uniform int4 ui4; static const int cia = -4; static const int cib = -42; // ERROR: Ambiguous with fn1 below. // int4 fn1(int4 p0) { return int4(1,2,3,4); } int4 fn1(int4 p0, bool b1, bool b2 = false) { return p0; } int4 fn1(int4 p0, int4 p1 : FOO = int4(-1,-2,-3, cia), int p2[2] : BAR = { int(1), 2 }, int p3 = abs(cib) ) { return p0 + p1 + p2[0] + p3; } // These should not be ambiguous if given either an int or a float explicit second parameter. int4 fn2(int4 p0, int x = 3) { return int4(10,11,12,13); } int4 fn2(int4 p0, float x = sin(3.3)) // OK to have a const expression as a default value { return p0 + int4(20,21,22,23); } void fn3(int p0 = 3) { } int4 main() : SV_Target0 { int myarray[2] = {30,31}; fn3(); fn3(5); return fn1(100) + fn1(101, ui4) + fn1(102, ui4, myarray) + fn1(103, ui4, myarray, 99) + fn1(104, false) + fn1(105, false, true) + fn2(110, 11.11) + // calls int4, float form fn2(111, 12); // calls int4, int form }