## # The main build script # ## # Load common build config SConscript('build_common/SConscript') Import('env') target_os = env.get('TARGET_OS') if target_os == 'arduino': SConscript('arduino.scons') else: # Prepare libraries env.PrepareLib('cereal') env.PrepareLib('expat') env.PrepareLib('boost', 'boost_thread', env.get('SRC_DIR') + '/extlibs/boost/') env.PrepareLib('boost', 'boost_system', env.get('SRC_DIR') + '/extlibs/boost/') # By default, src_dir is current dir, the build_dir is: # ./out//// # # The build_dir is a variant directory of the source directory(You can # consider build_dir as a soft link to src_dir, for detail please refer to: # http://www.scons.org/doc/production/HTML/scons-user.html#f-VariantDir # # Any way, to make the output is in build_dir, when load scripts, the path should # be relevant to build_dir. build_dir = env.get('BUILD_DIR') # Build 'resource' sub-project SConscript(build_dir + 'resource/SConscript') # Build 'service' sub-project SConscript(build_dir + 'service/SConscript') # Append targets information to the help information, to see help info, execute command line: # $ scon [options] -h env.PrintTargets() # Print bin upload command line (arduino only) if target_os == 'arduino': env.UploadHelp()