What's new in at-spi2-atk 0.3.2: * Some hyperlink fixes. * Cache additions are now done in an idle call. This prevents additions from being made when an object may not be fully initialized and prevents Firefox 3.6 from crashing. * The cache object has been placed into the org.a11y.atspi namespace. What's new in at-spi2-atk 0.3.1: * Added a gconf schema. * org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.GetAll now works rather then crashing. * The position, size, and extents of an AtkSocket are now fetched from the corresponding AtkPlug. * An application is no longer registered if its root is an AtkPlug. * Fix BGO#538680 - Count ignored in GetMatchesTo * Fix FDO#27626 - deadlock when registering an application. * Fix a problem with various hyperlink methods. * Fix for an AtkPlug sometimes not appearing in the hierarchy. * Fix a crash if the registry returns an unexpected message while embedding. * Remove libxml2 dependency since libxml2 is no longer used. * Fix handling of MATCH_ANY for a stateset in a collection match rule. * Disabled relocation by default.