using System; namespace FirstScreen { public class Constants { public const int TotalPostersContainers = 2; // Number of Poster ScrollContainers to be added on Top Container public const float TopContainerHeightFactor = 0.38f; // Height Factor of stage height used for Top Container total height public const float TopContainerPositionFactor = 0.50f; // Position Factor of stage height used for Top Container position public const float TopClipLayerHeightFactor = 0.34f; // Height Factor of stage height used for Top Clip layer height public const float TopClipLayerExpandHeightFactor = 0.36f; // Expanded Height Factor of stage height used for Top Clip layer height (used when Bottom container is hidden) public const float PostersContainerHeightFactor = 0.32f; // Height Factor of stage height used for Poster ScrollContainers public const float PostersContainerPadding = 2.0f; // Padding size used between items / images in Poster ScrollContainer public const float PostersContainerMargin = 60.0f; // Extra margin Padding size used between items / images in Poster ScrollContainer when item / image is focused public const float PostersContainerOffsetYFactor = 0.17f; // Position Factor of Poster item height used for Poster items / images position public const float BottomContainerHeightFactor = 0.16f; // Height Factor of stage height used for Bottom Container total height public const float BottomContainerHidePositionFactor = 0.88f; // Position Factor of stage height used for Bottom Container position when bottom container is hidden (not focused) public const float BottomContainerShowPositionFactor = 0.84f; // Position Factor of stage height used for Bottom Container position when bottom container is not hidden (focused) public const float MenuContainerHeightFactor = 0.16f; // Height Factor of stage height used for Bottom ScrollContainers public const float BottomClipLayerHeightFactor = 0.84f; // Height Factor of stage height used for Bottom Clip layer height public const float MenuContainerPadding = 10.0f; // Padding size used between items / images in Menu ScrollContainer public const float MenuContainerMargin = 25.0f; // Extra margin Padding size used between items / images in Menu ScrollContainer when item / image is focused public const float MenuContainerOffsetYFactor = 0.35f; // Position Factor of Menu item height used for Menu items / images position public const float MenuItemWidthFactor = 0.125f; // Width Factor (1/8) of stage Width used for Menu items / images Width public const float MenuItemHeightFactor = 0.10f; // Height Factor of stage height used for Menu items / images Height public const float MenuItemsCount = 14; // Number of Menu items / images used in a Menu ScrollContainer public const float Poster0ItemWidthFactor = 0.25f; // Width Factor (1/4) of stage Width used for Poster items / images Width in a Poster ScrollContainer 0 public const float Poster1ItemWidthFactor = 0.20f; // Width Factor of stage Width used for Poster items / images Width in a Poster ScrollContainer 1 public const float PostersItemHeightFactor = 0.24f; // Height Factor of stage height used for Poster items / images Height public const float PostersItemsCount = 24; // Number of Menu items / images used in a Poster ScrollContainer public const float LauncherWidth = 280.0f; // Width of Launcher. Launcher is used to display three images on left of Menu ScrollContainer public const float LauncherLeftMargin = 40.0f; // Extra Spaces to the left of first Launcher item / image public const float LauncherSeparatorWidth = 20.0f; // Extra area / space to the left of Menu ScrollContainer used for a speration shadow image public const float LauncherItemsCount = 3.0f; // Total number of Launcher items / images public const float LauncherIconWidth = (LauncherWidth - LauncherLeftMargin - LauncherSeparatorWidth) / LauncherItemsCount; // Width of each Launcher item / image public const int SpotLightDuration = 5000; // Duration of Spot Light Animation. public const int FocusTransitionDuration = 350; // MilliSecond Duration of Focus Transition Animation. public const int FocusDuration = 350; // Duration of Focus Animation. public const int ScrollDuration = 350; // Duration of Scroll Animation. // public const string ImageResourcePath = "./firstscreen/images/"; // for Ubuntu public const string ImageResourcePath = "/home/owner/apps_rw/NUISamples.TizenTV/res/images/"; // for target } }