#version 140 uniform isamplerBuffer sbuf; layout(std140) uniform blockName { int anonMem; }; void main() { int id = gl_InstanceID; id += anonMem; id += texelFetch(sbuf, 8).w; gl_ClipVertex; // could be ERROR, but compiling under compatibility profile gl_Color; // could be ERROR, but compiling under compatibility profile gl_LightSource[0]; // could be ERROR, but compiling under compatibility profile gl_DepthRange.far; gl_TexCoord; // could be ERROR, but compiling under compatibility profile gl_FogFragCoord; // could be ERROR, but compiling under compatibility profile gl_FrontColor; // could be ERROR, but compiling under compatibility profile } out vec4 gl_Position; // ERROR layout(location = 9) in vec4 locBad; // ERROR #extension GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location : enable layout(location = 9) in vec4 loc; #extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : enable out vec4 gl_Position; in vec4 gl_Position; // ERROR out vec3 gl_Position; // ERROR out float gl_PointSize; out vec4 gl_ClipVertex; out float gl_FogFragCoord; uniform sampler2DRect s2dr; uniform sampler2DRectShadow s2drs; in ivec2 itloc2; in vec2 tloc2; in vec3 tloc3; in vec4 tloc4; void foo() { vec4 v = texelFetch(s2dr, itloc2); v += texelFetch(s2dr, itloc2, 0.2); // ERROR, no lod v += texture(s2dr, tloc2); v += texture(s2dr, tloc2, 0.3); // ERROR, no bias v += texture(s2drs, tloc3); v += textureProj(s2dr, tloc3); v += textureProj(s2dr, tloc4); v += textureProjGradOffset(s2dr, tloc4, ivec2(0.0), ivec2(0.0), ivec2(1,2)); v += textureProjGradOffset(s2drs, tloc4, ivec2(0.0), ivec2(0.0), ivec2(1,2)); } void devi() { gl_DeviceIndex; // ERROR, no extension gl_ViewIndex; // ERROR, no extension } #ifdef GL_EXT_device_group #extension GL_EXT_device_group : enable #endif #ifdef GL_EXT_multiview #extension GL_EXT_multiview : enable #endif void devie() { gl_DeviceIndex; gl_ViewIndex; }