== Quick guide: build and run IoTivity projects on Ubuntu == 1. Build Go to the top directory of 'iotivity' project(Note: should always run 'scons' command in this directory) Install external libraries: $ sudo apt-get install libboost-dev libboost-program-options-dev libexpat1-dev libboost-thread-dev uuid-dev libssl-dev Build release binaries: $ scons (Note: C sdk requires tiny-cbor. Please follow the instruction in the build message to install tiny-cbor) Build debug binaries: $scons RELEASE=false Help: $ scons -h Clear: $ scons -c 2. Run the samples $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/out/linux/x86_64/release Run the c++ samples in /out/linux/x86_64/release/resource/examples Run the c samples in /out/linux/x86_64/release/resource/csdk/stack/samples/linux/SimpleClientServer ('' is the path to 'iotivity' project. If your device is x86, arm, or arm64, please change 'x86_64' to the proper arch) == How to build IoTivity projects == IoTivity includes a series of projects. You can find all these projects here: https://gerrit.iotivity.org/gerrit/#/admin/projects/ You can build IoTivity project on Linux / Windows / MAC OSX for various OS( Linux, Tizen, Android, Arduino, Windows, MAC OSX, IOS ...). The output of the build is in: /out//// e.g. iotivity/out/android/armeabi-v7a/release/. This document takes 'iotivity' project as example, the way to build other projects is almost the same. === IoTivity project build tool scons === Scons is a cross-platform build tool, its usage is quite similar to GNU make. To build a project, you just require to run following command at the directory where a SConstruct file exists(SConstruct is the entrance of scons build, it's equivalent to Makefile of 'make') : $ scons [options] [target] In additional, usually the scons build script of a project provides useful help information(include build options). To see the help information: $ scons [options] -h Note: If no value is specified for an option, the default value will be used. The change of options value may impact the help information and the behavior of the building. Generally, it's required to specify the target OS and target ARCH, that's to say tell Scons which OS and which ARCH you'd like build this project for. By default, the target OS and ARCH is the same as the host. Some more options may be required, please care the 'error' notification when build. For help about how to set an option, please run: $ scons TARGET_OS=xxx TARGET_ARCH=yyy [XXX=zzz ...] -h === Prerequites === * 1. Scons Please refer to the following page to install scons: http://www.scons.org/doc/production/HTML/scons-user.html#chap-build-install (Note: on Windows, install Python 2.x before installing scons) * 2. IDE/SDK Prerequites To build for some OS (Android / Arduino / IOS ...), an IDE/SDK may be required, please go to the relative page to download and install the required IDE/SDK. Android: To build for Android, Andorid NDK and SDK are required. Android NDK: http://developer.android.com/tools/sdk/ndk/index.html Android SDK: http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html (Note: as in some IoTivity projects, C++11 features are used, recommend Android NDK >= r10) Arduino: To build for Arduino, Arduino IDE is required. Arduino IDE: http://arduino.cc/en/Main/Software (Note: recommend install Arduino IDE >=1.5.7) Arduino builds are dependent on latest Time library. Download it from here: http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_libs_Time.html and extract to /libraries/ (Note: If you are using Arduino IDE 1.5.8 BETA on Windows, it may pop up some dll isn't found. please copy relative dll from the IDE directory to C:\Windows\SysWOW64. IDE 1.5.7 doesn't have this issue. Other version IDE isn't tested.) Apple: To build for Mac OSX or IOS, Xcode is required. Xcode: https://developer.apple.com/xcode/downloads/ Java: To build the Java code, JDK is required. JDK: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html (If the project doesn't include Java code or you wouldn't like build the Java codes, this isn't required) (Note: for convenience, suggest add the IDE/SDK path in environment variable, so you don't need to add it in command line each time. The build script will guide you to do that.) Tizen: To build for tizen platform tiny-cbor library is needed. Please download tiny-cbor if it is not present in extlibs/tiny-cbor folder by doing the following: $ git clone https://github.com/01org/tinycbor.git extlibs/tinycbor/tinycbor * 3. External libraries IoTivity project depends on some external libraries, such as boost, expat ... During building, the existence of external library will be checked, if it doesn't exist, the build script will try to download, unpack and build the library or notify user to install it. Downloading and unpacking may fail due to network problem or required unpacking tool isn't installed. An message will be displayed, please follow the message to skip it. === Build IoTivity project on Linux(Ubuntu) === 1. Build IoTivity project for Linux $ cd $ sudo apt-get install libboost-dev libexpat1-dev libboost-thread-dev libssl-dev $ scons 2. Build IoTivity project for Android $ cd $ scons TARGET_OS=android TARGET_ARCH=xxx (xxx can be x86, armeabi, armeabi-v7a, armeabi-v7a-hard. To see all of its allowed value, please execute command 'scons TARGET_OS=android -Q -h') 3. Build IoTivity project for Arduino $ cd $ scons TARGET_OS=arduino TARGET_ARCH=xxx BOARD=yyy (xxx can be avr, arm; yyy is the name of the board, to get its allowed value run: scons TARGET_OS=arduino TARGET_ARCH=xxx -h. You may see a option 'CPU' in the output of above command line, that's due to some boards have different processors, to specify the processor, add 'CPU=zzz' in the command line. If no 'CPU' option exists, that means the board only support one kind of processor, it's unnecessary to specify it) 4. Build Iotivity project for Tizen $ cd $ sh gbsbuild.sh (we provide the spec file required by gbs tool at toools/tizen directory. gbs is default build tool for Tizen platfrom, we can refer the following wiki to setup Tizen development environment: https://source.tizen.org/documentation/developer-guide/getting-started-guide) === Build IoTivity project on Android === 1. Build IoTivity project for Android(It's the same as on Ubuntu) $ cd $ scons TARGET_OS=android TARGET_ARCH=xxx (xxx can be x86, armeabi, armeabi-v7a, armeabi-v7a-hard ...) 2. Build IoTivity project for Arduino(It's the same as on Ubuntu) $ cd $ scons TARGET_OS=arduino TARGET_ARCH=xxx BOARD=yyy (xxx can be avr, arm; yyy is the name of the board, to get its allowed value run: scons TARGET_OS=arduino TARGET_ARCH=xxx -h. You may see a option 'CPU' in the output of above command line, that's due to some boards have different processor, to specify the processor, add 'CPU=zzz' in the command line. If no 'CPU' option exists, that means the board only support one kind of processor, it's unnecessary to specify it) Note: Currently most IoTivity project doesn't support Windows, so you can't set TARGET_OS to 'windows' except the project support Windows. That's to say if the project doesn't support Windows, run: $ scons TARGET_OS=windows .... or run on Windows $ scons may always fail. === Build IoTivity project on Mac OSX === 1. Build IoTivity project for Mac OSX $ cd $ scons SYS_VERSION=yyy (yyy is the OSX version, e.g. 10.9) 2. Build IoTivity project for Android(It's the same as on Ubuntu) $ cd $ scons TARGET_OS=android TARGET_ARCH=xxx (xxx can be x86, armeabi, armeabi-v7a, armeabi-v7a-hard) 3. Build IoTivity project for IOS $ cd $ scons TARGET_OS=ios TARGET_ARCH=xxx SYS_VERSION=yyy (xxx can be i386, x86_64, armv7, armv7s, arm64, yyy is IOS version, e.g. 7.0) Note: 1) for convenience, a script (auto_build.sh) is provided to run possible build at once. Following is the usage: To build: $ auto_build.sh To clean: $ auto_build.sh -c 2) For Arduino build, the Time library should >=1.3. The old can only be built with Arduino IDE 1.0.x