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ThorVG is a platform-independent portable library for drawing vector-based shapes and images. It's written in C++, no dependencies and keeps super compact size.

The next list shows drawing primitives ThorVG providing.
- Paints: Line, Arc, Curve, Path, Shapes, Polygons - Filling: Solid, Linear, Radial Gradient - Scene Graph & Affine Transformation (translation, rotation, scale ...) - Stroking: Width, Join, Cap, Dash - Composition: Blending, Masking, Path Clipping, etc - Pictures: SVG, Bitmap, ...

Basically your program could use this library functions by calling slick and neat apis while switching drawing context (if you have your own drawing engine), ThorVG serializes drawing commands among volatile paints node, performs sync/asynchronous rendering by its decent engines. The engine is suggested to immediate rendering method so that your system could adaptively integrate with it. ThorVG supports vector images such as SVG, also will support coming popular formats by demands. On rendering, it might introduce intermediate frame buffers for compositing vector scenes but only when it's necessary and these are temporarily used for saving memory. Next figure shows you a brief strategy how to use ThorVG in your system.

## Contents - [Building ThorVG](#building-thorvg) - [Meson Build](#meson-build) - [Quick Start](#quick-start) - [Examples](#examples) - [Tools](#tools) - [ThorVG Viewer](#thorvg-viewer) - [SVG to PNG](#svg-to-png) - [API Bindings](#api-bindings) - [Issues or Feature Requests?](#issues-or-feature-requests) [](#contents)
## Building ThorVG Basically, ThorVG supports [meson](https://mesonbuild.com/) build system.
### Meson Build Install [meson](http://mesonbuild.com/Getting-meson.html) and [ninja](https://ninja-build.org/) if not already installed. Run meson to configure ThorVG. ``` meson build ``` Run ninja to build & install ThorVG. ``` ninja -C build install ``` [Back to contents](#contents)

## Quick Start ThorVG renders vector shapes on a given canvas buffer. Here shows quick start to learn basic API usages. First, You can initialize ThorVG engine. ```cpp tvg::Initializer::init(tvg::CanvasEngine::Sw, 0); //engine method, thread count ``` You can prepare a empty canvas for drawing on it. ```cpp static uint32_t buffer[WIDTH * HEIGHT]; //canvas target buffer auto canvas = tvg::SwCanvas::gen(); //generate a canvas canvas->target(buffer, WIDTH, WIDTH, HEIGHT); //stride, w, h ``` Next you can draw multiple shapes onto the canvas. ```cpp auto rect = tvg::Shape::gen(); //generate a round rectangle rect->appendRect(50, 50, 200, 200, 20, 20); //round geometry(x, y, w, h, rx, ry) rect->fill(100, 100, 0, 255); //round rectangle color (r, g, b, a) canvas->push(move(rect)); //push round rectangle drawing command auto circle = tvg::Shape::gen(); //generate a circle circle->appendCircle(400, 400, 100, 100); //circle geometry(cx, cy, radiusW, radiusH) auto fill = tvg::RadialGradient::gen(); //generate radial gradient for circle fill fill->radial(400, 400, 150); //radial fill info(cx, cy, radius) tvg::Fill::ColorStop colorStops[2]; //gradient color info colorStops[0] = {0, 255, 255, 255, 255}; //index, r, g, b, a (1st color value) colorStops[1] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 255}; //index, r, g, b, a (2nd color value) fill.colorStops(colorStop, 2); //set fil with gradient color info circle->fill(move(fill)); //circle color canvas->push(move(circle)); //push circle drawing command ``` This code result looks like this.

Or you can draw pathes with dash stroking. ```cpp auto path = tvg::Shape::gen(); //generate a path path->moveTo(199, 34); //set sequential path coordinates path->lineTo(253, 143); path->lineTo(374, 160); path->lineTo(287, 244); path->lineTo(307, 365); path->lineTo(199, 309); path->lineTo(97, 365); path->lineTo(112, 245); path->lineTo(26, 161); path->lineTo(146, 143); path->close(); path->fill(150, 150, 255, 255); //path color path->stroke(3); //stroke width path->stroke(0, 0, 255, 255); //stroke color path->stroke(tvg::StrokeJoin::Round); //stroke join style path->stroke(tvg::StrokeCap::Round); //stroke cap style float pattern[2] = {10, 10}; path->stroke(pattern, 2); //stroke dash pattern (line, gap) canvas->push(move(path)); //push path drawing command ``` This path drawing result shows like this.

Next, this code snippet shows you how to draw SVG image. ```cpp auto picture = tvg::Picture::gen(); //generate a picture picture->load("tiger.svg"); //Load SVG file. canvas->push(move(picture)); //push picture drawing command ``` And here is the result.

Begin rendering & finish it at a particular time. ```cpp canvas->draw(); canvas->sync(); ``` Now you can acquire the rendered image from the buffer memory. Lastly, terminate the engine after usage. ```cpp tvg::Initializer::term(tvg::CanvasEngine::Sw); ``` [Back to contents](#contents)

## Examples There are various examples to understand ThorVG APIs, Please check sample code in `thorvg/src/examples` To execute examples, you can build them with this meson option. ``` meson -Dexamples=true . build ``` Note that these examples are required EFL `elementary` package for launching. If you're using Linux-based OS, you could easily install its package from your OS distribution server. Otherwise, please visit the official [EFL page](https://enlightenment.org/) for more information. [Back to contents](#contents)

## Tools ### ThorVG Viewer [ThorVG viewer](https://samsung.github.io/thorvg.viewer) supports immediate rendering through your browser. You can drag & drop SVG files on the page, see the rendering result on the spot. [Back to contents](#contents)

### SVG to PNG ThorVG provides an executable `svg2png` converter which generate a PNG file from a SVG file. To use `svg2png`, you must turn on its feature in the build option. ``` meson -Dtools=svg2png . build ``` Alternatively, you can add `svg2png` value to `tools` option in `meson_option.txt`. Build output will be located in `{builddir}/src/bin/svg2png/` For more information, see `svg2png` usages: ``` Usage: svg2png [svgFileName] [Resolution] [bgColor] Examples: $ svg2png input.svg $ svg2png input.svg 200x200 $ svg2png input.svg 200x200 ff00ff ``` [Back to contents](#contents)

## API Bindings Our main development APIs are written in C++ but ThorVG also provides API bindings such as: C. [Back to contents](#contents)

## Issues or Feature Requests? For immediate assistant or support please reach us in [Gitter](https://gitter.im/thorvg/community)