# Node.js on Escargot Node.js on Escargot is a memory efficient node.js implementation, which runs on top of [Escargot](https://github.com/Samsung/escargot), a memory optimized JavaScript Engine developed by Samsung Research, instead of the default V8 JS engine. ## Supported Platforms * Ubuntu 18.04, 16.04 * Tizen 4.0 and above ## Checkout code ``` git clone git@github.sec.samsung.net:lws/node-escargot.git git submodule update --init --recursive ``` ## How to Compile: Ubuntu ### Install required packages ``` sudo apt-get install -y build-essential cmake clang libicu-dev ``` ### Compile 1. Generate build config files and build node.js ``` ./lwnode/build.sh ./lwnode/build-cctest.sh ``` ### How to run ``` ./node ./test/message/hello_world.js ``` ## How to Compile: Tizen ### Prerequisite Set up a gbs build environment on a Ubuntu machine. ### Build with gbs command You can also build by using the gbs command without using the build util. When using the gbs command, you need to defien a profile. ``` gbs -c ~/gbs.conf build -A arm7l --define 'build_profile tv' ``` Build Options * --define 'build_profile `none|tv|kiosk|soundbar`': default is `none` * --define 'build_mode `release|debug`': default is `release` ## Maintainers A list of maintainers can be found in [MAINTAINERS.md](MAINTAINERS.md).