NAME=hwdata VERSION=$(shell awk '/Version:/ { print $$2 }' hwdata.spec) RELEASE=$(shell rpm -q --define 'dist %{nil}' --specfile --qf "%{release}" hwdata.spec) SOURCEDIR := $(shell pwd) include CVSROOT = $(shell cat CVS/Root 2>/dev/null || :) CVSTAG = $(NAME)-r$(subst .,-,$(VERSION)) FILES = pci.ids usb.ids oui.txt pnp.ids .PHONY: all install tag force-tag check commit create-archive archive srpm-x \ clean clog new-pci-ids new-usb-ids new-pnp-ids all: install: mkdir -p -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/$(NAME) for foo in $(FILES) ; do \ install -m 644 $$foo $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/$(NAME) ;\ done mkdir -p -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/modprobe.d install -m 644 -T blacklist.conf $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/modprobe.d/dist-blacklist.conf commit: git commit -a ||: tag: @git tag -s -m "Tag as $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)" $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE) @echo "Tagged as $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)" force-tag: @git tag -f $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE) @echo "Tag forced as $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)" changelog: @rm -f ChangeLog @(GIT_DIR=.git git log > .changelog.tmp && mv .changelog.tmp ChangeLog || rm -f .changelog.tmp) || (touch ChangeLog; echo 'git directory not found: installing possibly empty changelog.' >&2) check: @[ -x /sbin/lspci ] && /sbin/lspci -i pci.ids > /dev/null || { echo "FAILURE: /sbin/lspci -i pci.ids"; exit 1; } && echo "OK: /sbin/lspci -i pci.ids" @./ || { echo "FAILURE: ./"; exit 1; } && echo "OK: ./" @echo -n "CHECK date of pci.ids: "; grep "Date:" pci.ids | cut -d ' ' -f 5 @echo -n "CHECK date of usb.ids: "; grep "Date:" usb.ids | cut -d ' ' -f 6 create-archive: @rm -rf $(NAME)-$(VERSION) $(NAME)-$(VERSION).tar* 2>/dev/null @make changelog @git archive --format=tar --prefix=$(NAME)-$(VERSION)/ HEAD > $(NAME)-$(VERSION).tar @mkdir $(NAME)-$(VERSION) @cp ChangeLog $(NAME)-$(VERSION)/ @tar --append -f $(NAME)-$(VERSION).tar $(NAME)-$(VERSION) @bzip2 -f $(NAME)-$(VERSION).tar @rm -rf $(NAME)-$(VERSION) @echo "" @echo "The final archive is in $(NAME)-$(VERSION).tar.bz2" archive: check clean commit tag create-archive upload: @scp ${NAME}-$(VERSION).tar.bz2$(NAME) dummy: srpm-x: create-archive @echo Creating $(NAME) src.rpm @rpmbuild --nodeps -bs --define "_sourcedir $(SOURCEDIR)" --define "_srcrpmdir $(SOURCEDIR)" $(NAME).spec @echo SRPM is: $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE).src.rpm clean: @rm -f $(NAME)-*.gz $(NAME)-*.src.rpm new-pnp.xlsx pnp.ids.txt clog: hwdata.spec @sed -n '/^%changelog/,/^$$/{/^%/d;/^$$/d;s/%%/%/g;p}' $< | tee $@ download: new-usb-ids new-pci-ids new-oui.txt new-pnp-ids new-usb-ids: @curl -O new-pci-ids: @curl -O new-oui.txt: @curl -O new-pnp-ids: pnp.ids pnp.ids: pnp.ids.txt pnp.ids.patch patch -o $@ $@ new-pnp.xlsx: @curl -o $@ \