Ragel State Machine Compiler -- README ====================================== 1. Build Requirements --------------------- * GNU Make * g++ If you would like to modify Ragel and need to build Ragel's scanners and parsers from the specifications then set BUILD_PARSERS=true in the configure script and then run it. To build the parsers you will need the following programs: * ragel (the most recent version) * kelbt (the most recent version) * gperf To build the user guide the following extra programs are needed: * fig2dev * pdflatex 2. Compilation -------------- To configure type './configure'. The makefiles honour the --prefix option to specify where the program is to be installed to. To build the ragel program type 'make'. To build all the documentation cd to 'doc' and type 'make'. If you don't have all of the programs to build the user guide and just want the man page use 'make ragel.1 rlcodegen.1'. 3. Installing ------------- The command 'make install' will build the programs and install them to $PREFIX/bin/. A 'make install' in the doc directory will make and install all the documentation. The man pages install to $PREFIX/man/man1/ and the user guide and ChangeLog install to $PREFIX/share/doc/ragel/. To install just the man page use 'make man-install'.