#version 310 es shared vec4 s; // ERROR layout(local_size_x = 2) out; // ERROR buffer vec4 v; // ERROR in int ini; layout(location = 2) uniform mat4 x; layout(location = 3) uniform mat4 y; layout(location = 2) out mat4 xi; layout(location = 3) out mat4 yi; // ERROR, locations conflict with xi void main() { uvec2 u2; u2 = uaddCarry(u2, u2, u2); uint u1; u1 = usubBorrow(u1, u1, u1); uvec4 u4; umulExtended(u4, u4, u4, u4); ivec4 i4; imulExtended(i4, i4, i4, i4); int i1; i1 = bitfieldExtract(i1, 4, 5); uvec3 u3; u3 = bitfieldExtract(u3, 4, 5); ivec3 i3; i3 = bitfieldInsert(i3, i3, 4, 5); u1 = bitfieldInsert(u1, u1, 4, 5); ivec2 i2; i2 = bitfieldReverse(i2); u4 = bitfieldReverse(u4); i1 = bitCount(i1); i3 = bitCount(u3); i2 = findLSB(i2); i4 = findLSB(u4); i1 = findMSB(i1); i2 = findMSB(u2); vec3 v3; v3 = frexp(v3, i3); vec2 v2; v2 = ldexp(v2, i2); mediump vec4 v4; u1 = packUnorm4x8(v4); u1 = packSnorm4x8(v4); v4 = unpackUnorm4x8(u1); v4 = unpackSnorm4x8(u1); } precision highp sampler2DMS; precision highp isampler2DMS; precision highp usampler2DMS; uniform sampler2DMS s2dms; uniform isampler2DMS is2dms; uniform usampler2DMS us2dms; uniform usampler2DMSArray us2dmsa; // ERROR void foo() { ivec2 v2; v2 = textureSize(s2dms); v2 = textureSize(us2dms); vec4 v4 = texelFetch(s2dms, v2, 2); ivec4 iv4 = texelFetch(is2dms, v2, 2); textureSamples(s2dms); // ERROR float f; frexp(f, ini); // ERROR, i not writable } out bool outb; // ERROR out sampler2D outo; // ERROR out float outa[4]; out float outaa[4][2]; // ERROR struct S { float f; }; out S outs; out S[4] outasa; // ERROR out S outsa[4]; // ERROR struct SA { float f[4]; }; out SA outSA; // ERROR struct SS { float f; S s; }; out SS outSS; // ERROR layout(std430) uniform U430 { int a; } U430i; // ERROR layout(std430) buffer B430 { int a; } B430i; #ifndef GL_OES_shader_io_blocks #error GL_OES_shader_io_blocks not defined #endif #extension GL_OES_shader_io_blocks : enable out outbname { int a; out vec4 v; highp sampler2D s; // ERROR, opaque type } outbinst; out outbname2 { layout(location = 12) int aAnon; layout(location = 13) vec4 vAnon; }; layout(location = 12) out highp int aliased; // ERROR, aliasing location in inbname { int a; } inbinst; // ERROR, no in block in vertex shader out gl_PerVertex { // ERROR, has extra member highp vec4 gl_Position; highp vec4 t; }; void foo_IO() { int sum = gl_VertexID + gl_InstanceID; gl_Position = vec4(1.0); gl_PointSize = 2.0; // ERROR, removed by redeclaration } out gl_PerVertex { // ERROR, already used and already redeclared highp vec4 gl_Position; highp vec4 t; }; smooth out smo { // ERROR, no smooth on a block int i; } smon; flat out fmo { // ERROR, no flat on a block int i; } fmon; centroid out cmo { // ERROR, no centroid on a block int i; } cmon; invariant out imo { // ERROR, no invariant on a block int i; } imon; in vec2 inf, ing; uniform ivec2 offsets[4]; uniform sampler2D sArray[4]; uniform int sIndex; layout(binding = 0) uniform atomic_uint auArray[2]; uniform ubName { int i; } ubInst[4]; buffer bbName { int i; } bbInst[4]; highp uniform writeonly image2D iArray[5]; const ivec2 constOffsets[4] = ivec2[4](ivec2(0.1), ivec2(0.2), ivec2(0.3), ivec2(0.4)); void pfooBad() { precise vec2 h; // ERROR reserved h = fma(inf, ing, h); // ERROR, not available sArray[sIndex + 1]; // ERRRO, not supported auArray[sIndex + 1]; ubInst[1]; bbInst[2]; ubInst[sIndex + 1]; // ERROR, not supported bbInst[sIndex]; // ERROR, not supported iArray[2]; iArray[sIndex * 2]; // ERROR, not supported textureGatherOffset(sArray[0], vec2(0.1), ivec2(inf)); // ERROR, offset not constant textureGatherOffsets(sArray[0], vec2(0.1), constOffsets); // ERROR, not available } #extension GL_OES_gpu_shader5 : enable void pfoo() { precise vec2 h; h = fma(inf, ing, h); sArray[sIndex + 1]; ubInst[sIndex + 1]; bbInst[sIndex - 2]; // ERROR, still not supported iArray[2]; iArray[sIndex - 2]; textureGatherOffset(sArray[0], vec2(0.1), ivec2(inf)); textureGatherOffsets(sArray[0], vec2(0.1), constOffsets); textureGatherOffsets(sArray[0], vec2(0.1), offsets); // ERROR, offset not constant } uniform samplerBuffer badSamp1; // ERROR, reserved uniform isamplerBuffer badSamp2; // ERROR, reserved uniform usamplerBuffer badSamp3; // ERROR, reserved uniform writeonly imageBuffer badSamp4; // ERROR, reserved uniform writeonly iimageBuffer badSamp5; // ERROR, reserved uniform writeonly uimageBuffer badSamp6; // ERROR, reserved #extension GL_OES_texture_buffer : enable #extension GL_EXT_texture_buffer : enable uniform samplerBuffer noPreSamp1; // ERROR, no default precision uniform isamplerBuffer noPreSamp2; // ERROR, no default precision uniform usamplerBuffer noPreSamp3; // ERROR, no default precision uniform writeonly imageBuffer noPreSamp4; // ERROR, no default precision uniform writeonly iimageBuffer noPreSamp5; // ERROR, no default precision uniform writeonly uimageBuffer noPreSamp6; // ERROR, no default precision precision highp samplerBuffer; precision highp isamplerBuffer; precision highp usamplerBuffer; precision highp imageBuffer; precision highp iimageBuffer; precision highp uimageBuffer; #ifdef GL_OES_texture_buffer uniform samplerBuffer bufSamp1; uniform isamplerBuffer bufSamp2; uniform usamplerBuffer bufSamp3; #endif #ifdef GL_EXT_texture_buffer uniform writeonly imageBuffer bufSamp4; uniform writeonly iimageBuffer bufSamp5; uniform writeonly uimageBuffer bufSamp6; #endif void bufferT() { highp int s1 = textureSize(bufSamp1); highp int s2 = textureSize(bufSamp2); highp int s3 = textureSize(bufSamp3); highp int s4 = imageSize(bufSamp4); highp int s5 = imageSize(bufSamp5); highp int s6 = imageSize(bufSamp6); highp vec4 f1 = texelFetch(bufSamp1, s1); highp ivec4 f2 = texelFetch(bufSamp2, s2); highp uvec4 f3 = texelFetch(bufSamp3, s3); } uniform writeonly imageCubeArray badCA1; // ERROR, reserved uniform writeonly iimageCubeArray badCA2; // ERROR, reserved uniform writeonly uimageCubeArray badCA3; // ERROR, reserved uniform samplerCubeArray badCA4; // ERROR, reserved uniform samplerCubeArrayShadow badCA5; // ERROR, reserved uniform isamplerCubeArray badCA6; // ERROR, reserved uniform usamplerCubeArray badCA7; // ERROR, reserved #extension GL_OES_texture_cube_map_array : enable uniform writeonly imageCubeArray noPreCA1; // ERROR, no default precision uniform writeonly iimageCubeArray noPreCA2; // ERROR, no default precision uniform writeonly uimageCubeArray noPreCA3; // ERROR, no default precision uniform samplerCubeArray noPreCA4; // ERROR, no default precision uniform samplerCubeArrayShadow noPreCA5; // ERROR, no default precision uniform isamplerCubeArray noPreCA6; // ERROR, no default precision uniform usamplerCubeArray noPreCA7; // ERROR, no default precision precision highp imageCubeArray ; precision highp iimageCubeArray ; precision highp uimageCubeArray ; precision highp samplerCubeArray ; precision highp samplerCubeArrayShadow; precision highp isamplerCubeArray ; precision highp usamplerCubeArray ; uniform writeonly imageCubeArray CA1; uniform writeonly iimageCubeArray CA2; uniform writeonly uimageCubeArray CA3; layout(rgba16f) uniform readonly imageCubeArray rCA1; layout(rgba32i) uniform readonly iimageCubeArray rCA2; layout(r32ui) uniform readonly uimageCubeArray rCA3; #ifdef GL_OES_texture_cube_map_array uniform samplerCubeArray CA4; uniform samplerCubeArrayShadow CA5; uniform isamplerCubeArray CA6; uniform usamplerCubeArray CA7; #endif void CAT() { highp ivec3 s4 = textureSize(CA4, 1); highp ivec3 s5 = textureSize(CA5, 1); highp ivec3 s6 = textureSize(CA6, 1); highp ivec3 s7 = textureSize(CA7, 1); highp vec4 t4 = texture(CA4, vec4(0.5)); highp float t5 = texture(CA5, vec4(0.5), 3.0); highp ivec4 t6 = texture(CA6, vec4(0.5)); highp uvec4 t7 = texture(CA7, vec4(0.5)); highp vec4 L4 = textureLod(CA4, vec4(0.5), 0.24); highp ivec4 L6 = textureLod(CA6, vec4(0.5), 0.26); highp uvec4 L7 = textureLod(CA7, vec4(0.5), 0.27); highp vec4 g4 = textureGrad(CA4, vec4(0.5), vec3(0.1), vec3(0.2)); highp ivec4 g6 = textureGrad(CA6, vec4(0.5), vec3(0.1), vec3(0.2)); highp uvec4 g7 = textureGrad(CA7, vec4(0.5), vec3(0.1), vec3(0.2)); highp vec4 gath4 = textureGather(CA4, vec4(0.5)); highp vec4 gathC4 = textureGather(CA4, vec4(0.5), 2); highp ivec4 gath6 = textureGather(CA6, vec4(0.5)); highp ivec4 gathC6 = textureGather(CA6, vec4(0.5), 1); highp uvec4 gath7 = textureGather(CA7, vec4(0.5)); highp uvec4 gathC7 = textureGather(CA7, vec4(0.5), 0); highp vec4 gath5 = textureGather(CA5, vec4(0.5), 2.5); highp ivec3 s1 = imageSize(CA1); highp ivec3 s2 = imageSize(CA2); highp ivec3 s3 = imageSize(CA3); imageStore(CA1, s3, vec4(1)); imageStore(CA2, s3, ivec4(1)); imageStore(CA3, s3, uvec4(1)); highp vec4 cl1 = imageLoad(rCA1, s3); highp ivec4 cl2 = imageLoad(rCA2, s3); highp uvec4 cl3 = imageLoad(rCA3, s3); } uniform sampler2DMSArray bad2DMS; // ERROR, reserved uniform isampler2DMSArray bad2DMSi; // ERROR, reserved uniform usampler2DMSArray bad2DMSu; // ERROR, reserved #extension GL_OES_texture_storage_multisample_2d_array : enable #ifdef GL_OES_texture_storage_multisample_2d_array uniform sampler2DMSArray noPrec2DMS; // ERROR, no default uniform isampler2DMSArray noPrec2DMSi; // ERROR, no default uniform usampler2DMSArray noPrec2DMSu; // ERROR, no default #endif precision highp sampler2DMSArray; precision highp isampler2DMSArray; precision highp usampler2DMSArray; uniform sampler2DMSArray samp2DMSA; uniform isampler2DMSArray samp2DMSAi; uniform usampler2DMSArray samp2DMSAu; void MSA() { vec4 tf = texelFetch(samp2DMSA, ivec3(5), 2); ivec4 tfi = texelFetch(samp2DMSAi, ivec3(5), 2); uvec4 tfu = texelFetch(samp2DMSAu, ivec3(5), 2); ivec3 tfs = textureSize(samp2DMSA); ivec3 tfsi = textureSize(samp2DMSAi); ivec3 tfsb = textureSize(samp2DMSAi, 4); // ERROR, no lod ivec3 tfsu = textureSize(samp2DMSAu); } #ifdef GL_OES_shader_image_atomic #extension GL_OES_shader_image_atomic : enable #endif uniform layout(r32f) highp image2D im2Df; uniform layout(r32ui) highp uimage2D im2Du; uniform layout(r32i) highp iimage2D im2Di; uniform ivec2 P; void goodImageAtom() { float datf; int dati; uint datu; imageAtomicAdd( im2Di, P, dati); imageAtomicAdd( im2Du, P, datu); imageAtomicMin( im2Di, P, dati); imageAtomicMin( im2Du, P, datu); imageAtomicMax( im2Di, P, dati); imageAtomicMax( im2Du, P, datu); imageAtomicAnd( im2Di, P, dati); imageAtomicAnd( im2Du, P, datu); imageAtomicOr( im2Di, P, dati); imageAtomicOr( im2Du, P, datu); imageAtomicXor( im2Di, P, dati); imageAtomicXor( im2Du, P, datu); imageAtomicExchange(im2Di, P, dati); imageAtomicExchange(im2Du, P, datu); imageAtomicExchange(im2Df, P, datf); imageAtomicCompSwap(im2Di, P, 3, dati); imageAtomicCompSwap(im2Du, P, 5u, datu); } sample out vec4 colorSampInBad; // ERROR, reserved #extension GL_OES_shader_multisample_interpolation : enable sample out vec4 colorSample; flat sample out vec4 colorfsi; sample out vec3 sampInArray[4]; in vec4 inv4; void badInterp() { interpolateAtCentroid(inv4); // ERROR, wrong stage interpolateAtSample(inv4, 1); // ERROR, need extension interpolateAtOffset(inv4, vec2(0.2)); // ERROR, need extension }