C Mock - Google Mock Extension ============================== [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/hjagodzinski/C-Mock.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/hjagodzinski/C-Mock) Overview -------- C Mock is [Google Mock][1]'s extension allowing a function mocking. Only global (non-static) functions mocking is supported. This is neither a patch to nor fork of Google Mock. This is just a set of headers providing a way to use tools for mock methods with mock functions in tests. C Mock is not intended to promote a bad design. Its goal is to aid the developers to test their code. Before the use of C Mock the following reading is recommended: * [My code calls a static/global function. Can I mock it?][2] * [Defeat "Static Cling"][3] Requirements ------------ * Google Test (for 1.10 support use release [v0.3.1](https://github.com/hjagodzinski/C-Mock/releases/tag/v0.3.1)) * GNU/Linux environment that Google Test supports Guide ----- C Mock requires no prior build, it is just a set of header files you include in your code. ### Using CMockMocker class ### C Mock comes with the `CMockMocker` class and two generic macros `CMOCK_MOCK_METHOD` and `CMOCK_MOCK_FUNCTION`. #### Creating mock #### C Mock does not know whether a mocked function is declared with a name mangling - whether this is a pure C function or a C++ function. Therefore C Mock does not redeclare mocked function. Original function prototype declaration should be used (i.e. use of original function header file). Suppose you want to mock `int add(int, int)` and `int substract(int, int)` functions declared in *math.h* header file. To do that you create a single mock class for both of them called `MathMocker`: *math_mocker.h* ```cpp #include #include "math.h" class MathMocker : public CMockMocker { public: CMOCK_MOCK_METHOD(int, add, (int, int)); CMOCK_MOCK_METHOD(int, substract, (int, int)); }; ``` *math_mocker.cc* ```cpp #include "math_mocker.h" CMOCK_MOCK_FUNCTION(MathMocker, int, add, (int, int)); CMOCK_MOCK_FUNCTION(MathMocker, int, substract, (int, int)); ``` #### Specifying expectations #### To specify the expectations you use Google Mock's macros as you normally would do. The functions are mocked as long as its corresponding mocker class instance exists. This allows to easily control when the functions are mocked. If a mocker class instance does not exist, the real function is called. ```cpp { MathMocker mock; EXPECT_CALL(mock, add(1, 1)).WillOnce(Return(11)); ASSERT_EQ(11, add(1, 1)); // calling the mock EXPECT_CALL(mock, substract(1, 2)).WillOnce(Return(12)); ASSERT_EQ(12, substract(1, 2)); // calling the mock } ASSERT_EQ(2, add(1, 1)); // calling the real function ASSERT_EQ(-1, substract(1, 2)); // calling the real function ``` Still, you might want to call a real function. `CMockMocker` class has a static member holding a pointer to a real function. Use the `CMOCK_REAL_FUNCTION` macro to call a real function. ```cpp MathMocker mock; ASSERT_EQ(2, CMOCK_REAL_FUNCTION(MathMocker, add)(1, 2)); ``` Before the generic `CMOCK_MOCK_METHOD` and `CMOCK_MOCK_FUNCTION` macros were introduced, function mocks were created using `MOCK_METHOD`/`MOCK_METHODn` and `CMOCK_MOCK_FUNCTIONn` macros respectively. These macros are still supported as long as they are used consistently for a given method/function pair, though migration to the new ones is recommended. For instance, if you use `MOCK_METHOD`/`MOCK_METHODn` to mock a method, then you must use `CMOCK_MOCK_FUNCTIONn` to mock a corresponding function. Note that `CMOCK_REAL_FUNCTION` is only supported for functions mocked with new generic macros. ### Using macros (deprecated) ### C Mock comes with four macros: * `DECLARE_FUNCTION_MOCKn` and `IMPLEMENT_FUNCTION_MOCKn` * `EXPECT_FUNCTION_CALL` * `ON_FUNCTION_CALL` These macros do what theirs' method counterparts do `MOCK_METHODn`, `EXPECT_CALL` and `ON_CALL`, respectively. There are small differences though. #### Creating mock #### Both `DECLARE_FUNCTION_MOCKn` and `IMPLEMENT_FUNCTION_MOCKn` stand for a series of macros for defining and implementing a function mock, respectively. These macros take three arguments: a mock class name, a function name, and a function prototype. C Mock internally redefines a function being mocked. Because only one implementation of a function might exist in an executable, a splitting of a declaration and implementation is necessary. Especially, if mocking a certain function takes place in more than one compilation unit. Therefore declaration should be put in a header file whereas implementation in a source file. C Mock does not know whether a mocked function is declared with a name mangling - whether this is a pure C function or a C++ function. Therefore C Mock does not redeclare mocked function. Original function prototype declaration should be used (i.e. use of original function header file). Suppose you want to mock `int add(int, int)` function declared in *math.h* header file. To do that you create `AddFunctionMock` mock class: *add_function_mock.h* ```cpp #include #include "math.h" // use original function declaration DECLARE_FUNCTION_MOCK2(AddFunctionMock, add, int(int, int)); ``` *add_function_mock.cc* ```cpp IMPLEMENT_FUNCTION_MOCK2(AddFunctionMock, add, int(int, int)); ``` #### Specifying expectations #### `EXPECT_FUNCTION_CALL` and `ON_FUNCTION_CALL` do exactly what theirs' method equivalents. Both take two arguments: a mock class instance and the arguments you expect - there is no need to repeat the function name since it is already known at this point. Suppose we expect the `add` function to be called once with arguments *1* and *2*, and want it to return *12*: ```cpp AddFunctionMock mock; EXPECT_FUNCTION_CALL(mock, (1, 2)).WillOnce(::testing::Return(12)); ``` A function is mocked as long as its corresponding mock class instance exists. This allows controlling when a function is mocked. ```cpp { AddFunctionMock mock; add(1, 2); // calling the mock } add(1, 2); // calling the real function ``` Still, you might want to call a real function. Each mock class exports a static `real` class member holding a pointer to a real function. ```cpp AddFunctionMock mock; EXPECT_FUNCTION_CALL(mock, (1, 2)).WillOnce(::testing::Invoke(AddFunctionMock::real)); foo(1, 2); // calling the real function ``` ### Building ### C Mock uses specific GNU/Linux features internally and a test build requires a few additional steps. Firstly, all functions you want to mock must be compiled into a dynamic library. If it includes your project-specific functions you must put them into a dynamic library as well. Secondly, you must pass the following options to a linker when building a test executable: * *-rdynamic* - adds all symbols to a dynamic symbol table * *-Wl,--no-as-needed* - forces to link with the library during static linking when there are no dependencies to it * *-ldl* - links with dynamic linking loader library C Mock comes with the *cmock-config* tool to hide all these details away from you. Run ```sh cmock-config --cflags [path to Google Test] ``` and ```sh cmock-config --libs [path to Google Test] ``` to get the compilations and linker options, respectively. Since [it is not recommended to install a pre-compiled version of Google Test][4] many distributions don't provide pre-compiled Google Test anymore. You need to download and compile Google Test manually as described in [Google Test][1]. The optional second command argument is a path to a directory containing downloaded and built Google Test. Suppose you have `foo.c` and `bar.c` files containing a code to test, a `spam.c` file containing project functions to mock, and a `foobar_test.cc` file containing the tests. To build your test executable: 1. Compile the code to test. ```sh cc -c foo.c -o foo.o cc -c bar.c -o bar.o ``` Note that C-Mock does not require a code under test to be compiled with a C++ compiler. In the example above, a code under a test is compiled with a C compiler and the tests themselves are compiled with a C++ compiler. 2. Build a shared library containing project functions to mock. ```sh cc -c -fPIC spam.c -o spam.o cc -shared -Wl,-soname,$(pwd)/libspam.so -o libspam.so spam.o ``` In general, this step is optional if the functions to mock are already provided by a dynamic library (i.e. third-party library). When building a dynamic library it is handy to specify *soname* as an absolute pathname. Then when the test executable is run no additional environment setup is required for the dynamic linking loader to locate your library (i.e. setting `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`). 3. Compile the tests. ```sh g++ `cmock-config --cflags` -c foobar_test.cc -o foobar_test.o ``` 4. Build a test executable. ```sh g++ `cmock-config --libs` -pthread -lspam foobar_test.o foo.o bar.o -o foobar_test ``` Google Test requires -pthread. Installation ------------ To install run: ``` make install ``` To uninstall run: ``` make uninstall ``` By default installation *PREFIX* is */usr/local*. You can change it as follows: ``` make install PREFIX=/usr ``` Test ---- If your environment is supported and Google Test is installed, the following commands should succeed: ``` make make test ``` Optionally you can provide a directory containing downloaded and built Google Test by setting `GTEST_DIR`: ``` GTEST_DIR=/path/to/googletest make ``` Tests are quite simple and are a good source of usage examples. References ---------- * [Google Mock][1] * [My code calls a static/global function. Can I mock it?][2] * [Defeat "Static Cling"][3] * [Why is it not recommended to install a pre-compiled copy of Google Test (for example, into /usr/local)][4] [1]: https://github.com/google/googletest "Google Test" [2]: https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/3cfb4117f7e56f8a7075d83f3e59551dc9e9f328/googlemock/docs/gmock_faq.md#my-code-calls-a-staticglobal-function-can-i-mock-it "My code calls a static/global function. Can I mock it?" [3]: https://googletesting.blogspot.com/2008/06/defeat-static-cling.html "Defeat \"Static Cling\"" [4]: https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/36066cfecf79267bdf46ff82ca6c3b052f8f633c/googletest/docs/faq.md#why-is-it-not-recommended-to-install-a-pre-compiled-copy-of-google-test-for-example-into-usrlocal "Why is it not recommended to install a pre-compiled copy of Google Test (for example, into /usr/local)"