D-Bus AT-SPI ------------ This version of at-spi is a major break from previous versions. It has been completely rewritten to use D-Bus rather than ORBIT / CORBA for its transport protocol. A page including instructions for testing, project status and TODO items is kept up to date at: http://www.linuxfoundation.org/en/AT-SPI_on_D-Bus The mailing list used for general questions is: accessibility-atspi@lists.linux-foundation.org For bug reports, feature requests, patches or enhancements please use bugzilla. The freedesktop project name is at-spi2. http://bugs.freedesktop.org A git repository with the latest development code is available at: git://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/at-spi2/at-spi2-core More information ---------------- The project was started with a D-Bus performance review the results of which are available on the GNOME wiki. Keep in mind that the D-Bus AT-SPI design documents on this page have not been kept up to date. http://live.gnome.org/GAP/AtSpiDbusInvestigation/ Other sources of relevant information about AT-SPI and Accessibility include: http://live.gnome.org/Accessibility http://www.sun.com/software/star/gnome/accessibility/architecture.xml http://accessibility.kde.org/developer/atk.php http://www.gnome.org/~billh/at-spi-idl/html/ Contents of this package ------------------------ This package includes the protocol definitions for the new D-Bus at-spi. Also included is the daemon neccessary for forwarding device events and registering accessible applicaitons. Directory structure ------------------- The directories within this package are arranged as follows: xml This directory contains XML documents describing the D-Bus protocol in a subset of Telepathy XML. tools Miscellaneous tools. Mostly for converting protocol XML into D-Bus introspection, 'C' types and documentation. registryd The registry daemon code. The registry daemon keeps a register of accessible applications and presents this to clients (ATs). It is also responsible for delivering device events.