Test presence of MediaController constructor, controller, and mediaGroup attributes: EXPECTED (typeof(MediaController) != 'undefined') OK EXPECTED (video.controller == 'null') OK EXPECTED (video.mediaGroup == '') OK Test that the presence of a mediaGroup attribute creates a controller: EXPECTED (video2.mediaGroup == 'group') OK EXPECTED (video2.controller != 'null') OK Test that setting mediaGroup to an empty string removes the controller: RUN(video.mediaGroup = '') EXPECTED (video.controller == 'null') OK Test manually creating and assigning a controller to a media element: RUN(controller = new MediaController()) RUN(video.controller = controller) EXPECTED (video.controller == '[object MediaController]') OK Test that two media elements with the same mediaGroup have the same controller: RUN(video.mediaGroup = 'group') RUN(video2.mediaGroup = 'group') EXPECTED (video.controller === video2.controller == 'true') OK END OF TEST