For 0.10.0 - Implement all the DBus properties in the docs/ directory. - OBD2 add support for AT/ST calls (ie, atrv for battery voltage) - OBD2 if NO DATA is received for all requests, go into optional autoreconnect mode - fill in the fromGVariant() methods in list and map abstract property types. - Clean up sink subscription process so that subscription only happens once regardless of whether the property is supported or not at the time - DBus support for time and sequece being included in dbus properties. - DBus support for objects with multiple sources and multiple 'zones' (ie /org/automotive/${sourceID}/${zone}/batteryVoltage/${index}) - Document changes to the DBus API - investigate why websocketsink plugin constantly gets disconnected when using eth0 Other: - grep all the TODOs in the code and do them - per-source property filtering in routing engine - improve obd2source speed via Physical Addressing (see - investigate and enable use of provisioning in ssl websockets - add API to get number of sources per a given property (ie uint AbstractRoutingEngine::sources(VehicleProperty::Property)) - enable ambd/config.d/ - finish implementing openxc plugin