This is CommonAPI-D-Bus 2.1.6 Changes since 2.1.5 - enhanced Windows Support - fixed compile warnings - fixed asciidoc errors - fixed unsubscribe mechanism in DBusEvent and added additional tests for Broadcasts - removed compile warnings in DBusBraodcastTest - Bugfix: DBusEvent does only remove its own subscriptions on unsubscribe / destroy and not all subscriptions for that signal anymore - fixed compilation problem in DBusBroadcastTest.cpp on Windows - improved DBusBroadcastTest and DBusLoadTest - pushed wait time in DBusServiceRegistryTest.SubscribeBeforeConnectWorks to 5 seconds, to avoid timing issues on windows - removing VERBOSE command line flags - making Unittests.vcxproj compile and adapting README to tell developer how he is able to run UnitTests.exe - modified vcxproj file of UnitTests to now use environment variables and relative paths, adapted build execution order in .sln - modified vcxproj file of CommonAPI-DBus to now use environment variables and relative paths, adapted README accordingly - added unit tests for broadcast subscriptions. renamed unit test DBusSelectiveBroadcastTest to DBusBroadcastTest - Implemented stub support for org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties - Removed fulfilling of purely internal promises in ServiceRegistry. - fix for GENIVI bug 164 "Interface names starting with org.freedesktop.* are ignored" - All public inline functions arn't anymore inline - methods with templates excluded - Timeout for introspection call in DBusServiceRegistry set to default value - Windows support, fixed attribute handling with inherited interfaces