/* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2022 Google LLC Copyright (c) 2022 Sascha Willems Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ Texture2D textureposition : register(t1); SamplerState samplerposition : register(s1); Texture2D textureNormal : register(t2); SamplerState samplerNormal : register(s2); Texture2D textureAlbedo : register(t3); SamplerState samplerAlbedo : register(s3); // Depth from the light's point of view //layout (binding = 5) uniform sampler2DShadow samplerShadowMap; Texture2DArray textureShadowMap : register(t5); SamplerState samplerShadowMap : register(s5); #define LIGHT_COUNT 3 #define SHADOW_FACTOR 0.25 #define AMBIENT_LIGHT 0.1 #define USE_PCF struct Light { float4 position; float4 target; float4 color; float4x4 viewMatrix; }; struct UBO { float4 viewPos; Light lights[LIGHT_COUNT]; int useShadows; int displayDebugTarget; }; cbuffer ubo : register(b4) { UBO ubo; } float textureProj(float4 P, float layer, float2 offset) { float shadow = 1.0; float4 shadowCoord = P / P.w; shadowCoord.xy = shadowCoord.xy * 0.5 + 0.5; if (shadowCoord.z > -1.0 && shadowCoord.z < 1.0) { float dist = textureShadowMap.Sample(samplerShadowMap, float3(shadowCoord.xy + offset, layer)).r; if (shadowCoord.w > 0.0 && dist < shadowCoord.z) { shadow = SHADOW_FACTOR; } } return shadow; } float filterPCF(float4 sc, float layer) { int2 texDim; int elements; int levels; textureShadowMap.GetDimensions(0, texDim.x, texDim.y, elements, levels); float scale = 1.5; float dx = scale * 1.0 / float(texDim.x); float dy = scale * 1.0 / float(texDim.y); float shadowFactor = 0.0; int count = 0; int range = 1; for (int x = -range; x <= range; x++) { for (int y = -range; y <= range; y++) { shadowFactor += textureProj(sc, layer, float2(dx*x, dy*y)); count++; } } return shadowFactor / count; } float3 shadow(float3 fragcolor, float3 fragPos) { for (int i = 0; i < LIGHT_COUNT; ++i) { float4 shadowClip = mul(ubo.lights[i].viewMatrix, float4(fragPos.xyz, 1.0)); float shadowFactor; #ifdef USE_PCF shadowFactor= filterPCF(shadowClip, i); #else shadowFactor = textureProj(shadowClip, i, float2(0.0, 0.0)); #endif fragcolor *= shadowFactor; } return fragcolor; } float4 main([[vk::location(0)]] float2 inUV : TEXCOORD0) : SV_TARGET { // Get G-Buffer values float3 fragPos = textureposition.Sample(samplerposition, inUV).rgb; float3 normal = textureNormal.Sample(samplerNormal, inUV).rgb; float4 albedo = textureAlbedo.Sample(samplerAlbedo, inUV); float3 fragcolor; // Debug display if (ubo.displayDebugTarget > 0) { switch (ubo.displayDebugTarget) { case 1: fragcolor.rgb = shadow(float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), fragPos); break; case 2: fragcolor.rgb = fragPos; break; case 3: fragcolor.rgb = normal; break; case 4: fragcolor.rgb = albedo.rgb; break; case 5: fragcolor.rgb = albedo.aaa; break; } return float4(fragcolor, 1.0); } // Ambient part fragcolor = albedo.rgb * AMBIENT_LIGHT; float3 N = normalize(normal); for(int i = 0; i < LIGHT_COUNT; ++i) { // Vector to light float3 L = ubo.lights[i].position.xyz - fragPos; // Distance from light to fragment position float dist = length(L); L = normalize(L); // Viewer to fragment float3 V = ubo.viewPos.xyz - fragPos; V = normalize(V); float lightCosInnerAngle = cos(radians(15.0)); float lightCosOuterAngle = cos(radians(25.0)); float lightRange = 100.0; // Direction vector from source to target float3 dir = normalize(ubo.lights[i].position.xyz - ubo.lights[i].target.xyz); // Dual cone spot light with smooth transition between inner and outer angle float cosDir = dot(L, dir); float spotEffect = smoothstep(lightCosOuterAngle, lightCosInnerAngle, cosDir); float heightAttenuation = smoothstep(lightRange, 0.0f, dist); // Diffuse lighting float NdotL = max(0.0, dot(N, L)); float3 diff = NdotL.xxx; // Specular lighting float3 R = reflect(-L, N); float NdotR = max(0.0, dot(R, V)); float3 spec = (pow(NdotR, 16.0) * albedo.a * 2.5).xxx; fragcolor += float3((diff + spec) * spotEffect * heightAttenuation) * ubo.lights[i].color.rgb * albedo.rgb; } // Shadow calculations in a separate pass if (ubo.useShadows > 0) { fragcolor = shadow(fragcolor, fragPos); } return float4(fragcolor, 1); }