[![EJDB](http://ejdb.org/_images/ejdblogo3.png)](http://ejdb.org) Embedded JSON Database engine C library (libejdb) ================================================= **See http://ejdb.org** It aims to be a fast [MongoDB](http://mongodb.org)-like library **which can be embedded into C/C++, .Net, NodeJS, Python, Lua, Go, Java and Ruby applications under terms of LGPL license.** EJDB is the C library based on modified version of [Tokyo Cabinet](http://fallabs.com/tokyocabinet/). JSON representation of queries and data implemented with API based on [C BSON](https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-c-driver/tree/master/src/) ### NOTE: libejdb 1.2.x introduces some changes that break compatibility with 1.1.x versions: * Library name was changed from `tcejdb9` to `ejdb` * Library build system was switched to CMake * [See the full 1.2.3 changelog](https://github.com/Softmotions/ejdb/blob/master/Changelog) Features ======== * LGPL license allows you to embed this library into proprietary software * Simple C libejdb library can be easily embedded into any software * Node.js/Python/Lua/Java/Ruby/.Net/Go/Pike/Mathlab/AdobeAIR bindings available * MongoDB-like queries and overall philosophy. * [Collection joins](https://github.com/Softmotions/ejdb/wiki/Collection-joins) Usage ===== One snippet intro ----------------------------------- ```C #include static EJDB *jb; int main() { jb = ejdbnew(); if (!ejdbopen(jb, "addressbook", JBOWRITER | JBOCREAT | JBOTRUNC)) { return 1; } //Get or create collection 'contacts' EJCOLL *coll = ejdbcreatecoll(jb, "contacts", NULL); bson bsrec; bson_oid_t oid; //Insert one record: //JSON: {'name' : 'Bruce', 'phone' : '333-222-333', 'age' : 58} bson_init(&bsrec); bson_append_string(&bsrec, "name", "Bruce"); bson_append_string(&bsrec, "phone", "333-222-333"); bson_append_int(&bsrec, "age", 58); bson_finish(&bsrec); //Save BSON ejdbsavebson(coll, &bsrec, &oid); fprintf(stderr, "\nSaved Bruce"); bson_destroy(&bsrec); //Now execute query //QUERY: {'name' : {'$begin' : 'Bru'}} //Name starts with 'Bru' string bson bq1; bson_init_as_query(&bq1); bson_append_start_object(&bq1, "name"); bson_append_string(&bq1, "$begin", "Bru"); bson_append_finish_object(&bq1); bson_finish(&bq1); EJQ *q1 = ejdbcreatequery(jb, &bq1, NULL, 0, NULL); uint32_t count; TCLIST *res = ejdbqryexecute(coll, q1, &count, 0, NULL); fprintf(stderr, "\n\nRecords found: %d\n", count); //Now print the result set records for (int i = 0; i < TCLISTNUM(res); ++i) { void *bsdata = TCLISTVALPTR(res, i); bson_print_raw(bsdata, 0); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); //Dispose result set tclistdel(res); //Dispose query ejdbquerydel(q1); bson_destroy(&bq1); //Close database ejdbclose(jb); ejdbdel(jb); return 0; } ``` Assuming libejdb installed on your system you can place the code above in `csnippet.c` and build program: ```sh gcc -std=c99 -Wall -pedantic -c -o csnippet.o csnippet.c gcc -o csnippet csnippet.o -lejdb ``` C API ===== EJDB API exposed in **[ejdb.h](https://github.com/Softmotions/ejdb/blob/master/src/ejdb/ejdb.h)** C header file. JSON processing API: **[bson.h](https://github.com/Softmotions/ejdb/blob/master/src/bson/bson.h)** Building ======== Prerequisites ------------- * git * GNU make * cmake >= 2.8.12 * gcc >= 4.7 or clang >= 3.4 C compiller * zlib-dev Make ---- ```sh git clone https://github.com/Softmotions/ejdb.git cd ejdb mkdir build cd build cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../ make make install # Or you can create tgz package: make package ``` ### CMake basic build(-D) options ``` // Build ejdb sample projects BUILD_SAMPLES:BOOL=ON // Build shared libraries BUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=ON // Build test cases BUILD_TESTS:BOOL=OFF // Choose the type of build, options are: None(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS or CMAKE_C_FLAGS used) Debug Release RelWithDebInfo. CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release // Install path prefix, prepended onto install directories. CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr/local // Enable PPA package build ENABLE_PPA:BOOL=OFF // Build .deb instalation packages PACKAGE_DEB:BOOL=OFF // Build .tgz package archive PACKAGE_TGZ:BOOL=ON // Upload debian packages to the launchpad ppa repository UPLOAD_PPA:BOOL=OFF ``` ### Building Windows libs You need to checkout the [MXE cross build environment](http://mxe.cc) Then create/edit MXE settings file: ```sh cd nano ./settings.mk ``` Save the following content in `settings.mk`: ``` JOBS := 1 MXE_TARGETS := x86_64-w64-mingw32.static i686-w64-mingw32.static LOCAL_PKG_LIST := winpthreads pcre zlib lzo bzip2 cunit .DEFAULT local-pkg-list: local-pkg-list: $(LOCAL_PKG_LIST) ``` Build MXE packages: ```sh cd make ``` Build libejdb windows binaries: ```sh export MXE_HOME= cd mkdir build-win32 cd build-wind32 cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../win64-tc.cmake .. make package ``` EJDB binary package installation =================================== Ubuntu ------ ```sh sudo add-apt-repository ppa:adamansky/ejdb sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ejdb ejdb-dbg ```