== Quick guide: build and run IoTivity(remote access) projects on Ubuntu == 1. Build Go to the top directory of 'iotivity' project (Note: should always run 'scons' command in this directory) Install external libraries: $ sudo apt-get install libboost-dev libboost-program-options-dev libexpat1-dev libboost-thread-dev uuid-dev libssl-dev $ sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev autoconf libtool Build release binaries: $ scons WITH_RA=1 WITH_RA_IBB=1 (Note: C sdk requires tiny-cbor. Please follow the instruction in the build message to install tiny-cbor) Build debug binaries: $ scons WITH_RA=1 WITH_RA_IBB=1 RELEASE=false Help: $ scons -h Clear: $ scons -c 2. Run the remote access testing remote access samples in /out/linux/x86_64/release/resource/csdk/stack/samples/linux/SimpleClientServer before testing, setup a XMPP server and create an account in XMPP server ex: account: user1@localhost / password: 1234 oic server: $ ocserver -o 1 -u user1 -d localhost -w 1234 -s localhost oic client: $ ocremoteaccessclient -t 1 -u user1 -d localhost -w 1234 -s localhost test steps: 1. run ocserver, and copy the bound jid 2. run ocremoteaccessclient on the another term, and paste the bound jid of ocserver and press 'Enter' use '-t' to change testcase.