MAA - Low Level Skeleton Library for Communication on Intel platforms ============== Library in C/C++ to interface with Galileo & other Intel platforms over: - I2C - SPI - GPIO - PWM - AIO In a structured and sane API with port nanmes/numbering that match boards & with bindings to javascript & python. The intent is to make it easier for developers and sensor manufacturers to map their sensors & actuators on top of supported hardware and to allow control of low level communication protocol by high level languages & constructs. ### ENV RECOMENDATIONS 1. node.js 0.10.26 2. python 3.3.x or 2.7.x 3. swig-v8 3.0.1 4. doxygen 1.8.7 To install swig-v8 the swig-v8-git package from AUR is helpful ## COMPILING NOTE: The **only** supported cmake build configuration is to have the build/ dir inside of the repo/tarball. *if swig-v8 is not in your default path you can try run cmake with "-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/path/to/swig-v8"* mkdir build/ cmake .. make Install is currently unsuported. Javascript and python modules will be in build/src/{javascript, python} ## DEVELOPMENT Please fork the code on github and then send pull requests. Please avoid merges in your forks. I will also accept patches sent in git style with signoffs to ## USING see examples/ *for node.js make sure that maajs.node is in the current dir and set export NODE_PATH=.* Python html documentation can be generated with **make pydoc**