Bluetooth-Frwk-NG - BlueZ framework new generation ************************************************** Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Intel Corporation Overreview =========== The overall goal of the Bluetooth-Frwm-NG project is to provide a bluetooth framework for embedded/mobile and desktop systems based on Linux. Within Bluetooth-Frwk-NG there is clear abstraction between the application interfaces based on CAPI, the lower level (via D-Bus) and the integration with other system components (plugins). The whole architecture is modular and flexible. Architecture: Application System-Message-Dialog + + | | | | + + CAPI-Bluetooth +---------+ Bluetooth-Service + + | | | | +-----bluez-lib/obex-lib------+ + | | + BlueZ 5.x CAPI-Bluetooth provide a series of API based on BlueZ's features, and it's easy to use through bluez-lib/obex-lib that encapsulate D-Bus interfaces about BlueZ. All applications use CAPI-Bluetooth to call BlueZ's function. Mostly APIs directly use bluez-lib/obex-lib to call BlueZ, but others call Bluetooth-Service that also using bluez-lib/obex-lib to access BlueZ, because some features should be keeping during the calling procedure, such as send file through Obex. System-Message-Dialog show the extern message, such as input-pincode, using plugin to walk up it. Develop Mode (on PC) and Runing Mode (on target): Bluetooth-Frwk-NG can be developed on PC and running on other system (such as mobile). Develop, run and test it on PC. Once the feature's development is finished, porting it to other system is easy using cross-compile, that means compile it on the target (such as mobile) environment. Package it to RPM, then push the RPM package to target machine, install the RPM on target machine, run binary. Compilation and installation ============================ In order to compile Bluetooth-Frwk-NG you need following software packages: - CMake tool - GCC compiler - D-Bus library - glib-2.0 library - gio-2.0 library - gio-unix-2.0 library Develop Mode (on PC): To compile and install: cmake . && make && make install The files are installed to right position. Goto 'Running and Test' section to test the development feature. Running Mode (on Target): After test feature on PC, it can be ported to target. Pakaging RPM with target. Firstly build the target environment. Build cap-network-bluetooth project that download from source code repo, using building tool (such as gbs) with local that will create a local-target-environment. With gbs it like this: ~/GBS-ROOT/local/BUILD-ROOTS/scratch.i586.0/home/abuild/ named ${TARGET_ENVIRONMENT_DIR} Secondly package cap-network-bluetooth-${version}.tar.gz from source code, then push the tarball and .spec file in packaing dir in source code to $(TARGET_ENVIRONMENT_DIR)/rpmbuild/SOURCES/ ${version}: project version, for example 0.1.39 To switch to target environment: cd ${TARGET_ENVIRONMENT_DIR} gbs chroot . Now, in the target environment, compile and package RPM are all with target (such as mobile). To package RPM: rpmbuild -ba packaging/capi-network-bluetooth.spec The step will create capi-network-bluetooth-0.1.39-1.i586.rpm in $(TARGET_ENVIRONMENT_DIR)/rpmbuild/RPM/i586/ Push it to target and login target machine. To install on target (such as mobile): rpm -ivh capi-network-bluetooth-0.1.39-1.i586.rpm Running and Test ================ In order to run and test you should compile the whole project and install them. To run: bluetooth-service To test API (select one to test the corresponding API): +-----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | test case | API & Interface | File name | +-----------------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | bluez-capi-test | CAPI-Bluetooth API | include/bluetooth.h | +-----------------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | bluez-lib-test | bluez-lib Interface | include/bluez.h | +-----------------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | obex-lib-test | obex-lib Interface | include/obex.h | +-----------------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | bt-serivce-lib-test | Bluetooth-Service Interface | include/bluetooth-service.h | +-----------------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ Development for Bluetooth-Frwk-NG ================================= Develop Bluetooth-Frwk-NG on Linux and test it. See: Compilation and installation==>Develop Mode (on PC) Finally port it to target (such as mobile). See: Compilation and installation==>Running Mode (on Target): - Develop feature on PC - Compile project on PC - Run binary and Test on PC - Port it to target and test. Once those are finished, you can submit the patch to project owner: - git add [modified files] - git commit - git format-patch .. - [patch] --no-tree - git send-email [patch] --cc= --from=your_email_addres download from kernel souce code checking patch. Development apps basing on Bluetooth-Frwk-NG ============================================ All APIs are contained in include/bluetooth.h. Applications must use those API to finish the application's function. Most APIs have the returned value with bt_error_e, so all the API that has returned value, should be checked. bt_initialize() should be invoked before all other APIs to initialize Bluetooth Framework, and bt_deinitialize() should be invoked after all other APIs to free resouce with Bluetooth Framework. Flowing is a simple application example: #include #include #include "bluetooth.h" GMainLoop *loop; GIOChannel *channel; int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ret; #if (GLIB_MAJOR_VERSION <= 2 && GLIB_MINOR_VERSION < 36) g_type_init(); #endif loop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); ret = bt_initialize(); if (ret != BT_SUCCESS) { printf("initialize bluetooth framework failed %d", ret); return -1; } ret = bt_adapter_enable(); if (ret != BT_SUCCESS) { printf("enable bluetooth adapter failed %d", ret); return -1; } printf("enable bluetooth adapter success"); g_main_loop_run(loop); return 0; } Information =========== For additional information, contact: