CONTENT 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE MEDIA VISION PACKAGE 2. USAGE OF PORTING LAYER FOR CHANGING MEDIA VISION ENGINE MODULES 3. OPEN PORT REQUIRED PACKAGES 4. TEST SUITE 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE MEDIA VISION PACKAGE Media Vision package includes following modules: Common, Media Vision Barcode, Media Vision Face and Media Vision Image. Common module provides two handles (mv_source_h and mv_engine_config_h) and related fuctionality. It used by barcode detector and generator submodules. mv_source_h is used for wrapping raw image data buffers. mv_engine_config_h is optional. It can be used for fine tuning of internal libraries which are used by API. mv_engine_config_h handle usually can be used by barcode detector and/or generator modules (these modules provide mv_barcode_detector and mv_barcode_generator internal libraries) in the case when Native API doesn't cover all features supported by internal libraries. Using NULL instead of real mv_engine_h handle as functions parameter has to be taken into account. In most cases API user prefer to ignore detailed configuration of the modules. Barcode detector submodule API provides tools to analyze the image buffers using mv_barcode_detect() function. This analysis strives to detect barcodes at the image, determine the type and extract the message. Results can be processed using mv_barcode_detected_cb callback. Barcode generator submodule API provides tools to generate image buffer (or image file) with barcode. Barcodes generation can be configured by type, message, size, encoding mode, ECC (error correction level), version (three last setting are allowed only for QR Codes). One of two functions can be used: mv_barcode_generate_source() to generate the mv_source_h handle and mv_barcode_generate_image() to generate the file with barcode image. Media Vision Face module aggregates functionality for detecting, recognition and tracking the faces on images. More detailed description can be found in doxygen documentation. Media Vision Image module aggregates functionality for recognition and tracking the Flat Image objects. More detailed description can be found in doxygen documentation. 2. USAGE OF PORTING LAYER FOR CHANGING MEDIA VISION ENGINE MODULES By default open source engine libraries are used to provide modules functionality. But it is possible to substitute them by licensed or other custom libraries. To enable building of custom library for the Media Vision package, follow these steps: a. Find CMakeLists.txt in the root of the package directory and change MEDIA_VISION_BARCODE_DETECTOR_LICENSE_PORT (for enabling build of a custom barcode detector library) and/or MEDIA_VISION_BARCODE_GENERATOR_LICENSE_PORT (for enabling build of a custom barcode generator library) and/or MEDIA_VISION_FACE_LICENSE_PORT (for enabling build of a custom Media Vision Face library) and/or MEDIA_VISION_IMAGE_LICENSE_PORT (for enabling build of a custom Media Vision Image library) options to ON. Example: # only barcode detector module will be customized option(MEDIA_VISION_BARCODE_DETECTOR_LICENSE_PORT "..." ON) # barcode generator module will be default option(MEDIA_VISION_BARCODE_GENERATOR_LICENSE_PORT "..." OFF) # face module will be default option(MEDIA_VISION_FACE_LICENSE_PORT "..." OFF) # image module will be default option(MEDIA_VISION_IMAGE_LICENSE_PORT "..." OFF) b. Options change will cause CMake to build from different subdirectories of mv_barcode/mv_face/mv_image directories. mv_barcode/barcode_detector, mv_barcode/barcode_generator, mv_face/face, mv_image/image subdirectories are used by default. mv_barcode/barcode_detector_lic, mv_barcode/mv_barcode_generator_lic, mv_face/face_lic, mv_image/image_lic subdirectories will be used during build if the corresponding option in ON. *_lic subdirectories already include base structure of the porting layer projects, and files will be used by main capi-media-vision library. Use this files to call functions from custom libraries. For example, you can change mv_barcode_detect_lic.c file in such a way: #include "mv_barcode_detect_lic.h" #include "custom_library_header.h" int mv_barcode_detect_lic( mv_source_h source, mv_engine_config_h engine_cfg, mv_rectangle_s roi, mv_barcode_on_detected_cb detect_cb, void *user_data) { mv_quadrangle_s *locations = NULL; const char *messages = NULL; mv_barcode_type_e *types = NULL; // Here the call of the custom barcode detection function from // custom_library_header.h: int barcodes_number = custom_library_function( source, roi, &locations, &messages, &types); if (barcodes_number > 0) { detect_cb( source, engine_cfg, locations, messages, types, barcodes_number, user_data); delete[] locations; delete[] messages; delete[] types; } return TIZEN_ERROR_NONE; } c. Change the packaging/capi-media-vision.spec to support any packages required to be found into the system for success build of the custom libraries. You also can remove requirements on open packages that are required by disabled barcode generator/detector, face, image ports. See list of the dependencies in the section 3 of this README file. d. Modify mv_barcode/_lic/CMakeLists.txt file for linking required libraries and/or including additional headers. Don't modify the project name or reset ${MV_BARCODE_DETECTOR_LIB_NAME}, ${MV_BARCODE_GENERATOR_LIB_NAME}, ${MV_FACE_LIB_NAME}, ${MV_IMAGE_LIB_NAME} variables, because porting layer use these ones during the build. If it is required to change projects/libraries names, best solution is to change MV_BARCODE_DETECTOR_LIB_NAME, MV_BARCODE_GENERATOR_LIB_NAME, MV_FACE_LIB_NAME, MV_IMAGE_LIB_NAME options in the CMakeLists.txt file that is located in the root of the package sources. 3. OPEN PORT REQUIRED PACKAGES Building default barcode detector and generator libraries requires following dependencies: Barcode detector: zbar Barcode generator: zint Media Vision Face: opencv_core, opencv_objdetect, opencv_contrib Media Vision Image: opencv_core, opencv_highgui, opencv_imgproc, opencv_objdetect, opencv_features2d, opencv_nonfree, opencv_calib3d You can remove BuildRequires sections for these libraries from packaging/capi-media-vision.spec file if corresponding module/modules is/are disabled with options mentioned in 2.a. 3. TEST SUITE capi-media-vision package includes test suites which allow to check API functionality. The test suite applications provide console interface that allows to select options for barcode generation and detection, face detection, recognition and tracking, image recognition and tracking. Source codes of the testsuites are located in corresponding subdirectories of the test directory in the capi-media-vision project root: test/testsuites/barcode test/testsuites/face test/testsuites/image