This test that the itemRef should be correct for an element that has itemRef attribute. Created element of type: div Set attribute: itemref, value: foo bar FOO FOo PASS element.itemRef.length == 4 is true PASS element.itemRef.toString() == 'foo bar FOO FOo' is true PASS element.itemRef.item(0) == 'foo' is true PASS element.itemRef.item(1) == 'bar' is true PASS element.itemRef[0] == 'foo' is true PASS element.itemRef[1] == 'bar' is true PASS element.itemRef.contains('bar') is true PASS element.itemRef.contains('foo') is true itemRef should return case-sensitive strings. PASS element.itemRef.item(2) == 'FOO' is true PASS element.itemRef[2] == 'FOO' is true PASS element.itemRef.item(3) == 'FOo' is true PASS element.itemRef[3] == 'FOo' is true itemRef should not contain an undefined token. PASS element.itemRef.contains('test') is false itemRef.length should be 0 if element has not tokens. Created element of type: div Set attribute: itemRef, value: PASS element1.itemRef.length == 0 is true PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE