Background ========== - Priority scale: High, Medium and Low - Complexity scale: C1, C2, C4 and C8. The complexity scale is exponential, with complexity 1 being the lowest complexity. Complexity is a function of both task 'complexity' and task 'scope'. Core ==== - connman_element removal Priority: Low Complexity: C8 - DHCP lib Priority: High Complexity: C8 Owner: Martin Xu - IPv6 Priority: High Complexity: C4 Dependencies: Core:DHCP Lib Owner: Martin Xu - On demand connection Priority: Medium Complexity: C4 Owner: Samuel Ortiz With on demand connection applications get connectivity access simply by trying to reach the network. They don't need to specifically request for a service connection, but ConnMan establishes it on their behalf. This feature counter part is idle disconnect. ConnMan needs to be able to close the on demand established connections by monitoring the link activity. This requires kernel support with e.g. the netfilter IDLETIMER target. - Avahi-zeroconf Priority: Medium Complexity: C4 - OpenVPN Priority: Low Complexity: C2 - VPNc Priority: Low Complexity: C2 - Tethering Priority: Medium Complexity: C8 Owner: Marcel Holtmann - WAPD - Web Proxy Autodiscovery Protocol Priority: Medium Complexity: C2 Dependencies: Core:HTTP proxy - Agent callbacks Priority: Medium Complexity: C2 - HTTP proxy Priority: Medium Complexity: C1 - Moving DNS proxy code to ConnMan core Priority: Medium Complexity: C2 Supporting DNS proxy or resolv.conf direct editing seems more than plenty as far as resolving is concerned. So the idea is to move the dnsproxy plugin code to ConnMan core and have an additional command line option in case one would like to stick with the current resolver.c code for editing resolv.conf. WiFi ==== - WPS Priority: Low Complexity: C2 Dependencies: Core:Agent callbacks - Ad-Hoc support Priority: Medium Complexity: C2 Dependencies: Core:Avahi-zeroconf - libsupplicant Priority: Medium Complexity: C4 Owner: Samuel Ortiz - Fast Connect Priority: Low Complexity: C4 Dependencies: WiFi:libsupplicant Owner: Samuel Ortiz - TTLS EAP support Priority: Low Complexity: C2 Bluetooth ========= - DUN client Priority: Low Complexity: C4