Amount of effort required: * small ** medium *** large Implement missing APIs: org.ofono.AssistedSatelliteNavigation and org.ofono.PositioningRequestAgent ** org.ofono.AudioSettings * org.ofono.CallMeter * (class implementation exists, but lots of missing stuff) org.ofono.cdma.ConnectionManager ** org.ofono.cdma.MessageManager *** org.ofono.cdma.NetworkRegistration ** org.ofono.cdma.VoiceCallManager ** org.ofono.CellBroadcast ** org.ofono.Handsfree * org.ofono.LocationReporting * org.ofono.PushNotification and org.ofono.PushNotificationAgent ** org.ofono.SmartMessaging and org.ofono.SmartMessagingAgent ** org.ofono.SimToolkit and org.ofono.SimToolkitAgent *** org.ofono.TextTelephony * Call History - that seems to be a separately available plugin and I can't find where it is. More formal "certification" of ofono-qt to specific ofono versions - the versioning should match ofono's - when new version of ofono is out, diff of ofono/doc/* can serve as a list of things to fix