android/android-api/base/libs/ directory. 10. Import the .aar file in your project to use it