#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. # Copyright (C) 2006 Alexey Proskuryakov (ap@nypop.com) # Copyright (C) 2007 Matt Lilek (pewtermoose@gmail.com) # Copyright (C) 2007 Eric Seidel # Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # Copyright (C) 2009 Andras Becsi (becsi.andras@stud.u-szeged.hu), University of Szeged # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of # its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # Script to run the WebKit Open Source Project layout tests. # Run all the tests passed in on the command line. # If no tests are passed, find all the .html, .shtml, .xml, .xhtml, .xhtmlmp, .pl, .php (and svg) files in the test directory. # Run each text. # Compare against the existing file xxx-expected.txt. # If there is a mismatch, generate xxx-actual.txt and xxx-diffs.txt. # At the end, report: # the number of tests that got the expected results # the number of tests that ran, but did not get the expected results # the number of tests that failed to run # the number of tests that were run but had no expected results to compare against use strict; use warnings; use CGI; use Config; use Cwd; use Data::Dumper; use Fcntl qw(F_GETFL F_SETFL O_NONBLOCK); use File::Basename; use File::Copy; use File::Find; use File::Path; use File::Spec; use File::Spec::Functions; use File::Temp; use FindBin; use Getopt::Long; use IPC::Open2; use IPC::Open3; use MIME::Base64; use Time::HiRes qw(time usleep); use List::Util 'shuffle'; use lib $FindBin::Bin; use webkitperl::features; use webkitperl::httpd; use webkitdirs; use VCSUtils; use POSIX; sub buildPlatformResultHierarchy(); sub buildPlatformTestHierarchy(@); sub captureSavedCrashLog($$); sub checkPythonVersion(); sub closeCygpaths(); sub closeDumpTool(); sub closeWebSocketServer(); sub configureAndOpenHTTPDIfNeeded(); sub countAndPrintLeaks($$$); sub countFinishedTest($$$$); sub deleteExpectedAndActualResults($); sub dumpToolDidCrash(); sub epiloguesAndPrologues($$); sub expectedDirectoryForTest($;$;$); sub fileNameWithNumber($$); sub findNewestFileMatchingGlob($); sub htmlForResultsSection(\@$&); sub isTextOnlyTest($); sub launchWithEnv(\@\%); sub resolveAndMakeTestResultsDirectory(); sub numericcmp($$); sub openDiffTool(); sub buildDumpTool($); sub openDumpTool(); sub parseLeaksandPrintUniqueLeaks(); sub openWebSocketServerIfNeeded(); sub pathcmp($$); sub printFailureMessageForTest($$); sub processIgnoreTests($$); sub readChecksumFromPng($); sub readFromDumpToolWithTimer(**); sub readSkippedFiles($); sub recordActualResultsAndDiff($$); sub sampleDumpTool(); sub setFileHandleNonBlocking(*$); sub setUpWindowsCrashLogSaving(); sub slowestcmp($$); sub splitpath($); sub stopRunningTestsEarlyIfNeeded(); sub stripExtension($); sub stripMetrics($$); sub testCrashedOrTimedOut($$$$$$); sub toCygwinPath($); sub toURL($); sub toWindowsPath($); sub validateSkippedArg($$;$); sub writeToFile($$); # Argument handling my $addPlatformExceptions = 0; my @additionalPlatformDirectories = (); my $complexText = 0; my $exitAfterNFailures = 0; my $exitAfterNCrashesOrTimeouts = 0; my $generateNewResults = isAppleMacWebKit() ? 1 : 0; my $guardMalloc = ''; # FIXME: Dynamic HTTP-port configuration in this file is wrong. The various # apache config files in LayoutTests/http/config govern the port numbers. # Dynamic configuration as-written will also cause random failures in # an IPv6 environment. See https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=37104. my $httpdPort = 8000; my $httpdSSLPort = 8443; my $ignoreMetrics = 0; my $webSocketPort = 8880; # wss is disabled until all platforms support pyOpenSSL. # my $webSocketSecurePort = 9323; my @ignoreTests; my $iterations = 1; my $launchSafari = 1; my $mergeDepth; my $pixelTests = ''; my $platform; my $quiet = ''; my $randomizeTests = 0; my $repeatEach = 1; my $report10Slowest = 0; my $resetResults = 0; my $reverseTests = 0; my $root; my $runSample = 1; my $shouldCheckLeaks = 0; my $showHelp = 0; my $stripEditingCallbacks; my $testHTTP = 1; my $testWebSocket = 1; my $testMedia = 1; my $tmpDir = "/tmp"; my $testResultsDirectory = File::Spec->catdir($tmpDir, "layout-test-results"); my $testsPerDumpTool = 1000; my $threaded = 0; my $gcBetweenTests = 0; # DumpRenderTree has an internal timeout of 30 seconds, so this must be > 30. my $timeoutSeconds = 35; my $tolerance = 0; my $treatSkipped = "default"; my $useRemoteLinksToTests = 0; my $useValgrind = 0; my $verbose = 0; my $shouldWaitForHTTPD = 0; my $useWebKitTestRunner = 0; my $noBuildDumpTool = 0; # These arguments are ignored, but exist for compatibility with new-run-webkit-tests. my $builderName = ''; my $buildNumber = ''; my $masterName = ''; my $testResultsServer = ''; my @leaksFilenames; if (isWindows() || isMsys()) { print "This script has to be run under Cygwin to function correctly.\n"; exit 1; } # Default to --no-http for wx for now. $testHTTP = 0 if (isWx()); my $perlInterpreter = "perl"; my $expectedTag = "expected"; my $mismatchTag = "mismatch"; my $actualTag = "actual"; my $prettyDiffTag = "pretty-diff"; my $diffsTag = "diffs"; my $errorTag = "stderr"; my $crashLogTag = "crash-log"; my $windowsCrashLogFilePrefix = "CrashLog"; # These are defined here instead of closer to where they are used so that they # will always be accessible from the END block that uses them, even if the user # presses Ctrl-C before Perl has finished evaluating this whole file. my $windowsPostMortemDebuggerKey = "/HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/AeDebug"; my %previousWindowsPostMortemDebuggerValues; my $realPlatform; my @macPlatforms = ("mac-leopard", "mac-snowleopard", "mac-lion", "mac"); my @winPlatforms = ("win-xp", "win-vista", "win-7sp0", "win"); if (isAppleMacWebKit()) { if (isLeopard()) { $platform = "mac-leopard"; $tolerance = 0.1; } elsif (isSnowLeopard()) { $platform = "mac-snowleopard"; $tolerance = 0.1; } elsif (isLion()) { $platform = "mac-lion"; $tolerance = 0.1; } else { $platform = "mac"; } } elsif (isQt()) { if (isDarwin()) { $platform = "qt-mac"; } elsif (isARM()) { $platform = "qt-arm"; } elsif (getQtVersion() eq "4.8") { $platform = "qt-4.8"; } elsif (getQtVersion() eq "5.0") { $platform = "qt-5.0"; } elsif (isLinux()) { $platform = "qt-linux"; } elsif (isWindows() || isCygwin()) { $platform = "qt-win"; } else { $platform = "qt"; } } elsif (isGtk()) { $platform = "gtk"; } elsif (isWx()) { $platform = "wx"; } elsif (isWinCairo()) { $platform = "wincairo"; } elsif (isCygwin() || isWindows()) { if (isWindowsXP()) { $platform = "win-xp"; } elsif (isWindowsVista()) { $platform = "win-vista"; } elsif (isWindows7SP0()) { $platform = "win-7sp0"; } else { $platform = "win"; } } elsif (isEfl()) { if (isLinux()) { $platform = "efl"; } else { $platform = "efl-slp"; } } if (isQt() || isAppleWinWebKit()) { my $testfontPath = $ENV{"WEBKIT_TESTFONTS"}; if (!$testfontPath || !-d "$testfontPath") { print "The WEBKIT_TESTFONTS environment variable is not defined or not set properly\n"; print "You must set it before running the tests.\n"; print "Use git to grab the actual fonts from http://gitorious.org/qtwebkit/testfonts\n"; exit 1; } } if (!defined($platform)) { print "WARNING: Your platform is not recognized. Any platform-specific results will be generated in platform/undefined.\n"; $platform = "undefined"; } if (!checkPythonVersion()) { print "WARNING: Your platform does not have Python 2.5+, which is required to run websocket server, so disabling websocket/tests.\n"; $testWebSocket = 0; } my $programName = basename($0); my $launchSafariDefault = $launchSafari ? "launch" : "do not launch"; my $httpDefault = $testHTTP ? "run" : "do not run"; my $sampleDefault = $runSample ? "run" : "do not run"; my $usage = < \$addPlatformExceptions, 'additional-platform-directory=s' => \@additionalPlatformDirectories, 'complex-text' => \$complexText, 'exit-after-n-failures=i' => \$exitAfterNFailures, 'exit-after-n-crashes-or-timeouts=i' => \$exitAfterNCrashesOrTimeouts, 'gc-between-tests' => \$gcBetweenTests, 'guard-malloc|g' => \$guardMalloc, 'help|h' => \$showHelp, 'http!' => \$testHTTP, 'wait-for-httpd!' => \$shouldWaitForHTTPD, 'ignore-metrics!' => \$ignoreMetrics, 'ignore-tests|i=s' => \@ignoreTests, 'iterations=i' => \$iterations, 'launch-safari!' => \$launchSafari, 'leaks|l' => \$shouldCheckLeaks, 'merge-leak-depth|m:5' => \$mergeDepth, 'new-test-results!' => \$generateNewResults, 'no-build' => \$noBuildDumpTool, 'nthly=i' => \$testsPerDumpTool, 'pixel-tests|p' => \$pixelTests, 'platform=s' => \$platform, 'port=i' => \$httpdPort, 'quiet|q' => \$quiet, 'random' => \$randomizeTests, 'repeat-each=i' => \$repeatEach, 'reset-results' => \$resetResults, 'results-directory|o=s' => \$testResultsDirectory, 'reverse' => \$reverseTests, 'root=s' => \$root, 'sample-on-timeout!' => \$runSample, 'singly|1' => sub { $testsPerDumpTool = 1; }, 'skipped=s' => \&validateSkippedArg, 'slowest' => \$report10Slowest, 'strip-editing-callbacks!' => \$stripEditingCallbacks, 'threaded|t' => \$threaded, 'timeout=i' => \$timeoutSeconds, 'tolerance=f' => \$tolerance, 'use-remote-links-to-tests' => \$useRemoteLinksToTests, 'valgrind' => \$useValgrind, 'verbose|v' => \$verbose, 'webkit-test-runner|2' => \$useWebKitTestRunner, # These arguments are ignored (but are used by new-run-webkit-tests). 'builder-name=s' => \$builderName, 'build-number=s' => \$buildNumber, 'master-name=s' => \$masterName, 'test-results-server=s' => \$testResultsServer, ); if (!$getOptionsResult || $showHelp) { print STDERR $usage; exit 1; } if ($useWebKitTestRunner) { if (isAppleMacWebKit()) { $realPlatform = $platform; $platform = "mac-wk2"; } elsif (isAppleWinWebKit()) { $stripEditingCallbacks = 0 unless defined $stripEditingCallbacks; $realPlatform = $platform; $platform = "win-wk2"; } elsif (isQt()) { $realPlatform = $platform; $platform = "qt-wk2"; } elsif (isGtk()) { $realPlatform = $platform; $platform = "gtk-wk2"; } } $timeoutSeconds *= 10 if $guardMalloc; $stripEditingCallbacks = isCygwin() unless defined $stripEditingCallbacks; my $ignoreSkipped = $treatSkipped eq "ignore"; my $skippedOnly = $treatSkipped eq "only"; my $configuration = configuration(); # We need an environment variable to be able to enable the feature per-slave $shouldWaitForHTTPD = $ENV{"WEBKIT_WAIT_FOR_HTTPD"} unless ($shouldWaitForHTTPD); $verbose = 1 if $testsPerDumpTool == 1; if ($shouldCheckLeaks && $testsPerDumpTool > 1000) { print STDERR "\nWARNING: Running more than 1000 tests at a time with MallocStackLogging enabled may cause a crash.\n\n"; } # Generating remote links causes a lot of unnecessary spew on GTK build bot $useRemoteLinksToTests = 0 if isGtk(); setConfigurationProductDir(Cwd::abs_path($root)) if (defined($root)); my $productDir = productDir(); $productDir .= "/bin" if isQt(); $productDir .= "/Programs" if isGtk() || isEfl(); chdirWebKit(); if (!defined($root) && !$noBuildDumpTool) { # FIXME: We build both DumpRenderTree and WebKitTestRunner for # WebKitTestRunner runs because DumpRenderTree still includes # the DumpRenderTreeSupport module and the TestNetscapePlugin. # These two projects should be factored out into their own # projects. buildDumpTool("DumpRenderTree"); buildDumpTool("WebKitTestRunner") if $useWebKitTestRunner; } my $dumpToolName = $useWebKitTestRunner ? "WebKitTestRunner" : "DumpRenderTree"; if (isAppleWinWebKit()) { $dumpToolName .= "_debug" if configurationForVisualStudio() eq "Debug_All"; $dumpToolName .= "_debug" if configurationForVisualStudio() eq "Debug_Cairo_CFLite"; $dumpToolName .= $Config{_exe}; } my $dumpTool = File::Spec->catfile($productDir, $dumpToolName); die "can't find executable $dumpToolName (looked in $productDir)\n" unless -x $dumpTool; #my $imageDiffTool = "$productDir/ImageDiff"; #$imageDiffTool .= "_debug" if isCygwin() && configurationForVisualStudio() eq "Debug_All"; #$imageDiffTool .= "_debug" if isCygwin() && configurationForVisualStudio() eq "Debug_Cairo_CFLite"; #die "can't find executable $imageDiffTool (looked in $productDir)\n" if $pixelTests && !-x $imageDiffTool; checkFrameworks() unless isCygwin(); if (isAppleMacWebKit()) { push @INC, $productDir; require DumpRenderTreeSupport; } my $layoutTestsName = "LayoutTests"; my $testDirectory = File::Spec->rel2abs($layoutTestsName); my $expectedDirectory = $testDirectory; my $platformBaseDirectory = catdir($testDirectory, "platform"); my $platformTestDirectory = catdir($platformBaseDirectory, $platform); my @platformResultHierarchy = buildPlatformResultHierarchy(); my @platformTestHierarchy = buildPlatformTestHierarchy(@platformResultHierarchy); $expectedDirectory = $ENV{"WebKitExpectedTestResultsDirectory"} if $ENV{"WebKitExpectedTestResultsDirectory"}; $testResultsDirectory = File::Spec->rel2abs($testResultsDirectory); # $testResultsDirectory must be empty before testing. rmtree $testResultsDirectory; my $testResults = File::Spec->catfile($testResultsDirectory, "results.html"); if (isAppleMacWebKit()) { print STDERR "Compiling Java tests\n"; my $javaTestsDirectory = catdir($testDirectory, "java"); if (system("/usr/bin/make", "-C", "$javaTestsDirectory")) { exit 1; } } elsif (isCygwin()) { setUpWindowsCrashLogSaving(); } print "Running tests from $testDirectory\n"; if ($pixelTests) { print "Enabling pixel tests with a tolerance of $tolerance%\n"; if (isDarwin()) { if (!$useWebKitTestRunner) { print "WARNING: Temporarily changing the main display color profile:\n"; print "\tThe colors on your screen will change for the duration of the testing.\n"; print "\tThis allows the pixel tests to have consistent color values across all machines.\n"; } if (isPerianInstalled()) { print "WARNING: Perian's QuickTime component is installed and this may affect pixel test results!\n"; print "\tYou should avoid generating new pixel results in this environment.\n"; print "\tSee https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=22615 for details.\n"; } } } system "ln", "-s", $testDirectory, "/tmp/LayoutTests" unless -x "/tmp/LayoutTests"; my %ignoredFiles = ( "results.html" => 1 ); my %ignoredDirectories = map { $_ => 1 } qw(platform); my %ignoredLocalDirectories = map { $_ => 1 } qw(.svn _svn resources script-tests); my %supportedFileExtensions = map { $_ => 1 } qw(htm html shtml xml xhtml xhtmlmp pl php mht); if (!checkWebCoreFeatureSupport("MathML", 0)) { $ignoredDirectories{'mathml'} = 1; } if (!checkWebCoreFeatureSupport("MHTML", 0)) { $ignoredDirectories{'mhtml'} = 1; } # FIXME: We should fix webkitperl/features.pm:hasFeature() to do the correct feature detection for Cygwin. if (checkWebCoreFeatureSupport("SVG", 0)) { $supportedFileExtensions{'svg'} = 1; } elsif (isCygwin()) { $supportedFileExtensions{'svg'} = 1; } else { $ignoredLocalDirectories{'svg'} = 1; } if (!$testHTTP) { $ignoredDirectories{'http'} = 1; $ignoredDirectories{'websocket'} = 1; } elsif (!hasHTTPD()) { print "\nNo httpd found. Cannot run http tests.\nPlease use --no-http if you do not want to run http tests.\n"; exit 1; } if (!$testWebSocket) { $ignoredDirectories{'websocket'} = 1; } if (!$testMedia) { $ignoredDirectories{'media'} = 1; $ignoredDirectories{'http/tests/media'} = 1; } my $supportedFeaturesResult = ""; if (isCygwin()) { # Collect supported features list setPathForRunningWebKitApp(\%ENV); my $supportedFeaturesCommand = "\"$dumpTool\" --print-supported-features 2>&1"; $supportedFeaturesResult = `$supportedFeaturesCommand 2>&1`; } my $hasAcceleratedCompositing = 0; my $has3DRendering = 0; if (isCygwin()) { $hasAcceleratedCompositing = $supportedFeaturesResult =~ /AcceleratedCompositing/; $has3DRendering = $supportedFeaturesResult =~ /3DRendering/; } else { $hasAcceleratedCompositing = checkWebCoreFeatureSupport("Accelerated Compositing", 0); $has3DRendering = checkWebCoreFeatureSupport("3D Rendering", 0); } if (!$hasAcceleratedCompositing) { $ignoredDirectories{'compositing'} = 1; # This test has slightly different floating-point rounding when accelerated # compositing is enabled. $ignoredFiles{'svg/custom/use-on-symbol-inside-pattern.svg'} = 1; # This test has an iframe that is put in a layer only in compositing mode. $ignoredFiles{'media/media-document-audio-repaint.html'} = 1; if (isAppleWebKit()) { # In Apple's ports, the default controls for