# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This file defines the basics of CPack behavior for WebKit # # The following CPack variables will be defined if they were unset: # - CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME to WebKit-${PORT} # - CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES to a known pattern of good files # # The following variables affect the behavior of packaging: # - WEBKIT_CPACK_ALL_PORTS if defined and true, will not limit packaging # to just include files of the port (affects CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES, # just if this variable was not defined before). # - WEBKIT_CPACK_ADD_TESTS if defined and true, will also add tests # (affects CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES, just if this variable was # not defined before) # - WEBKIT_CPACK_ADD_TOOLS if defined and true, will also add tools # (affects CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES, just if this variable was # not defined before) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(NOT DEFINED CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME) SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME WebKit-${PORT}) ENDIF() IF(NOT DEFINED CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES) SET(CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES # Version control: "/CVS/" "/\\\\.svn/" "/\\\\.bzr/" "/\\\\.hg/" "/\\\\.git/" "\\\\.swp$" "\\\\.#" "/#" "/\\\\.gitignore$" "/\\\\.gitattributes$" # SVN-only files should be ignored (site, examples...) "/PerformanceTests/" "/Examples/" "/Websites/" # Other build systems: # - Makefiles (.mk/Makefile) "\\\\.mk$" "\\\\.make$" "Makefile" # - Autotools (GTK) "/autotools/" "/configure\\\\.ac" "/autogen\\\\.sh" "/autom4te\\\\.cache/" "/aclocal\\\\.m4$" "/GNUmakefile" "/GNUmakefile" # - XCode (Mac) "\\\\.xcodeproj" "\\\\.xcconfig" # - GYP "\\\\.gyp" # - QMake (Qt) "\\\\.pri$" "\\\\.pro$" # Development & Runtime created files "~$" "\\\\.mode" "\\\\.pbxuser$" "\\\\.perspective" "\\\\.pyc$" "\\\\.pyo$" "/cmake-build/" "/build/" "/WebKitBuild/" "/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/thirdparty/autoinstalled/" ) IF(NOT WEBKIT_CPACK_ADD_TESTS) LIST(APPEND CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES "/LayoutTests/" "/ManualTests/" "/tests/" ) ENDIF(NOT WEBKIT_CPACK_ADD_TESTS) IF(NOT WEBKIT_CPACK_ADD_TOOLS) LIST(APPEND CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES "/Tools/" "/manual-tools/" "/tools/" "/PageLoadTools/" ) ENDIF(NOT WEBKIT_CPACK_ADD_TOOLS) IF(NOT WEBKIT_CPACK_ALL_PORTS) # All file and directory patterns that Efl uses SET(FILE_PATTERNS_Efl "/cairo/" "/Cairo/" "cairo\\\\." "Cairo\\\\." "/efl/" "/Efl/" "efl\\\\." "Efl\\\\." "/glib/" "/Glib/" "glib\\\\." "Glib\\\\." "/gobject/" "/Gobject/" "gobject\\\\." "Gobject\\\\." "/icu/" "/Icu/" "icu\\\\." "Icu\\\\." "/posix/" "/Posix/" "posix\\\\." "Posix\\\\." "/soup/" "/Soup/" "soup\\\\." "Soup\\\\." ) # File and Directory patterns that no CMake-ified port uses SET(FILE_PATTERNS_UNKNOWN_PORTS "/carbon/" "/Carbon/" "carbon\\\\." "Carbon\\\\." "/cf/" "/Cf/" "cf\\\\." "Cf\\\\." "/cg/" "/Cg/" "cg\\\\." "Cg\\\\." "/chromium/" "/Chromium/" "chromium\\\\." "Chromium\\\\." "/cocoa/" "/Cocoa/" "cocoa\\\\." "Cocoa\\\\." "/Configurations/" "/Configurations/" "Configurations\\\\." "Configurations\\\\." "/curl/" "/Curl/" "curl\\\\." "Curl\\\\." "/gstreamer/" "/Gstreamer/" "gstreamer\\\\." "Gstreamer\\\\." "/gtk/" "/Gtk/" "gtk\\\\." "Gtk\\\\." "/iphone/" "/Iphone/" "iphone\\\\." "Iphone\\\\." "/mac/" "/Mac/" "mac\\\\." "Mac\\\\." "/opentype/" "/Opentype/" "opentype\\\\." "Opentype\\\\." "/openvg/" "/Openvg/" "openvg\\\\." "Openvg\\\\." "/os-win32/" "/Os-Win32/" "os-win32\\\\." "Os-Win32\\\\." "/qscriptengine/" "/Qscriptengine/" "qscriptengine\\\\." "Qscriptengine\\\\." "/qscriptstring/" "/Qscriptstring/" "qscriptstring\\\\." "Qscriptstring\\\\." "/qscriptvalue/" "/Qscriptvalue/" "qscriptvalue\\\\." "Qscriptvalue\\\\." "/qt/" "/Qt/" "qt\\\\." "Qt\\\\." "/qt4/" "/Qt4/" "qt4\\\\." "Qt4\\\\." "/skia/" "/Skia/" "skia\\\\." "Skia\\\\." "/symbian/" "/Symbian/" "symbian\\\\." "Symbian\\\\." "/v8/" "/V8/" "v8\\\\." "V8\\\\." "/V8/" "/V8/" "V8\\\\." "V8\\\\." "/win/" "/Win/" "win\\\\." "Win\\\\." "/wince/" "/Wince/" "wince\\\\." "Wince\\\\." "/wx/" "/Wx/" "wx\\\\." "Wx\\\\." "/wxcode/" "/Wxcode/" "wxcode\\\\." "Wxcode\\\\." "/WebKitLibraries/" "/English\\\\.lproj/" "/Source/WebKit2/" "\\\\.a$" "\\\\.exe$" "\\\\.mm$" ) # Append all Unknown port patterns FOREACH(_pattern ${FILE_PATTERNS_UNKNOWN_PORTS}) LIST(FIND FILE_PATTERNS_${PORT} ${_pattern} _pattern_index) IF(_pattern_index GREATER -1) MESSAGE("pattern ${_pattern} declared of 'no-port' is actually used by ${PORT}") ELSE() LIST(APPEND CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES ${_pattern}) ENDIF() ENDFOREACH() # Append all "other-ports" patterns FOREACH(_port ${ALL_PORTS}) IF(NOT ${_port} STREQUAL ${PORT}) FOREACH(_pattern ${FILE_PATTERNS_${_port}}) LIST(FIND FILE_PATTERNS_${PORT} ${_pattern} _pattern_index) IF(_pattern_index GREATER -1) MESSAGE("pattern ${_pattern} of port ${_port} is also used by ${PORT}") ELSE() LIST(APPEND CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES ${_pattern}) ENDIF() ENDFOREACH() ENDIF() ENDFOREACH() ENDIF(NOT WEBKIT_CPACK_ALL_PORTS) ENDIF(NOT DEFINED CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Include CPack that will define targets based on the variables defined before # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INCLUDE(CPack)