#version 460 vec4 undeclared_errors(vec4 f4) { vec4 result; gl_SubgroupSize; // ERROR, extension not enabled (basic) gl_SubgroupInvocationID; // ERROR, extension not enabled (basic) subgroupBarrier(); // ERROR, extension not enabled (basic) subgroupMemoryBarrier(); // ERROR, extension not enabled (basic) subgroupMemoryBarrierBuffer(); // ERROR, extension not enabled (basic) subgroupMemoryBarrierImage(); // ERROR, extension not enabled (basic) subgroupElect(); // ERROR, extension not enabled (basic) gl_NumSubgroups; // ERROR, extension not enabled (basic) gl_SubgroupID; // ERROR, extension not enabled (basic) subgroupMemoryBarrierShared(); // ERROR, extension not enabled (basic) subgroupAll(true); // ERROR extension not enabled (vote) subgroupAny(false); // ERROR extension not enabled (vote) subgroupAllEqual(f4); // ERROR extension not enabled (vote) gl_SubgroupEqMask; // ERROR extension not enabled (ballot) gl_SubgroupGeMask; // ERROR extension not enabled (ballot) gl_SubgroupGtMask; // ERROR extension not enabled (ballot) gl_SubgroupLeMask; // ERROR extension not enabled (ballot) gl_SubgroupLtMask; // ERROR extension not enabled (ballot) subgroupBroadcast(f4, 0); // ERROR extension not enabled (ballot) subgroupBroadcastFirst(f4); // ERROR extension not enabled (ballot) uvec4 ballot = subgroupBallot(false); // ERROR extension not enabled (ballot) subgroupInverseBallot(uvec4(0x1)); // ERROR extension not enabled (ballot) subgroupBallotBitExtract(ballot, 0); // ERROR extension not enabled (ballot) subgroupBallotBitCount(ballot); // ERROR extension not enabled (ballot) subgroupBallotInclusiveBitCount(ballot); // ERROR extension not enabled (ballot) subgroupBallotExclusiveBitCount(ballot); // ERROR extension not enabled (ballot) subgroupBallotFindLSB(ballot); // ERROR extension not enabled (ballot) subgroupBallotFindMSB(ballot); // ERROR extension not enabled (ballot) subgroupShuffle(f4, 0); // ERROR extension not enabled (shuffle) subgroupShuffleXor(f4, 0x1); // ERROR extension not enabled (shuffle) subgroupShuffleUp(f4, 1); // ERROR extension not enabled (shuffle_relative) subgroupShuffleDown(f4, 1); // ERROR extension not enabled (shuffle_relative) result = subgroupAdd(f4); // ERROR, extension not enabled (arith) subgroupMul(f4); // ERROR, extension not enabled (arith) subgroupMin(f4); // ERROR, extension not enabled (arith) subgroupMax(f4); // ERROR, extension not enabled (arith) subgroupAnd(ballot); // ERROR, extension not enabled (arith) subgroupOr(ballot); // ERROR, extension not enabled (arith) subgroupXor(ballot); // ERROR, extension not enabled (arith) subgroupInclusiveAdd(f4); // ERROR, extension not enabled (arith) subgroupInclusiveMul(f4); // ERROR, extension not enabled (arith) subgroupInclusiveMin(f4); // ERROR, extension not enabled (arith) subgroupInclusiveMax(f4); // ERROR, extension not enabled (arith) subgroupInclusiveAnd(ballot); // ERROR, extension not enabled (arith) subgroupInclusiveOr(ballot); // ERROR, extension not enabled (arith) subgroupInclusiveXor(ballot); // ERROR, extension not enabled (arith) subgroupExclusiveAdd(f4); // ERROR, extension not enabled (arith) subgroupExclusiveMul(f4); // ERROR, extension not enabled (arith) subgroupExclusiveMin(f4); // ERROR, extension not enabled (arith) subgroupExclusiveMax(f4); // ERROR, extension not enabled (arith) subgroupExclusiveAnd(ballot); // ERROR, extension not enabled (arith) subgroupExclusiveOr(ballot); // ERROR, extension not enabled (arith) subgroupExclusiveXor(ballot); // ERROR, extension not enabled (arith) subgroupClusteredAdd(f4, 2); // ERROR, extension not enabled (clustered) subgroupClusteredMul(f4, 2); // ERROR, extension not enabled (clustered) subgroupClusteredMin(f4, 2); // ERROR, extension not enabled (clustered) subgroupClusteredMax(f4, 2); // ERROR, extension not enabled (clustered) subgroupClusteredAnd(ballot, 2); // ERROR, extension not enabled (clustered) subgroupClusteredOr(ballot, 2); // ERROR, extension not enabled (clustered) subgroupClusteredXor(ballot, 2); // ERROR, extension not enabled (clustered) subgroupQuadBroadcast(f4, 0); // ERROR, extension not enabled (quad) subgroupQuadSwapHorizontal(f4); // ERROR, extension not enabled (quad) subgroupQuadSwapVertical(f4); // ERROR, extension not enabled (quad) subgroupQuadSwapDiagonal(f4); // ERROR, extension not enabled (quad) uvec4 parti = subgroupPartitionNV(f4); // ERROR, extension not enabled (partitioned) subgroupPartitionedAddNV(f4, parti); // ERROR, extension not enabled (partitioned) subgroupPartitionedMulNV(f4, parti); // ERROR, extension not enabled (partitioned) subgroupPartitionedMinNV(f4, parti); // ERROR, extension not enabled (partitioned) subgroupPartitionedMaxNV(f4, parti); // ERROR, extension not enabled (partitioned) subgroupPartitionedAndNV(ballot, parti); // ERROR, extension not enabled (partitioned) subgroupPartitionedOrNV(ballot, parti); // ERROR, extension not enabled (partitioned) subgroupPartitionedXorNV(ballot, parti); // ERROR, extension not enabled (partitioned) subgroupPartitionedInclusiveAddNV(f4, parti); // ERROR, extension not enabled (partitioned) subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMulNV(f4, parti); // ERROR, extension not enabled (partitioned) subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMinNV(f4, parti); // ERROR, extension not enabled (partitioned) subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMaxNV(f4, parti); // ERROR, extension not enabled (partitioned) subgroupPartitionedInclusiveAndNV(ballot, parti); // ERROR, extension not enabled (partitioned) subgroupPartitionedInclusiveOrNV(ballot, parti); // ERROR, extension not enabled (partitioned) subgroupPartitionedInclusiveXorNV(ballot, parti); // ERROR, extension not enabled (partitioned) subgroupPartitionedExclusiveAddNV(f4, parti); // ERROR, extension not enabled (partitioned) subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMulNV(f4, parti); // ERROR, extension not enabled (partitioned) subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMinNV(f4, parti); // ERROR, extension not enabled (partitioned) subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMaxNV(f4, parti); // ERROR, extension not enabled (partitioned) subgroupPartitionedExclusiveAndNV(ballot, parti); // ERROR, extension not enabled (partitioned) subgroupPartitionedExclusiveOrNV(ballot, parti); // ERROR, extension not enabled (partitioned) subgroupPartitionedExclusiveXorNV(ballot, parti); // ERROR, extension not enabled (partitioned) return result; } #define MAX_VIEWS gl_MaxMeshViewCountNV #define BARRIER() \ memoryBarrierShared(); \ barrier(); #extension GL_NV_mesh_shader : enable layout(local_size_x = 32) in; // test use of shared memory in task shaders: layout(binding=0) writeonly uniform image2D uni_image; uniform block0 { uint uni_value; }; shared vec4 mem[10]; // test use of task memory in task shaders: taskNV out Task { vec2 dummy; vec2 submesh[3]; uint viewID; } mytask; void main() { uint iid = gl_LocalInvocationID.x; uint gid = gl_WorkGroupID.x; uint viewID = gl_MeshViewIndicesNV[gl_MeshViewCountNV%MAX_VIEWS]; // 1. shared memory load and stores for (uint i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { mem[i] = vec4(i + uni_value); } imageStore(uni_image, ivec2(iid), mem[gid]); imageStore(uni_image, ivec2(iid), mem[gid+1]); BARRIER(); // 2. task memory stores mytask.dummy = vec2(30.0, 31.0); mytask.submesh[0] = vec2(32.0, 33.0); mytask.submesh[1] = vec2(34.0, 35.0); mytask.submesh[2] = mytask.submesh[gid%2]; mytask.viewID = viewID; BARRIER(); // 3. set task count gl_TaskCountNV = 3; } #extension GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_basic: enable void basic_works (void) { gl_SubgroupSize; gl_SubgroupInvocationID; subgroupBarrier(); subgroupMemoryBarrier(); subgroupMemoryBarrierBuffer(); subgroupMemoryBarrierImage(); subgroupElect(); gl_NumSubgroups; // allowed in task gl_SubgroupID; // allowed in task subgroupMemoryBarrierShared(); // allowed in task } #extension GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_ballot: enable void ballot_works(vec4 f4) { gl_SubgroupEqMask; gl_SubgroupGeMask; gl_SubgroupGtMask; gl_SubgroupLeMask; gl_SubgroupLtMask; subgroupBroadcast(f4, 0); subgroupBroadcastFirst(f4); uvec4 ballot = subgroupBallot(false); subgroupInverseBallot(uvec4(0x1)); subgroupBallotBitExtract(ballot, 0); subgroupBallotBitCount(ballot); subgroupBallotInclusiveBitCount(ballot); subgroupBallotExclusiveBitCount(ballot); subgroupBallotFindLSB(ballot); subgroupBallotFindMSB(ballot); } #extension GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_vote: enable void vote_works(vec4 f4) { subgroupAll(true); subgroupAny(false); subgroupAllEqual(f4); } #extension GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_shuffle: enable #extension GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_shuffle_relative: enable void shuffle_works(vec4 f4) { subgroupShuffle(f4, 0); subgroupShuffleXor(f4, 0x1); subgroupShuffleUp(f4, 1); subgroupShuffleDown(f4, 1); } #extension GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_arithmetic: enable void arith_works(vec4 f4) { uvec4 ballot; subgroupAdd(f4); subgroupMul(f4); subgroupMin(f4); subgroupMax(f4); subgroupAnd(ballot); subgroupOr(ballot); subgroupXor(ballot); subgroupInclusiveAdd(f4); subgroupInclusiveMul(f4); subgroupInclusiveMin(f4); subgroupInclusiveMax(f4); subgroupInclusiveAnd(ballot); subgroupInclusiveOr(ballot); subgroupInclusiveXor(ballot); subgroupExclusiveAdd(f4); subgroupExclusiveMul(f4); subgroupExclusiveMin(f4); subgroupExclusiveMax(f4); subgroupExclusiveAnd(ballot); subgroupExclusiveOr(ballot); subgroupExclusiveXor(ballot); } #extension GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_clustered: enable void clustered_works(vec4 f4) { uvec4 ballot = uvec4(0x55,0,0,0); subgroupClusteredAdd(f4, 2); subgroupClusteredMul(f4, 2); subgroupClusteredMin(f4, 2); subgroupClusteredMax(f4, 2); subgroupClusteredAnd(ballot, 2); subgroupClusteredOr(ballot, 2); subgroupClusteredXor(ballot, 2); } #extension GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_quad: enable void quad_works(vec4 f4) { subgroupQuadBroadcast(f4, 0); subgroupQuadSwapHorizontal(f4); subgroupQuadSwapVertical(f4); subgroupQuadSwapDiagonal(f4); } #extension GL_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned: enable void partitioned_works(vec4 f4) { uvec4 parti = subgroupPartitionNV(f4); uvec4 ballot = uvec4(0x55,0,0,0); subgroupPartitionedAddNV(f4, parti); subgroupPartitionedMulNV(f4, parti); subgroupPartitionedMinNV(f4, parti); subgroupPartitionedMaxNV(f4, parti); subgroupPartitionedAndNV(ballot, parti); subgroupPartitionedOrNV(ballot, parti); subgroupPartitionedXorNV(ballot, parti); subgroupPartitionedInclusiveAddNV(f4, parti); subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMulNV(f4, parti); subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMinNV(f4, parti); subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMaxNV(f4, parti); subgroupPartitionedInclusiveAndNV(ballot, parti); subgroupPartitionedInclusiveOrNV(ballot, parti); subgroupPartitionedInclusiveXorNV(ballot, parti); subgroupPartitionedExclusiveAddNV(f4, parti); subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMulNV(f4, parti); subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMinNV(f4, parti); subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMaxNV(f4, parti); subgroupPartitionedExclusiveAndNV(ballot, parti); subgroupPartitionedExclusiveOrNV(ballot, parti); subgroupPartitionedExclusiveXorNV(ballot, parti); } // tests for NV_shader_sm_builtins void sm_builtins_err() { gl_WarpsPerSMNV; // ERROR, no extension gl_SMCountNV; // ERROR, no extension gl_WarpIDNV; // ERROR, no extension gl_SMIDNV; // ERROR, no extension } #ifdef GL_NV_shader_sm_builtins #extension GL_NV_shader_sm_builtins : enable #endif void sm_builtins() { gl_WarpsPerSMNV; gl_SMCountNV; gl_WarpIDNV; gl_SMIDNV; }