====================== User Guide of **mic** ====================== Overview ======== The tool `mic` is used to create and manipulate images for Linux distributions. It's composed of three subcommand: create, convert, chroot. Subcommand `create` is used to create images with different types, including fs image, loop image, live CD image, live USB image, raw image, etc. For each image type, there is a corresponding subcommand. (Details in the following sections) It supports native running in many mainstream Linux distributions, including: * Fedora (13 and above) * openSUSE (11.3 and above) * Ubuntu (10.04 and above) * Debian (5.0 and above) * MeeGo Installation ============ Repositories ------------ So far we support `mic` binary rpms/debs for many popular Linux distributions, please see the following list. And you can get the corresponding repository on ``_ If there is no the distribution you want in the list, please install it from source code. * Debian 5.0 * Fedora 13 * Fedora 14 * Fedora 15 * openSUSE 11.3 * openSUSE 11.4 * Ubuntu 10.04 * Ubuntu 10.10 *Tips*: Debian 6.0 can use the repository of Debian 5.0. Binary Installation ------------------- Fedora Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Add devel:tools:building repo: :: $ sudo cat < /etc/yum.repos.d/devel-tools-building.repo > [devel-tools-building] > name=Tools for Fedora > baseurl=http://download.meego.com/live/devel:/tools:/building/Fedora_ > enabled=1 > gpgcheck=0 > REPO Also you can take the repo file on devel:tools:building as example. For example, Fedora 13 can use: ``_. 2. Update repolist: :: $ sudo yum makecache 3. Install mic: :: $ sudo yum install mic openSUSE Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Add devel:tools:building repo: :: $ sudo zypper addrepo http:/download.meego.com/live/devel:/tools:/building/openSUSE_/ devel-tools-building 2. Update repolist: :: $ sudo zypper refresh 3. Update libzypp: :: $ sudo zypper update libzypp 4. Install mic: :: $ sudo zypper install mic Ubuntu/Debian Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Append repo source: :: $ sudo cat <> /etc/apt-sources.list > deb http://download.meego.com/live/devel:/tools:/building/_/ / > REPO *Tips*: for Ubuntu 10.10, you should use xUbuntu_10.10 to replace _. 2. Update repolist: :: $ sudo apt-get update 3. Install mic: :: $ sudo apt-get install mic Source Installation ------------------- First, get the source of mic (``_). Then unpack the tar ball, and use make to process the installation. 1. Unpack: :: $ tar xzvf mic.tar.gz 2. Build: :: $ cd micng $ make clean $ make 3. Install: :: $ sudo make install Configuration file ================== A global configure file for mic is provided as `/etc/mic/mic.conf`, where you can specify the program options statically. Below is a sample file which is presented in the source: :: [common] ; general settings [create] ; settings for create subcommand tmpdir= /var/tmp/mic cachedir= /var/tmp/mic/cache outdir= . pkgmgr = zypp ; proxy = http://proxy.yourcompany.com:8080/ ; no_proxy = localhost,,.yourcompany.com [convert] ; settings for convert subcommand [chroot] ; settings for chroot subcommand For the further development, there are four sections on mic.conf, and [common] is for general setting, [create], [convert], and [chroot] are prepared for the options of mic subcommands: create, convert, and chroot. While you only need set [create] section properly for practice, since other section would be not effective currently. +---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Option | Usage | +=========+===================================================================+ | tmpdir | temporary directory used to put _instroot and others | +---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | cachedir| directory where cached repos will reside also downloaded packages | +---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | outdir | where your images will reside once they are created | +---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | pkgmgr | default backend package manager, including yum/zypp | +---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | arch | default repo architecture, like i586, armv7l | +---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ Usages ====== It's recommended to use `--help` or `help ` to get the help message, for the tool is more or less self-documented. Running 'mic create' -------------------- Subcommand *create* is used for creating images. To create an image, you should give the sub-sub commands which presents the image type you want, and also you should provide an argument which presents the kickstart file for using, such as: :: $ sudo mic create fs test.ks The supported image types can be listed using `mic create --help` :: fs create fs image livecd create livecd image liveusb create liveusb image loop create loop image raw create raw image For each image type, you can get their own options by `--help` option, like `mic cr fs --help`. Meanwhile, there are some common options that can be used by all image types, see following table: +------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | Option | Usage | +==================+==========================================================+ | -o/--outdir | specify directory where the images reside | +------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | -A/--arch | specify repo architecture, like i586, armv7l, etc | +------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | -c/--config | specify the custom configure file for mic | +------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | --release | generate release package: image, ks, pkg-list, MANIFEST | +------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | --logfile | specify log file to record the output | +------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | --local-pkgs-path| directory where local packages can be used when creating | +------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | --pkgmgr | specify backend package manager | +------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | --record-pkgs | record specified infomation of installed packages, | | | include name, license, content. | +------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ *Tips*: the common options can be normally put before sub-sub command, but also can be after them, such as: :: $ sudo mic cr --outdir output fs test.ks or :: $ sudo mic cr fs test.ks --outdir output *Tips*: if you failed to create armv7* image, the reason may be qemu/qemu-arm on your host is lower than required, please update qemu/qemu-arm higher than 0.13.0. Running 'mic chroot' -------------------- Subcommand *chroot* is used to chroot an image file. Given an image file, you can use `mic chroot` to chroot inside the image, and then you can do some modification to the image. After you logout, the image file will keep your changes. It's a convenient way to hack your image file. Sample command: :: $ sudo mic chroot test.img Running 'mic convert' --------------------- Subcommand *convert* is used for converting an image to another one with different image type. Using `convert`, you can get your needed image type comfortably. So far converting livecd to liveusb and liveusb to livecd is supported. Sample command: :: $ sudo mic convert test.iso liveusb Debug/Verbose Output -------------------- When you encounter some errors, and you want to know more about it, please use debug/verbose output to get more details in the process by adding `-d/-v`. And it's recommended to add `-d/--debug` or `-v/--verbose` like: :: $ sudo mic -d cr fs test.ks