MAA - Low Level Skeleton Library for Communication on Intel platforms ============== Library in C/C++ to interface with Galileo & other Intel platforms over: - I2C - SPI - GPIO - PWM - AIO In a structured and sane API with port nanmes/numbering that match boards & with bindings to javascript & python. The intent is to make it easier for developers and sensor manufacturers to map their sensors & actuators on top of supported hardware and to allow control of low level communication protocol by high level languages & constructs. ### ENV RECOMENDATIONS All of these are 'optional', however they are recommended. Only a C compiler, cmake and default system libraries are technically required to compile. 1. node.js 0.10.26 2. python 3.3.x or 2.7.x 3. swig-v8 3.0.1 (swig 2.x will work but you will not be able to build node.js module so comment out add_directories(javacsript) in src/CmakeLists.txt) 4. doxygen (needed to generate even python doc) 5. sphinx 6. pygments 7. pydoc To install swig-v8 the swig-v8-git package from AUR is helpful. ## COMPILING NOTE: The **only** supported cmake build configuration is to have the build/ dir inside of the repo/tarball. *if swig-v8 is not in your default path you can try run cmake with "-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/path/to/swig-v8"* mkdir build/ cmake .. make ## DEVELOPMENT Please fork the code on github and then send pull requests. Please avoid merges in your forks. I will also accept patches sent in git style with signoffs to ## USING see examples/ *for node.js make sure that maajs.node is in the current dir and set export NODE_PATH=.* Simple python html documentation can be generated with **make pydoc**, this does not require the full doxygen/sphinx setup. ## API Changelog When the API breaks in a small way there will be a changelog listed here **0.2.5** * C++/Python/Node Enums/const names now do not contain MAA_GPIO * Enum type declaration for C++ changed * Python/Node get_version() -> GetVersion() * i2c read calls don't use const char* and i2c write calls do **0.2.4** * All maa_ contexts now are pointers to the actual struct which is not delcared in the header. The only end user change is that instead of returning a type maa_gpio_context pointer maa_gpio_init() now returns a maa_gpio_context (which is actually a pointer to struct _gpio internally). * C++ API is available, use the .hpp headers and add stdc++ to the linker flags. * Initial SPI implementation is provided **0.2.3** * maa_aio_read_u16() -> maa_aio_read() * maa_aio_read() now returns a uint16_t instead of an unsigned int **0.2.2** * First version with API considered 'stable'