GENIVI Node Startup Controller README ===================================== This is the official source repository of the GENIVI Node Startup Controller. At present, all relevant documentation for this project is available in the GENIVI wiki on License ------- For licensing information, see the COPYING file distributed along with with this project. Build Dependencies ------------------ The following libraries need to be installed in order to be able to build the Node Startup Controller: automotive-dlt >= 2.2.0 gio-2.0 >= 2.30.0 glib-2.0 >= 2.30.0 gobject-2.0 >= 2.30.0 libsystemd-daemon >= 183 In addition to this, and apart from the standard tools like autoreconf, automake and libtool, the following command-line utilities need to be available for building: gdbus-codegen gtkdocize (and related GTK-Doc tools) Build Instructions ------------------ In order to build the Node Startup Controller, run the following: (test -d m4 || mkdir m4) && gtkdocize && autoreconf -ivf && ./configure [options] && make The following configure options are available apart from the standard choices: --enable-debug=: Enables or disables debug builds. Enabling debug will cause more compiler warnings to be generated that are then treated as errors and make the build fail. This is useful for catching problems during development. The default is "no". --with-prioritised-luc-types=: Allows to define an ordered list of LUC types to be prioritised during start-up. The default is an empty list. For more information about all available configure options, run: ./configure --help Install Instructions -------------------- To install the Node Startup Controller after having built it, run: make install Testing Instructions -------------------- To run any test suites shipped with the Node Startup Controller, run: make check There may also be some post-install tests that can only be performed after installing the Node Startup Controller into the system. Those can be executed with: make installcheck