ifneq ($(findstring movidius, $(PYTHONPATH)), movidius) export PYTHONPATH:=/opt/movidius/caffe/python:$(PYTHONPATH) endif .PHONY: help help: @echo "\nmake help starting." @echo "Make targets are:" @echo " make help - shows this message" @echo " make install - Installs the ncsdk." @echo " make examples - makes the ncsdk examples." @echo " make api - installs only the api. Ideal for RPi setup." @echo " make uninstall - uninstalls the ncsdk." @echo " make clean - removes targets and intermediate files." .PHONY: all all: install examples .PHONY: opencv opencv: ./install-opencv.sh .PHONY: uninstallopencv uninstallopencv: ./uninstall-opencv.sh .PHONY: prereqs prereqs: @sed -i 's/\r//' ncsdk.conf @if [ -e ncsdk_redirector.txt ] ; \ then \ @sed -i 's/\r//' ncsdk_redirector.txt ; \ fi @sed -i 's/\r//' install.sh @sed -i 's/\r//' uninstall.sh @sed -i 's/\r//' README.md @chmod +x install.sh @chmod +x uninstall.sh @chmod +x install-opencv.sh @chmod +x uninstall-opencv.sh .PHONY: install install: prereqs uninstallopencv @echo "\nmake install starting." ./install.sh .PHONY: uninstall uninstall: prereqs @echo "\nmake uninstall starting." ./uninstall.sh .PHONY: examples examples: prereqs opencv @echo "\nmake examples starting." (cd examples; make) .PHONY: runexamples runexamples: prereqs opencv @echo "\nmake examples starting." (cd examples; make run) .PHONY: api api: @echo "\nmake api starting." (cd api/src; make; sudo make install) .PHONY: clean clean: @echo "\nmake clean starting." (cd examples; make clean)