ViST, Virtual Security Table 🎨
Query-based Universial Security API 📄
of the developer, by the developer, for the developer 💻

--- > Project ViST is inspired by [osquery]( and > [sqlite_orm]( and forked from them. The purpose of ViST project is **"Provide unified interface of security functions to security software designer and developer."**. Technically, two main components are virtual table and type-safe query. (refer [terminology]( To support type-safe query, we make type-safe query-builder more intuitively than other opensource projects. Refer [this]( to compare ours and other opensources. We believe that ViST makes security software usable and universial. # Design Our design philoshophy is "Make usable and robust security framework.". ## Programming Abstractions Security functions in ViST are built around two abstractions. One is the producer which provides security functions via virtual tables. Another is the consumer which calls security functions via type-safe query. #### Security Function Producer Producers is the subject who has own security functions. They produce security functions and provide it to consumers. There are many things to consider to producers. Two concerns of those things are below. - How to provide security functions to customer? - How to design usable API? To solve two concerns, we made functional requirement. - FR1: Provide feature what can be bounded security functions. - FR2: Provide a way to design API security functions. #### Secuirty Function Consumer Consumer is the subject who calls security functions. Secuirty functions are not enemy of consumer. We should provide unified interface to consumer. The interface should be usable and robust according to our design philosophy. From this, two functional requirements are added. - FR3: Provide unified interface of secuirty functions. - FR4: Provide a way to make unified interface more rubust. #### ViST Framework ViST framework provides **four main features and three types of API** to support producer and consumer. Main features are describe below and APIs are describe at [programming interface](#ProgrammingInterface). - Security virtual table: The object which be bound security functions ([FR1](#FR1)) - Struct-based schema: The schema of security functions ([FR2](#FR2)) - Query-based unified interface: The interface between query and virtual table ([FR3](#FR3)) - Type-safe query builder: The query builder with type-error checking at compile time ([FR4](#FR4)) ## Programming Interface ViST provides three types of API. One is for data structure(schema) and the other is for functional. ### Schema API (Header only library) Schema API is a data structure API to represent struct-based schema referred by query builder API. This inform virtual table schema to client and make type-safe query possible. - The schema of virtual table is correspond with struct. - The column of schema is correspond with struct member. #### Table schema | Table | Column | Type | |---|---|---| | ${TABLE_NAME} | ${COLUMN_NAME_1} | ${COLUMN_TYPE} | | | ${COLUMN_NAME_2} | ${COLUMN_TYPE} | | | ${COLUMN_NAME_3} | ${COLUMN_TYPE} | #### Struct-based schema ```cpp struct ${TABLE_NAME} { ${COLUMN_TYPE} ${COLUMN_NAME_1}; ${COLUMN_TYPE} ${COLUMN_NAME_2}; ${COLUMN_TYPE} ${COLUMN_NAME_3}; }; ``` ### Query builder API (Header only library) Query builder API is a functioanl API to generate type-safed query. This generate the query statement via Schema API and check type-error for type-safe query. The CRUD clause is provided at ViST v1. ```cpp DECLARE_COLUMN(${COLUMN_INSTANCE}, ${COLUMN_NAME}, ${COLUMN_IDENTIFIER}); DECLARE_TABLE(${TABLE_INSTANCE}, ${TABLE_NAME}, ${COLUMN_INSTANCE}); %{TABLE_INSTANCE}.select(${COLUMN_INSTANCE}); %{TABLE_INSTANCE}.insert(${COLUMN_INSTANCE} = ${COLUMN_VALUE}); %{TABLE_INSTANCE}.update(${COLUMN_INSTANCE} = ${COLUMN_VALUE}); %{TABLE_INSTANCE}.remove(${COLUMN_INSTANCE}); ``` ### Virtual table API Virtual table API is a functioanl API to invoke callback of virtual table. This execute the query statement about the virtual table and listen the event of it. ```cpp VirtualTable::Execute(${QUERY_STATEMENT}); VirtualTable::Listen(${TABLE}, ${HANDLER}); // NOT IMPLEMENTED YET ``` # Architecture ViST adopts 3-tier layerd architecture to separate of concern. - Interface layer: Provide API to client to generate query - Service layer: Parse the query and bind query to virtual table - Logic layer: Include callback routine about virtual table executed via query layered architecture # Contacts - Sangwan Kwon ( - Jaemin Ryu (