Tizen Native Sample Template ================================================================ This template project is made by Tizen application part(contact : salt.jeong@samsung.com) for checking the consistency of Tizen public sample application. All native samples should be verified using this template project. If you require any further information, check below sample develpement process guide. #Sample App Development Guide http://mosaic.sec.samsung.net/club/club.menu.bbs.read.screen?p_club_id=21406&p_menu_id=12&message_id=4794605 #Online Sample Release Process http://mosaic.sec.samsung.net/club/club.menu.bbs.read.screen?p_club_id=21406&p_menu_id=12&message_id=4798282 The purpose of this template is that helps developers to easily understand sample project structure and behaviour. So project consists of main.c/.h, data.c/.h, view.c/.h and madatory files(.xml). It is follow the MVC style which is commonly used, but following the MVC model is not required. It is just for intuitive understanding of developers. If need be, add more files and folders. main.c/.h - Introduces main functions related with application start/end. Always developers try to find it easily. view.c/.h - Includes implementations related with view and layout. data.c/.h - Includes implementations about application's data.