First cell empty, second auto width
First cell empty, second percent width
First cell empty, second fixed width
First cell empty (with space) and has white-space:pre
First cell empty (no space) and has white-space:pre
First cell empty but has border
First cell empty but has padding
First cell empty, table has cellpadding
First cell empty, table has cellspacing
First cell empty but has margin
First cell empty but has background color
First row, first cell empty
text Second row, first cell not empty
First row, first cell empty
Second row, first cell empty
First cell empty, has colspan
text First row, first cell empty, second cell non-empty
Second row, first cell empty with colspan=2
text First row, first cell non-empty, second cell empty
Second row, first cell empty with colspan=2
First row, first and second cell empty
Second row, first cell empty, has colspan=2
First row, first and second cell empty
Second row, first cell empty, has colspan=2 and percent width
First row, first and second cell empty
Second row, first cell empty, has colspan=2 and fixed width
One empty cell:
Two empty cells: