using Tizen.NUI; using Tizen.NUI.UIComponents; using Tizen.NUI.BaseComponents; using Tizen.NUI.Constants; using System; namespace FirstScreen { public class FocusData { private string _name; // Name used for FocusData object (mainly to differentiate key frame animation ) private string _imageName; // Image File Name (to be loaded from disk) used for ImageView used in key frame animation private Position _parentOrigin; // ParentOrigin applied to ImageView private Size _initSize; // InitSize used for key frame animation private Size _targetSize; // TargetSize used for key frame animation private float _keyFrameStart; // KeyFrameStart used for key frame animation private float _keyFrameEnd; // KeyFrameEnd used for key frame animation private Direction _direction; // Direction used for key frame animation private ImageView _imageFocus; // ImageView used in key frame animation // Initialize FocusData used for key frame animation public FocusData(string name, string imageName, Direction direction, Position parentOrigin, Size initSize, Size targetSize, float keyFrameStart, float keyFrameEnd) { _name = name; _imageName = imageName; _parentOrigin = parentOrigin; _initSize = initSize; _targetSize = targetSize; _keyFrameStart = keyFrameStart; _keyFrameEnd = keyFrameEnd; _direction = direction; _imageFocus = new ImageView(Constants.ImageResourcePath + "/focuseffect/" + _imageName); // Target _imageFocus.ParentOrigin = _parentOrigin; _imageFocus.PivotPoint = PivotPoint.Center; _imageFocus.PositionUsesPivotPoint = true; _imageFocus.Name = _name; } public enum Direction { Horizontal, Vertical }; public Direction FocusDirection { get { return _direction; } set { _direction = value; } } public string Name { get { return _name; } set { _name = value; } } public string ImageName { get { return _imageName; } set { _imageName = value; } } public Position ParentOrigin { get { return _parentOrigin; } set { _parentOrigin = value; _imageFocus.ParentOrigin = _parentOrigin; } } public Size InitSize { get { return _initSize; } set { _initSize = value; } } public Size TargetSize { get { return _targetSize; } set { _targetSize = value; } } public float KeyFrameStart { get { return _keyFrameStart; } set { _keyFrameStart = value; } } public float KeyFrameEnd { get { return _keyFrameEnd; } set { _keyFrameEnd = value; } } public ImageView ImageItem { get { return _imageFocus; } } } }