Automotive Message Broker is a vehicle network abstraction system. It brokers information from the vehicle to applications. It provides application with a rich API for accessing vehicle data. Automotive Message Broker is built using CMake and requires libltdl (libtool), libjson-c, and boost packages. About the Git Tree: master is expected to be unstable and may not even compile. If you want something more stable, checkout one of the release branches (ie, 0.9.0, 0.10, etc) To build: cd automotive-message-broker mkdir build cd build cmake .. make To install: sudo make install To run: ambd ambd can load different plugins. The config file specifies what plugins to use. The default config located in /etc/ambd/config. You can change this or use your own config to have ambd use your own plugins. For example: # copy the config to your own config cp /etc/ambd/config myconfig # edit myconfig and specify the path to your plugin: # change the line: "sources" : [ { "path" : "../plugins/" } ], # to: "sources" : [ { "path" : "/path/to/" } ], Now you can run ambd with: ambd -c /path/to/myconfig also see ambd -h Typically, AMB will be used with the DBus plugin. The DBus plugin automatically makes internal AMB properties available over DBus. See the DBus plugin documentation for more information (plugins/dbus/README). Running with other plugins To learn about running AMB with other plugins, please see the plugins/*/README. Running with the Qt mainloop: Some source and sink plugins may want to use the Qt-based mainloop to take advantage of Qt features. To enable the Qt mainloop, run cmake with -Duse_qtcore=On: cmake .. -Dqtmainloop=On You will also need to edit your config to enable the Qt-based mainloop: { "mainloop" : "/usr/lib/automotive-message-broker/", "sources" : [...], "sinks" : [...] } NOTE: by default the glib mainloop will be used. Questions/Issues/Comments: Questions or Comments can be emailed to: Issues can be submitted on our github page: