What is lxml? ============= lxml is the most feature-rich and easy-to-use library for processing XML and HTML in the Python language. It's also very fast and memory friendly, just so you know. For an introduction and further documentation, see `doc/main.txt`_. For installation information, see `INSTALL.txt`_. Support the project ------------------- Most people who use lxml do so because they like using it. If you want to show us that you like it, please blog about your experience with it, link to the project website, or send us a flattr. .. class:: center |FlattrLink|_ .. _FlattrLink: https://flattr.com/thing/268156/lxml-The-Python-XML-Toolkit However, if you are using lxml for your work and feel like giving a bit of your own benefit back to support the project, consider sending us money through PayPal that we can use for fixing bugs in the software and improving its features and documentation. Please read the Legal Notice below, at the bottom of this page. Thank you for your support. .. class:: center |Donate|_ .. _Donate: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=R56JE3VCPDA9N Note that Flattr keeps 10% of the money for itself, so do not send any larger amounts through Flattr. Use PayPal for donations instead, or `contact Stefan Behnel`_ for other ways to support the lxml project, as well as commercial consulting, customisations and trainings on lxml and fast Python XML processing. .. |Donate| image:: https://github.com/lxml/lxml/raw/master/doc/html/paypal_btn_donateCC_LG.gif :width: 160 :height: 47 :alt: Donate to the lxml project .. |FlattrLink| image:: https://github.com/lxml/lxml/raw/master/doc/html/flattr-badge-large.png :width: 93 :height: 20 :alt: Flattr the lxml project .. _`contact Stefan Behnel`: http://consulting.behnel.de/ .. _`doc/main.txt`: http://lxml.de/ .. _`INSTALL.txt`: http://lxml.de/installation.html Legal Notice for Donations -------------------------- Any donation that you make to the lxml project is voluntary and is not a fee for any services, goods, or advantages. By making a donation to the lxml project, you acknowledge that we have the right to use the money you donate in any lawful way and for any lawful purpose we see fit and we are not obligated to disclose the way and purpose to any party unless required by applicable law. Although lxml is free software, to the best of our knowledge the lxml project does not have any tax exempt status. The lxml project is neither a registered non-profit corporation nor a registered charity in any country. Your donation may or may not be tax-deductible; please consult your tax advisor in this matter. We will not publish or disclose your name and/or e-mail address without your consent, unless required by applicable law. Your donation is non-refundable.